PSN Spring Sale

What did you get?

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Nothing. PSN is the gayest shit. Its so slow it feels like fucking dial up and everything on thier costs MORE than retail. Digitial versions of games on playstation store cost more than physical copies. Its insane.

Nothing yet, waiting until the next wave come out in a week to decide, but I do have a few things in mind

Soul Calibur 6 and Civ 6

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Nothing. Games suck now, I already have all the good ones.

Tekken cause it's cheap

I got Kat's game during the last sale, don't really see anything I want to buy on this one.

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based retard

Anyone know when PS plus memberships go on sale again?

I was considering DMC5, which has a pretty good deal, but I am not a fan of the series and a huge brainlet when perfoming combos.

And Jedi Fallen Order, but after watching a few reviews I think I am going to leave this one for $10 black friday.

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I'm looking at Fallout 4 but I can just wait until the lockdown is over and build a PC so I could play it there. This sale is just missing so many games. I wanna try out Dark Souls 2, Salt and Sanctuary, Dragons Crown, Dragon Quest XI or Darkest Dungeon. They never have anything I want.

how is it?

Is A Plague Tale: Innocence worth $20? Setting seems kinda neat and the demo was okay I suppose.

Yeah I am anxiously waiting for a Dark Souls deal. No success so far.

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no man's sky

it's better than i expected and it's killing time for me, though it's also bringing out the dangerous autist in me that wants to collect and perfect everything. it's grindy as fuck.

Fallout 4 is permanently on PS now.

>Civ on consoles

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Borderlands 3. Enjoying it a lot. Not sure if the DLC is worth getting though, maybe I'll just be happy enough with the base experience.

Thinking of getting AC Odyssey for the Atlantis expansion.

The game is terrible.
Don't bother.

I got the Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Legacy Bundle, all 4 games together and Devil May Cry 5 finally.

a 110 dollar purchase for like 40 bucks.

What movies are on sale?

How can you have a sale with no games

Dead Rising and maybe Zone of the Enders.

Shadow Tactics haven't played it yet

SAO Fatal Bullet, it has the worst story and worst characters I have ever read but the gameplay is decent so I'm enjoying it.

>What movies are on sale?


Thinking about getting the Jurassic World Evolution/Park combo, because the physical copy is never going down in price.

Another incredibly mediocre sale with weak discounts. Same games for the same prices, yawn.

Any good RPG to sink hours in? I just completed DA Inquisition and have some fun, even when the game is quite mediocre.

Golden week sale soon. This spring sale has fucking nothing.

>playing civ at all once you find out how braindead the ai is

Unironically a fair number of them. Stuff like Joker, Frozen 2, Into the Spiderverse, Toy Story 4, etc.

It’s okay. But it’s not what I wanted. They may of updated it but when I was playing I wasn’t super impressed. And I love dinosaurs.

A lot probably, but I've always found the PS Stores movie prices to be very high and you could probably get blurays of whatever you want for the same price as the sale price.

Shallie on Vita or I riot.

I got Outer Wilds wish there was a physical disc instead tho

Devil May Cry 5

>Golden week sale
good one, it's always the worst week of the year

Maybe Sleeping Dogs

Same deals on the same trash every time. I never buy anything.

It's a goldmine for weebs.

>playing post 4 civ

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It's the same weebs games that goes on sale all year except more expensive because they know weebs will buy anything

updates have improved it a bit but the best stuff pre-launch is behind dlcs. and the devs admitted the console version holds the title back because they can't put a whole bunch of decorations in the game. they had to fucking patch in placeable rocks and individual trees.

It's the only week worth looking forward to on PSN.

That's pretty much every sale ever.

I feel like this is partially dev incompetence.
Like I'll agree consoles probably do hold things back, but a park tycoon game shouldn't be pushing the limits, like, c'mon.

Doom 2016.

Good game but WHY IS IT 76 GIGS AND HAS 0 DLC?

FFXV, Fallout 4, and Skyrim all are around the same size and yet those have fuckton of DLCs

idunno, it's just on my library. Tekken is like our country's national fighting game so I'm keeping a copy just in case.

Multiplayer or level builder addon or something that adds an additional 40 gigs or something. I can't remember. I just recall the game downloading additional shit besides the base game and getting annoyed it took up so much space for shit I was not going to use instead of being optional.

just get it off of cdkeys. They've had 1 year memberships for $35 for a while now.

It had DLC, but then a couple years ago they took the paywall off and merged all the (multiplayer/snapmap) DLC into the product internally.

That's the main reason I don't buy Doom 2016, I'm a hoarder by nature and hate deleting games so a 76GB chonker of a game just doesn't sit well with me in any capacity.

Nothing on PSN, that's for damn sure.

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>paying the atlus tax instead of waiting for the price drop

Gonna be 50% off in less than 3 months

That's like 80% of games nowadays.

Persona won't but RE3 most definitely will.

god of war


just in case what? you have to represent your country in the tekken world cup?


Deciding between DMC5 and Disgaea 5. Might get both.
Are the sales changing each week?

For unexpected guests who wants to play tekken? Surprise drinking while vidya sessions from visiting friends?

I want to get God of War but sure ain't spending $15 on it

>only up to 50% off
shit sale

Should I buy anthem for $18?

Kingdom Hearts All-In-One for $30
Includes 3
Thanks Nomura :)

doesn't include the DLC from 3


Nothing this sale sucks and the only worthwhile games with a decent price are tekken 7 and cross tag battle, or whatever the fuck it is called.

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I'm aware and remind isn't worth $30

Cross Tag Battle for $5? I remember getting a few of the characters for free so was thinking about getting it again.

that's not as exciting as a tekken world cup..