Didn't like classic Doom or Doom II. Should I try Doom 64?
Didn't like classic Doom or Doom II. Should I try Doom 64?
No, not really. Its the same game just with a moody, spooky atmosphere.
Try Plutonia instead. The only Chad option.
>Didn't like classic Doom or Doom II
You should try a suicide. You get to experience the REAL hell, for free!
Is this how you respond to everything?
This. OG doom is a boring mazefest made before good level design was a thing. I also recommend the Doom II Master Levels, definitely a step up.
No Rest For the Living is fun too.
How do I get Doom to run on my 2DSXL?
This is an overstatement. Only a retard would get lost on classic doom.
I haven't played it since not long after it came out and I was like 17 or 18, but its a really great doom game.
Its a really surprising gem, I think a little too geographically linear but thats just how it was back then.
Slower paced and more of a horror exploration kind of element.
Doing what you gotta do to build that laser gun was engaging too.
Is calling anyone who disagrees with your contrarian opinion a boogeyman the way you respond to everything?
How the fuck do you not like classic Doom or Doom 2?
It's like Diablo but with Guns.
doom 64 was surprisingly amazing. Give it a whirl, they have some VERY Bizzare sound effects too at times that will make you pause and figure out what the hell your listening too
don't play any wads prior to 2005.
This is literally a boogeyman you invented to dismiss any criticism of popular things
You didn't even criticize it, you just said you didn't like it which by definition is a contrarian opinion. Let's see some criticism and then maybe you might have a leg to stand on.
I'm not OP. You faggots just show up in every thread and call everyone a "contrarian" for not liking something
You have no argument, I'm smarter than you, and better than you, in every single way. Don't even reply to this post, because there is nothing you can say to redeem your pathetic self, and anything you have to say will be some low-IQ retards shit anyways.
nah he got you. "muh contrarian" is a shitty boogeyman used by dumbfucks (You)
Doom 64 kinda sucks. Just one tileset, bad maps that are easy to get lost in, boring combat
>I didn't like x
this is the lamest non-argument I have ever seen
Look at the retard go!
Plutonia, Alien Vendetta, Requiem, Scythe, Memento Mori 2, Perdition's Gate are all great megawads prior to 2005
>Look at the retard go!
This is the perfect response to anything. You can use this on any post, yes any post, and it will completely btfo the post no matter what, such that whatever the other person tries to say back will never allow him to recover from the utter btfo
Look at the retard go!
I remember you faggots from another doom thread
didn't realize how were pre 2005. plutonia is garbage though. Memento Mori is better than 2 but both feel quite dated. Vendetta, Requiem and Scythe are great though.
No? It has more puzzle solving and key collecting but it's still closely related to Doom I & II. If you didn't like those games then don't bother with 64.
you just shouldn't play games. find a hobby more your speed like kicking rocks
Plutonia is a bit ugly with all the brown tones but it still amazing in terms of gameplay. It was the first wad to really take advantage of the cool Doom 2 bestiary using clever monster placement and fast-paced combat.
Look at the retard go!
>OG doom is a boring mazefest
That's Wolf 3D.
>recommend the Doom II Master Levels
>That's Wolf 3D
yes, OG doom clearly shows its roots.
i can see it being noteworthy for historical purposes like MM but what it helped create has only been further advanced and perfected by a great deal of wads since then.
It's nice for a playthrough, but the hexen tier switch hunting bullshit kills any desire to replay it
It has worse maps than Doom, and is about on par with Doom II given that Doom II maps vary from Amazing to FUCK SANDY PETERSON tier, but it utilizes less monsters on screen at any time, and has a smaller demon roster than Doom II, which sucks. It is very limited due to that, and the movement is also weird. Play some Doom II wads instead. Or just replay Doom.
>OG doom is a boring mazefest
>I also recommend the Doom II Master Levels
absolute shit taste
Yep. I know someone is retard when he uses "mazefest" to define the simple but non-linear design from Doom
The guy probably only played COD and half-life for his entire life.
>muh COD
What is this, 2012? Get new material, retard.
No but lets talk about 64. Alot of faggots spam shit like ENEMY COUNT ENEMY COUNT! But levels on the highest difficulty have more enemies then most Doom1/2 levels and even some Plutonia levels.
Also levels from pistol start on WMD are great.
>Master levels
Legitimately the worst shit retail Doom wise and make Doom 2 look great. There are like 5 good ones the level 32 is a shitty gimmick level you see some retarded kid make and put a Terry trap at the end in. It has tons of shitty line defs and triggers as well and some levels feel bad as fuck with pistol start.
Trapped on Titan is pretty much the only level that stands out to me and it has a few rooms that just look ugly and feel slapped together.
The new lost levels are pretty based as well.
Pretty nice after the disappointment that was duum eternal
Did you play it on bitch modes? WMD has more enemies then most Doom1/2 maps and the maps flow just fine. Only like 2-3 maps are hard to see the path in. Yeah the music/repetitive graphics aren't as good or charming as Doom 1/2 but that doesn't detract from the level design/enemy layouts. Also levels actually have proper weapon setups unlike Doom 2 where most of the maps are shotgun/chaingun slogs with no SSG or rocket launcher.
Cope harder faggot.
COD is a good case to demonstrate how retard level design can be and should keep be used for that
Yeah i enjoyed the last level even if it felt like a bigger absolution copy. Its pretty crazy how these weird nobody teams capture Doom pretty well. The lost levels and the team that made No rest for the living both did excellent jobs.
Imagine being too stupid to hit tab and look at your automap if you get lost lijje this guy
I feel like Doom 64 has good level layouts for pistol start because the game was based around a password system and memory paks were a luxury
At least that's how it felt when I originally played it on the n64
>COD is a good case
But I'm not talking about COD or any of its level design. You are. Sounds like you have a fixation.
>It's the same game
Boco you fucking retard
I actually like the music a lot in 64. Reminds me of Quake
neither COD nor Doom have good level design
Nice bait!
>huur doom is such a mazefest why I can't just go from point A to point B as I always do
I think you should try another hobby.
It literally fucking is. It could've passed as a Doom 2 map pack.
A shitty maze that you can easily traverse is still a shitty maze
By the way, everything looks the same in your shitty game. All the walls and rooms. Deal with it
Doom 64 is better yes
But I'm not arguing that you should be able to go from point A to point B at all. You're the only one implying that.
It's good, but it's not going to magically change your mind on 2.5D shooters. I don't see many games outside of like Blood doing that.