What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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Controlling cunt girlfriends, just like always.
It's okay bro, Pat and Woolie are starting a new podcast called Castle Super Beast. They won't be held back anymore by those lazy SJWs Matt and Liam, and it's going to be redpilled as fuck
Matt being overly sensitive and Pat being an obnoxious sperg.
They were destined to break up.
Liam literally breaking down on stream and crying because Woolie got a partnership with Roosterteeth instead of him.
I can see why Matt couldn't take someone like Pat for very long, but he's also a major pissbaby
>Woolie almost realizes his head is shoved up his own ass
>immediately 180s and blames the fanbase
Pat called Matt retarded during the Smash bros ultimate Friday night fights
>Danganronpa: Ultra Despair Girls Episode 47
>Tokyo Mirage Sessions: Episode 52
>Detroit: Become Human 2nd Playthrough
Woolie being insane and using fucked up mouse and controller hybrid to play fps games
>Liam matures and gets over his anxieties and comes back
>Matt is still a baby but gets dumped by his dumb gf and comes back
>All is talked out and forgiven
>Castle Super Beast 2.0
>Everyone expects and knows how to deal with Pats autism without getting butthurt now
>Good times ahead
will never happen
Is There full story about this shit anywhere? I heard it was about smash video but i didnt known that lmao
Literally what is wrong with Pat? He seems like an ok guy, sure he has strong opinions about things but he not an asshole to people or anything.
>pick out one or two of them as obnoxious when they were still together
>they split
>brings out the fact that actually all of them were/are obnoxious
>Guy who is portrayed as the angry manlet of the group for years turns out to be an angry manlet
How is Pat so fucking BORING without Matt? At least Matt and Woolie can produce actual videos, Pat is devoid of charm or anything when he's by himself.
How can you listen to Pat talk for more than a few minutes and not understand how grating he would be to work with
nah he's fine. he's making big bucks as a streamer, people like him obviously
I don't see how anyone can put up with pat for more than a few minutes at a time. He has nothing going for him, he's short, ugly, bald, fat, and has a terrible personality yet somehow he managed to find the one person in the universe that has a fetish for exactly that. Of course, she is a complete blithering retard that's literally falling apart with a skull that's too big for her face.
Dude's got close to zero filter
Knowing someone like that, it was difficult to interact with them on a daily basis
>that autismo hybrid gamepad/mouse argument
Jesus Christ Woolie shut the fuck up and just use a mouse and keyboard you self indulgent fart sniffing fuck.
Pat's a shittalker, Matt and Liam weren't at that level, Woolie was and still is. Pat gives Woolie shit and Woolie gives it right back and then Pat concedes and respects it and they're still friends and can laugh about how dumb they both are. Matt and Liam just aren't like that, or at least not to the level that Pat takes it to. It's funny to say, but Pat understands how to make "good radio" and so does Woolie. The others were too thin skinned.
seethe liam
Literally never good.
>That time Pat just came out as an SJW
These people are all awful. There's no such thing as a good E-celeb.
I WON'T BE BULLIED. Man I don't hate them but godamn are these dudes fucking losers sometimes. Also the amount of times they've hyped something up only for it to be average at best is insane.
Who the fuck shitts naked
It starts at about the 2 hour 46 minute mark in the latest podcast and goes on for half an hour or so. There may even be some discussion before that, it's related to his current Black Mesa LP.
Matt being the nice one and Pat being the angry one always felt off.
Pat asked Liam to watch him masturbate. Liam consentually agreed, but then decided years later it was sexual harassment.
>the youtube comments and twitter's... tweets are two worlds apart
always makes me kek
I only listen to Gigaboots podcasts now.
agh, I don't understand.
Who's the fuck is the SJW? Pat or Matt?
>Woolie starting to call out Pat's "dude it's ok to act like an annoying asshole because I KNOW I'm acting like an annoying asshole so that makes it ironic" horseshit and how stale and repetitivr his humor is getting
>Pat starting to call out Woolie's stubbornness and self-indulgence
It begins boys. I give it until the end of the year
Go back to shilling OLED’s Dan.
