Can anyone explain to me what do they see in TifaxCloud?

How come nobody thinks Tifa deserves better than Cloud?
> Cloud leaves to become a soldier, fails, completely abandons Tifa and never talks to her again
Meanwhile Tifa has been waiting for hima nd asking everywhere non stop trying to find out if he became a soldier
> Cloud is mind fucked, treats Tifa like complete shit
Aerith shows up and Cloud high fives her 2 times and talks about falling in love with her the next day

Why people like that relationship? Tifa's been through a lot and deserves better than being the second choice of Cloud after Aerith dies.
Cloud literally promises Tifa to save her, but when she's actually in trouble AERITH HAS TO BEG HIM to save Tifa?

What cuts the most about that scene is that a minute before, LITERALLY, he offers to go ALL THE WAY BACK with Aerith to make sure she gets safe home... He's willing to do that for Aerith but would let Tifa get gangraped?

Like, seriously, you can love Tifa all you want but how can you think she and Cloud should be together after how shitty he is?

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Tifa is unironically too clingy.

He had already fullfilled that promise in Nibel.


Anything else is headcanon.

You're thinking about it all wrong.
Cloud is the player character.
Player character gets the best waifu.
That's it.
You're literally thinking about it entirely wrong by thinking about character motivations. Cloud is not a character. Cloud is the player.

>has to strongarm him into the promise
>he tries to get out of helping her any chance he can get
>meanwhile he goes out of his way to come for Aerith all on his own


But Cloud is his own character, you're playing as him. You're not playing as you and Tifa is not kissing or hugging you.

You're never going to be Cloud, same as trannies will never be real women.

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I just want to know where all this relationship bullshit is even coming from. The only arguable relationship in the original game was the one between Aeris and Cloud and that fizzled because of reasons everyone knows about. Outside that, there's no romance in FF7. Cloud and Tifa are not an item and there's no romance between them. All this waifu and relationship bullshit is a made-incel phenomenon. It doesn't exist yet they managed to thirst themselves into seeing something that isn't there.

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Tifa treated Cloud like shit. She let her friends bully him when they were little. She deserves to get thot-patrolled now that they are older.

>But Cloud is his own character

Not really. He has a defined past and such, but all of that is thrown in the trash when the player picks up the joypad. Hell, my Cloud isn't even CALLED Cloud, he's called Fagface. That's his actual name, inputted by me in the name screen.
These are games, not movies, and stories in games have special considerations. One of them is that the protagonist character never has any actual character because he's defined by whatever the player decides to insert into him.

Tif and Cloud kiss or have "sex" near the end of the game and you can go on a date with Tifa, and Tifa always showed interest for Cloud, you can also tell Aerith that Tifa is your GF.

But you're right, compared to the remake, Tifa x Cloud didn't get shit. Here in the remake Tifa is way too thisty and Cloud treats her like crap.

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I'd also like to remind everyone that the main reason Cloud goes into Don Corneo's mansion and dressed up like a girl is because he doesn't want Aerith getting raepd in the "auditions".

Kek, that's not how canon works silly user!

You're never going to be Cloud! You're never going to be badass and white and blonde and have pretty green eyes! You'll never have girls fighting for you! You'll never look good on a dress or be able to grab a sword since you're too fat to even get up of your chair!

Silly willy anonilly!

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>caring about shipping
>when time ghosts are around

>Tif and Cloud kiss or have "sex" near the end of the game and you can go on a date with Tifa, and Tifa always showed interest for Cloud, you can also tell Aerith that Tifa is your GF.

All of that as always optional though, and in the Remake you don't even have the option to say she is Cloud's gf. He even goes on to say Tifa isn't special to him, either.

I do agree in the Remake CloudxTifa gets peanuts and CloudxAerith pretty much gets everything. A borderline love confession towards the end, too.

tifa is a cumdump and even (You) knew that

His eyes are blue actually. They only get green when he catches Sephiroth AIDS.

that's up to the time jannies to decide.

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>All of that as always optional though


Hell yeah it is but you cannot say there is no romance BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T CLICK THOSE OPTIONS. Wtf!!!! "There is no ending to this game because I lost and uninstalled it 2 hours in"???

Dragon Age is LITERALLY A DATING SIMULATOR, you cannot say there is no romance in dragon age because you don't romance anyone!


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Tifa is the caring type of gf and aerith is the sassy type of gf. Its just whatever you find more appealing in a relationship. Do you want someone who will look after you or do you want someone who will banter with you

I'm not talking about that. This is not judging who is better wife material. This is about how Cloud treats Tifa in game and people still ship them, while Aerith gets her toes licked by Cloud and Tifawhales are all "Uhhh hurr durr Tifa got better romance!"

YOU SHOULD BE MAD YOU DIDN'T GET SHIT, being delusional helps no one!

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I'll be honest I didn't really read the op. I just looked at the picture and skimmed a few of the words


Ah as if it weren't obvious enough

You could also go on a "date" with barrett. The one with Tifa was just them talking as friends. Aeris is the only date with flirting.

I think it's fair to say that 4-5 years as a comatose lab experiment probably qualifies him as being through more than her.

What? How should I call you? Instead of fighting for Tifa x Cloud all you guys do is cry in a corner and take drugs to pretend Cloud likes Tifa in this game.

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It's because she used to look amazing with big tits.
Now she just looks like she her limit break is eating bat soup

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>trapped or in trouble
Well, if he thinks she can handle it on her own, she's not "trapped or in trouble" so he doesn't need to come?

That's not the point, Aerith had a shitty life too, they are all a trio of losers. Yet Tifa is the one who ends up with Cloud, and Cloud doesn't deserve her and clearly wants Aerith.

Why aren't people bothered Tifa is the second woman? The replacement as soon as Tifa dies? I would be devastated if my future husband only wanted me after his first husband dies.

