Wouldn't it have been trivially easy for the sole survivor to find out what year it is...

Wouldn't it have been trivially easy for the sole survivor to find out what year it is, and realize that their son is now a old man?
Surely there's got to be atleast one terminal somewhere that's been keeping track of what year it is.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Yes, that's not the problem. The problem is when you're first unfrozen you don't know the year compared to when you're unfrozen the second time.

he didn't know when they took him genius

Except you don't know what year Shaun is taken so any terminal checking is moot

I don't understand how was Kellogg still middle aged if my son had time to grow into being an old man.

Kellogg's sure to have been synth'd up to hell, and he did visibly age.

Then why didn't they do that to Shaun?

Because Shaun axed the cybernetics program because it was unethical or something.
It would have made so much more sense if Kellogg was just wearing a mask/helmet in the intro, and when you confront him he's not wearing it and is an older man so you assume he was that old all along.

There has to be a log for events like that

What about the part where you literally go into the memories of the guy that took your son?

Because Bethesda are a bunch of lazy hacks and wanted to have their cake and eat it too by trying to keep the "twist" with Shaun going, while also having Kellog be the antagonistic character who took him that you could recognize without immediately giving away the twist.

Seriously its amazing how big a pile of shit some of their writing gets when you look at it for longer than 5 seconds.

What about it? You aren't shown the dates the memories are from. The mention of Hub joining the NCR gives it away if you're paying attention but the Sole Survivor doesn't even know what the NCR is.

>wastes your time with a useless fucking perk

what was his goddamned problem the 2+ hours it took to get him to idolize me when I could have taken 10 minutes to get the science bobblehead fucking prick

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I repeat

Like you have the technology to experience someones memories but it doesn't tell you when it was? And doesn't that part where you go thru his memories reveal that he's over 100 years old?

>Ultimately the Commonwealth has nothing to fear from us
*sends synths to massacre a town and steal its resources*
>People always fear what they do not understand.
*releases hundreds of violent hulking cannibals into the region*
>The Institute is humanity's best hope for the future.
*murders your loved ones and replaces them with bodysnatchers*

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I liked that Shaun was old, my Sole Survivor feels less guilty about fucking him now.

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Is this meant to be an ambiguous/grey choice? Because any way you look at it, that fucked up little robot has got to go, it has no business even existing.

I'm glad you feel that way too, jesus christ I got banned from the Fallout Discord for not liking Synths, they said it means i'm racist IRL and boom, banned. Like, sure i'm racist but that doesn't have anything to do with it!

That little toy boy will be a kid forever, and is not even my kid, my character kid was a baby, that is just some random kid programmed to call me dad, sure Synths have feelings and stuff, so does my character and I don't want a little robot who will be forever a kid being my son.

Attached: Fallout4 2018-09-23 17-03-16-02.jpg (1680x1050, 185.68K)

That's what you get for using Discord, zoomer

Memories aren't a fucking folder with video files

This was honestly the worst story in video game history

it was explained - he was heavily augmented which slowed down his aging.

Why didn't you like it? I loved it but I love noir shit and it was noir af so i'm bias.

Attached: Fallout4 2018-09-23 04-35-39-16.jpg (1680x1050, 166.03K)

Would of been better if you made him a nigger or jew

The picture in the OP about sums it up.

you didn't take the whole damn brain and all it's memories, just the part you could recover.

And that not even your son but the shota synth one.

Yeah, holy shit I can't think of anything worse.

The Institute is the main problem. They lack long-term goals to justify their actions. The Legion are a bunch of rapists and slavers and savages but for all the blatantly evil shit they do it's at least suggested that their way gets results once they stabilize an area, and Caesar has long-term plans to further solidify his territory.
The Institute just does stuff. Stuff with no real obvious endgame, or stuff that could have been done with less or no bloodshed. They claim to be doing it all for the greater good but almost all of them speak of the people on the surface with apathy or disdain.
And then there's synths. Hey, let's make androids that are more versatile than normal robots and are capable of rational thought right out of box. Nice, now let's restrict them to doing routine tasks that normal robots are perfectly capable of, AND wipe their brains if they display anything more than basic automaton behavior. What's the fucking point?

I literally guessed that my son would be old the second they refroze me in the beginning of the game. Such an obvious "twist"

>We have to torture people to make a psychological test for synths! There's no other way to tell while they're alive!
Except for exposing them to radiation and seeing if they're unaffected. Or starving them and seeing if they don't lose weight.

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today i will remind them

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Nice bait, homo.


Not worth a (You) or even a "there was an attempt" gold star.

What is so Noir about it

Not even close
Just off the top of my head death stranding and outer worlds are far, far worse

Weren't there terminals in the vault that mentioned said events?

>Those two are exactly same things but worded differently

Maybe Fallout 3's story?

nothing gets past you, does it?

More like
>NCR is corrupt to the core, I built a slave nation out of tribals specificly for a brutal military conquest to invade it and have all its best parts fused with Legions streinghts
>We made robot gorillas because haha

is it? I haven't played tow what's so awful about it, apart from how it looks?

