1. Animal Crossing: New Horizons
2. Bayonetta 2
3. Final Fantasy VII Remake
4. Kingdom Hearts III
5. Legend of Zelda: BOTW
6. Marvel's Spider-Man
7. Pokemon Sword and Shield
8. Super Princess Peach
9. Tomb Raider
1. Animal Crossing: New Horizons
2. Bayonetta 2
3. Final Fantasy VII Remake
4. Kingdom Hearts III
5. Legend of Zelda: BOTW
6. Marvel's Spider-Man
7. Pokemon Sword and Shield
8. Super Princess Peach
9. Tomb Raider
who care
nintendo is 5/9 games
therefore, nintendo is le gay
If you are upset that gay people like certain games then you're beyond hopeless.
10. Warframe
>FIVE nintendo games
can't make this shit up
>no mmos
Framing bullshit. Gay people like the same stuff straight people do. These "journalists" are basically Nazis.
Its ok OP thanks for sharing your fav games
t. fag
I've never played any of those gay ass games, thank god.
>gay people breath air
Wtf am I gay if I breath air too??
Can't wait until corona and yellowstone causes a bottleneck in humanity and newspeak terms like "queer" will be a relic of a bygone age.
FPBP jesus christ talk about fun games that's it
What the fuck is "queer people"? Back in my day faggots hated being called queers, they like it now?
Why would gay men want to play as a lesbian?
>8. Super Princess Peach
Bull shit, nobody likes Super Princess Peach.
More like GAYtendo
>Pokemon Sword and Shield
This but unironically
>Games that are super popular are also super popular among a small demographic
More like OP is a Fag Times
You cared enough to click on this thread.
>game that isn't even out yet made the list
oh shit i guess we should pretend we never liked any of those now
These are all my favorite games.
lmao everyone is bashing the remake shills
>4. Kingdom Hearts III
Makes sense.
>6. Marvel's Spider-Man
>8. Super Princess Peach
That's weird.
we still dont, the sjws memed it onto us when it wasnt even their slur to reclaim. Never met a gay MAN who uses it, only ever women and tumblrites.
Oh and of that list I only like Bayonetta.
BUT WHAT'S 10???
>no DMC5 aka game with most gay SFM
>no RE6 despite Chris being "biggest gay icon"
I'm queer and I fucking hated kingdom hearts 3, but only because I'm queer enough to, for some fucking reason, care deeply about the rest of the series' monstrous lore and characters. Nomura is a fucking hack and has been since AT LEAST DDD
>GAY times
OP is a fag.
Capcoom is the fujo demo not the gay.
>Super Princess Peach
I love how it's all current gen and then this one previous gen pick out of fucking nowhere
Gays want to fuck spiderman and trannies want to be a princess
Fujos are into Leon and V, not Chris and Nero+Donte.
le mao
I cared until they kept fucking around after BBS. BBS was peak KH and it was like a fraction of KH or KH2's length even if you bother to get Ultima Weapon despite it having no practical function in game.
Nomura is high off his own farts.
I've literally never played any of those games.
What 9 games do heterosexuals play?
>No Sims
Shit list OP
That’s fags for you they don’t actually play games
pretty accurate
>t. faggot
Agreed, this is bizarre. What makes a game gay? How does being gay influence one's taste in vidya?
BBS is fun but I think it introduced so much more complexity in terms of characters, worlds, lore that was never planned and cannot ever be resolved properly because Nomura loves to add / twist instead of resolve because he thinks it's so fucking genius. I'm not even claiming that anything past KH1 was planned, but at least CoM, KH2, and Days were somewhat manageable. BBS, DDD, and KhUX are all fucking bananas and way out of Nomura's scope at this point
Absolutely based fag.
I refuse to believe that anyone would bother listing super princess peach in their top 10. Sounds like someone just listed games they think gay people would like.
Caw of Dooty : Modern Warfare 2
katawa shoujo
Starfox adventures
Sengoku Rance
dishwasher vampire smile
world of final fantasy maxima
Persona 3
Resident Evil 4
Sonic Heroes
Sounds about right
I suppose it makes sense for Spidey, now it's weird SPP is on the list since how people complained about Peach's thing with mood swings in that game.
>bayonetta 2
You faggots can sit with us at the based table now
the other games are cringe tho
Played none of OP, 4 of these. Fuck yeah I'm straight now.
What are the top 9 games for autists? Submitting Dwarf Fortress, any Paradox game and Runescape as contenders.
>two nomura games
Minecraft and tf2.
this. Ran into so fucking many fags and trannies when i played that game, made playing an ironically gay character a bit more difficult.
add touhou, ARMA III, goldeneye and super mario 64
9 Foods them negro fellas love, from Fried Chicken to Watermelon
excuse me, im not gay. But yes, I play animal crossing every day.
And the dranks they can’t get enough up those apes love to slurp on some purple drank and koolaid
What's the point of these articles anyway ? just to enrage some autist and push him on a rampange against faggots ?
I'm a gay and my 9 favorite games in no order are:
1. Panzer Dragoon Zwei
2. Nights into Dreams
3. Daytona USA
4. Monkey Island II
5. System Shock 1+2
6. Silent Hill
7. Pikmin 1
8. Half Life 2
9. Minecraft
>Bayonetta confirmed gay
How will Bayofags and Platinumfags recover?
>Bayonetta 2
Yeah you'd have to be pretty gay to enjoy playing 2 over 1.
im going to rate it as we do in chart threads
/ / -
/ + +
+ - +
its alright
wouldn't say you're gay based on it
kill more vidya "journalists"