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>she's a big girl
where is the bane edit of tifa?

He'll end up with Tifa since Aerith has Chad Zack

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Then why he immediately changes his mind as soon as Aerith reprimands him?

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kill yourself dumb mutt


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Did they leave in the part at the Wall Market where Aerith reveals that she used to be a prostitute or was that also Nomura'd?

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Based and canonpilled

>rambles about how all of that optional
>brings up optional aerith stuff

couldn't be more transparent

Because then he'd just have to deal with her nagging him about it for the rest of the day.

Aerith clearly likes Cloud more, she's way over Zack.

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So he didn't even want to save Tifa and did it all because he didn't want Aerith mad? He's a simp for Aerith then?

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>she's way over Zack.
Not when Zack's alive again

Why would you ever like Tifa in the first place.
She's just a generic Asian woman with no really identifiable traits.
Why would you want the main character to get with a non-character in the first place?

That only happened in your head.

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fan fiction, cloud x aeris

She connected with Cloud way more than she did with Zack, and she loved Zack only when she was 15.

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He was confident she could handle it on her own and didn't need him to babysit her, and went to soothe the other persons concerns, yes.

TBF, the part where the turk guy says "Who's this? Your new boy toy?" makes me question stuff, who used to be her previous boy toy???

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former fanfiction, now the future.


BRO, literally A MINUTE BEFORE, he offers to go ALL THE WAY BACK to take Aerith home, we spent 2 hours going from Aerith house to Sector 7, AND HE WANTS TO GO BACK, just to make sure she's safe and because he enjoyed spending time with her.

BUT HE SEES TIFA LITERALLY GOING AFTER A MAFIA BOSS and he has to be begged by Aerith to do something about it??


I know reality can be often times disappointing, but it' better than living in dreamland where nothing is true.

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Whos the fucking autist posting this weird pics

I like her. She doesn't have a strong personality because she's supposed to be shy and reserved (despite the remake turning her into an anime thirsty high schooler).

She's meant to be a tortured character, who suffers a lot and instead of doing stuff for her she keeps worrying only about family and friends. That's why she deserves love so bad, but the love she deserves shouldn't come from Cloud because he's an asshole to her.

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Let me see: hapa, athletic, rock hard tummy, perky ass, firm thighs, tiddies, lusts after your cock, thinks you look hot as fuck in uniform, will suck your soul through your dick. What else? How can you not like Tifa?

shipping, not even once.

Tifa loves Cloud unconditionally, even though he'll never love her like he did Aerith.
She'll always be his second choice, but she'll accept it because she just wants to be in his life.
I can relate to it, which is what makes me love it.


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>She doesn't have a strong personality because she's supposed to be shy and reserved (despite the remake turning her into an anime thirsty high schooler).
Imagine being this clueless about a character

You literally created your own tifa in your mind, fucking secondary
>Bright and optimistic, Tifa always cheers up the others when they're down. But don't let her looks fool you, she can decimate almost any enemy with her fists...
This is tifa. Not your reserved waifu you invented.

MMmm yeah I guess those kinds of relationships exists, hell, how many people IRL don't go for someone who doesn't fully love them back? It's common. I guess it's good that VII has that kind of romance instead of the typical 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10, etc and all other Final Fantasies with a normal disney romance.

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Always easy to spot the fags who never played the orginal. If you did, you should be able to answer this.

What is Aerith's response when dressing up for Corneo and Cloud asks if she's ok dressing like that

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Bro, the whole point of Tifa is how she never talks about herself, it's Aerith the one who can see past Cloud because dumb Tifa just lets Cloud treat her like shit.

I wouldn't be surprised if in the remake Cloud starts beating Tifa after they get together. She would take it.

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Stop avatarfagging with your shitty emulator screenshots.

I dunno the answer, can you tell me? In the remake her answer is "Corneo's got certain taste...", knowing that means she lived in the slums all her life, not that she was a whore, but maybe she says something different in the original, what is it?

I'm trying to google it but I can't find any result that is not the remake.

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They straight up dated in canon. Go fuck yourself.

No thanks. Do you wanna play it? It's called Episode - Choose your Story, the story is More than Friends, I can teach you to hack it if you want! So you can have gay sex with Shay and marry him since everything is behind a paywall

Attached: MEmu 2020-04-07 07-01-25-49.jpg (564x1008, 71.91K)

Thought so.

She goes "I'm a girl from the slums... none of this is new for me."


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CC is non canon, canon is
>he was my first crush in a "Wouldn't be nice if we dated" kinda way.

What's the original line in Japanese? if you care about the original you should be able to answer this.

CC is very canon, and Aeris says Zack is the first man she ever loved in the remake.

The compilation has always been canon, you saying it isn't doesn't make it so.

Cool. Can I makeout with Tifa as her?

I dunno the answer, can you tell me?

I'm trying to google it but I can't find any result that is not the remake.

You play 5 times as Aerith during the story. 0 as tifa. 0 as Barret, but in the original you play as Tifa in some scenes so I expect it to be different in pat 2 and 3.

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In the remake Aerith says that Zack was the first man she loved. And I think some user faked some webms of Cloud kissing Aerith and Aerith saying "That was my first kiss!" because I can't find it anywhere.

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I doubt we'll control anyone other than Cloud and Zack in the second part considering it's completely different from the original game. Cloud has no reason to break this time.

>treats Tifa like complete shit
Years of watching anime kinda makes me numb to that. A good and caring girl getting shit on is just another day in anime and manga, maybe video games to some extent.

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Ignore me. I'm wrong and a faggot. Totally remembered this scene differently.

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Well they weren't dating in CC either, Zack just came to her Church every couple of months.

>Cloud has no reason to break this time.
*laughs in Kikeroth*