Hey, let me bask in my glory when I finally did something right in my life

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Outer worlds on a micro and macro level

>dude the rich are completely dependent off the poor workers but are going to expend the resources to freeze all the poor people

>dude the people of edgewater are only sick because they literally only eat canned meat despite it being the literal future with completely knowledge of nutrition. Veggie hippy grandma to the rescue with the cure she had for years and can easily grow immediately

That would take a 10+ hour video essay to fully explain.
Basically no plot point makes any fucking sense at all, and on top of it they hammer the same stale ass jokes for all 11 hours of game time
Makes fo3 look like a masterpiece, and for look above average

>build hyper advanced organic androids and use them to mop floors
why not use regular robots
>give androids sentience then complain that they're too independent
why not use regular robots
>act like assholes keeping the surface a complete shithole then complain about how the surface is a shithole and use it to justify being assholes
>figure out how to make perfect intelligent super mutants who can be cured at any time and cybernetically augmented humans
>abandon both and continue focusing on unreliable androids

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>can handle benny in a lot of different ways
>can handle captain crunch in exactly one way

Why does nobody ever mention the fucking speech your character records as the institute unveils itself for the Commonwealth? You can literally say that you're planning to murder everyone and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it and Father is just like "okay perfect let's set that on repeat". He doesn't give a fuck about helping anyone, least of all you. What a shit show of a faction.

You type like you're underage. Fuck off.
Even with The Legion being cartoonishly evil bad guys, at least that is easily understood and fills a faction niche. They want to rape, pillage, and conquer. Alright, understood. The Institute is completely fucked because on one hand the whole story builds them up as super fucked up evil scientists with some unknowable goal and then you get there and it's never explained what they actually want, probably because Bethesda never bothered to figure it out. The idea began and stopped at 'evil scientists'.
>We are the next step of humanity
Oh, so like, you're going to replace mankind with synths who are more adept at surviving the wasteland?
>Lol fucking nope synths are totally just robots built to serve us bro they aren't independent at all. Except... I think they are that... but I'm not going to show where this change in character came from.
Uh, okay... so what DO you guys want?
>We are mankind redefined, we're the good guys, you don't understand.
Like it's just a straight up plot hole. Depending on who you ask the institute either wants to replace everyone with synths, control the Commowealth as a shadowy superpower, be left alone, or something else entirely. I've never seen a game written so poorly that they just straight up don't give the main villains a motivation at all but Fallout 4 is just that badly written.


>Strawman's Caesar's legitimate and well-worded and arguably justified point of view on his motivations into HUURRR DURR ME AM RETARD!
>Also tries to create a justification for The Institute's actions out of thin fucking air but puts a blatant grammar error in his paragraph because he, himself, is a hurr durr retard.
This is some good bait.

did you play through any bit of edgewater cause your summary is way off

benny should have been the independent rep or at least a companion. as it is he either dies, vanishes, or sits in the casino forever because you never talked to him.

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Pickle Rick, asexual lesbians, completely static npcs, choices don't matter, plot makes no sense, cringey dialogue/humor
Obsoidian is unironically worse than Bethesda these days

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I still can't believe they made an entire game, and a horrible one at that because the Replicated Man side quest was decent

Bethesda could have used the younger Kellogg model for the scene where baby Shaun is kidnapped. Then you find Kellogg as an old man and realize how much time has passed.

Pick Rick was legitimately the funniest thing anybody in this thread has ever seen, and nobody can post anything funnier ITT

Twice, and I'm being a bit facetious but that's about the general outline
Its such a shitty quest and its still the best in the game

The entire point of it was that it was supposed to be a surprise that Shaun was an old man

the only way the institute makes any sense is if you realize they aren't actually scientists

they are a tribe of underground tribals that dress up in scientist cosplay but have absolutely no fucking clue what they are doing or why they are doing it

they follow ancient directives and experiment proposals passed down from their ancestors as a form of worship

and thats not even getting into that whole religious prophecy stuff they had regarding shaun, because emil pagliarulo loves that stuff

Hell, make Kellogg a sympathetic character, maybe he stopped working for the Institute after kidnapping Shaun because he had a family in the past and couldn't deal with destroying another family, so you'd have some moral choices on how to deal with him.

If you want to pull a tweest like that you need to have hints along the way or it feels like an asspull.

And far harbor
I don't know what it is with Bethesda making objectively superior dlcs to the base game. The pitt and point lookout were the same way

You're expecting Bethesda to put an effort in their games

The only explanation I've ever found for the complete contradiction in The Institute's writing that almost explains things is that they're merely pretending to not be malicious to your face to get you to play ball and not destroy them outright when you find them. You only uncover all the horrible shit they did by poking around in areas you aren't supposed to be or by exploring the world. Which would kind of make sense, if you could then question literally ANYBODY in the Institute on these contradictions and get a definitive answer but you can't because Bethesda didn't want to write anymore dialogue for their FUCKING FALLOUT GAME!
A Benny route was initially on the table in development but got cut for budget reasons. So Independent with Benny was actually totally going to be a thing. Thanks Bethesda.
It's sad, but anyone paying any attention at all should know that new Obsidian barely has any of the people who made New Vegas involved at all in any projects. Totally different studio these days.
All that fucking effort for this 'twist' with old man Shaun that literally anyone with a brain saw coming ten miles away.
Good theory user too bad none of that shit is in the game.