Watching Pat and Paige streams is fucking great. They're both mentally screwing and play off each other so well. Liam and Matt were oversensitive babies. Matt has ZERO charisma, realizing that all he had was fart gas and Simpsons jokes. Liam is just a contrarian faggot
Sounds pretty liberating ngl, going to try it myself next time. I only wish I had a toilet in the same room as the bathroom so that I could just step in to the shoring immediately afterwards.
Egos clashing until Matt, who owned the channel and couldn't stand being the least popular person on it, decided to take his ball and go home.
It's a shame. I don't follow any of them now that they're separate. They just don't cut it as solo acts, and any collaborations are poisoned by the fact that I know they never liked each other for real.
I wonder if they'll start having guests on every now and then in an effort to keep each other under control.
when did this start happening?
liam is worse. they're all boring without each other
They're Canadian. They're all SJWs.
Favorite playthroughs? Their XCOM 2 Ironman run was great. No matt either
When Pat "doesn't get" something, he will screech the conversation to an absolute awkward, fucking awful halt. Woolie tries to continue the convo, but Pat has to be an asshole about it.This has happened a lot in prior Castlesuperbeast podcasts. That said, I love Pat. But fuck man, I get why the others wouldn't want to work with him.
I stopped watching them entirely and they just suck by themselves. Who gives a fuck they're all faggots
Last week's podcast
They wouldnt be having 5 hours long podcasts every week if they hated eachother
>He seems like an ok guy, sure he has strong opinions about things but he not an asshole to people or anything.
are we talking about the same Pat?
The NBA 2Kwhatever with ghosts at the same time was also great.
>They never took to being youtubers in a professional manner fully. They didn't upload streams in a timely fashion, they didn't edit videos sufficiently, they didn't bother with a proper podcasting setup or production, etc.
>Liam has personal issues that interfered with his public facing work. Not his fault, but still an issue.
>Matt and Pat both clearly grew to prefer different formats and lost interest in the channel's from 2017 onwards. Matt grew to prefer scripted content in a one-and-done format over long improv play sessions and podcasts, and Pat grew to prefer the lesser effort of Streaming and more direct fan interaction over recorded play sessions. Both still dabble in each but they clearly don't want to be fulltime letsplayers anymore and it showed with how checked out Matt was the final year of the channel and how Pat started putting more effort into his side gig.
>Pat and Woolie talked with confidence about shit they're wrong on constantly and don't ever really improve on it overall even if they learn more about particular topics.
>Matt grew too dependent on the same rota of jokes and stopped being able to banter as much while being less into new games than the rest which made him a more boring watch over time.
>At some point Liam and Matt both became alienated from Pat and left over it.
Since breaking up the issues are
>Pat is a lazy fuck who doesn't want to put more effort in than he needs to to please his paypigs and his autism is worse now he's the sole boss
>Woolie wants to stand solo without needing Pat but most of his other friends suck as commentators and he can't find a new niche to fill besides fightan games which there are much better options for given his low skill
>Matt mostly does fine if derivative scripted content that's not very interesting but at least well produced
>Liam somehow imploded his meagre fanbase over time and now has a normie job and only streams as a side gig, and does so inconsistently
Omnikron just to see their mentality degrade over time. Beyond Two Souls wasn't bad either
Hi liam, you dumb balding pedophile
Woolie fucking does it to. Like if he thinks some inane nonsense is funny he'll just yammer on and on about it. Or any time some dummy in the chat says something about him he gets insecure and he takes like half an hour to "explain himself"
Pat is the kind of guy who can't take anything seriously and will push people's buttons for the fun of it. It makes for great content but annoying partnership.
Matt ran out of references and patience and got bored with the channel. The final incident was clearly something between him and Pat
Woolie has enough natural charisma that he can excel with any of the others, but he has absolutely no ability to know what games will make good content or how to edit videos.
Liam just sucks
I don't care what anyone says, Woolie is the fucking worst of this group.
Never forget the R1 moment and how fucking salty he was about it, when it was his own retarded fault
>Matt is an adult child who plays house-husband to a fat bitch with mafia ties
>Liam is a closet tranny who let peoples' jokes get under his skin
>Woolie is boring as shit and thinks he's a philosopher
>Pat gives zero fucks to the detriment of those around him
A hilarious combination but it was always doomed to fail.