Valentine even mentions the scar as something recognizable, just put a scar in his young face.


reminder that dogmeat is plot critical to FO4 main story because he is a freelance dog detective in his spare time that occasionally helps out valentine

The entire plot hinges on contrived coincidences so that every single tidbit of potential info that could unravel this "twist" ahead of time is inaccessible, doesn't function, or simply isn't met.

Why would you expect Vault-Tec to ever follow through with any kind of protocols?

>fallout discord
that discord has pedophiles on it grooming children, so i'm not too surprised you got banned.

>if you don't pick dogmeat at the start, he shows up out of nowhere to help you track kellogg
Fucking Bethesda "open world RPGs" can't be more railroading.

Damn the graphics were a huge turnoff but I at least expected good story and combat

The Vault collapsed well before Kellogg showed up, you would have to bank on the terminals automatically updating whenever they freeze or unfreeze for that, and there just wasn't such a terminal

The problem with Far Harbor is that it makes less sense the more you think about it.
First, you never have any reason to care about the Children of Atom. All the member you encounter in the commonwealth are hostile (save for the handful in the glowing sea). You probably encountered hostile members on your way to the Nakano house...
You also realize that as much as DiMA hates the institute, he's doing the exact same thing they are. Replacing difficult people with synths to make his life easier. And he has no remorse for it because he can just delete those memories.

I can't take the antagonist seriously with that name.

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nah. Fallout 3's story had a lot of problems but wasn't as incoherent and nonfunctional as 4s.

>that "scare" with kellogg's mind in valentine's body
>literally goes nowhere, never brought up again, completely wasted
what did beth mean by this

>if you could then question literally ANYBODY in the Institute on these contradictions and get a definitive answer but you can't because Bethesda didn't want to write anymore dialogue for their FUCKING FALLOUT GAME!
I did a high int big brain run for the Institute ending only to find out it doesn't matter because you have no int or science checks and their dialogue doesn't acknowledge your stats at all. I went in with low expectations and they still managed to disappoint me.

Look up the guy who the cereal is named for and you will renew your understanding of villainy

Why do you spergs care? It's fun, way better than fallout 3, and is miles more playable too. Overthinking the plot just gets you no where. You guys just hate it because it's not new Vegas. I hate that Bethesda's fucks with the lore but I still like the game.

You're on a quest to search for your son no the most nihlistic and shitty place in the world, you have to go to Diamond City, Goodneighbourhood, etc.m so there you have detective stuff.

You need the help of Nick Valentine, a detective, and Piper works as the "femme fatale" or noir girl of the movie.

You have to complete a quest about the mafia, very noir, to get Nick, and then an interrogation and tracking a criminal, which is noir too.

Add to that, the game already has 50s music, fedoras, hell, THE FREAKING SILVER SHROUD.

It's noir AF.

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>children of the atom go from 3 idiots in megaton to a massive organization spanning all the way to boston
>also they are immune to radiation because reasons
man when bethesda isn't reusing old factions the new ones they make up are full retard. this applies to the institute, the gunners, and the fuckin talon company also.

i still play it for mods and assaultron titty mods but that doesn't change how awful the writing is even by bethesda standards

Isnt there a calender in the pip boy?

>we're going to replace everyone with synths and rebuild the nation with none of its citizens

If I didn't know better this was an indirect jab at forced migration.

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How is that noir besides just saying its noir?

Are you trolling me? Those are the elements required for a movie to be noir. It needs a criminal, a detective, to show the world is a shithole, a 50s theme, etc.

Do you even know about movie stuff bro?

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The game isn’t noir at all.

>A Benny route was initially on the table in development but got cut for budget reasons. So Independent with Benny was actually totally going to be a thing. Thanks Bethesda.
You can't blame Bethesda for everything that Obsidian didn't do, or did wrong.
Obsidian was actually given a perfectly reasonable amount of time to make FNV. 1 and half years is a long time and most of the work, the engine, the mechanics, much of the texturing and art, and the sound design was all done already by Bethesda all they had to do was make a new map with new characters and story.
Their problem was they decided to make a game that was multiple times the size of Fallout 3 in every way, more locations, more guns, more mechanics, more quests, more dialogue, more map size.
And much of that shit wasn't even nessesary. Would FNV be any lesser if it didn't have vault 3, or camp searchlight?
If Obsidian didn't bite off more then they could chew than the game wouldn't have been such a buggy mess

actually yes I do and none of that is noir.