Rank them

Rank them

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3 > 2 > 1 > 4 > 5 > 3 without rumble

Why do they keep increasing in size?

why the FUCK did they even add a touchpad in the first place literally what is the point

they pack more shit inside

3 > 1 > 2 > 5 > 4

Niggers have big hands

4 > 2 = 1 >>>> 3

5 honestly looks like it will be the most comfortable of the bunch.

1 (with dualshock), 2, and 3 are basically the same except 3 is wireless.

4 > 2 > 1 > 5 > 3

jesus christ 3 is so fucking bad

they want the xbox userbase of landwhales

ds5 is shit until they release one that looks like this

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Cause Nintendo did it, we have to do it too

They will have color options, just look at what we got now

4 > 4 > 4 > 5 > 5

How so... it's a 2 without the cord.

wtf is wrong with 3? is this some tortanic shit?

2 > 4 > 1 > 3

5 > 4 >>>>>>>>>>> 3 >>>> 2 > 1

2 > 4 > 3

ps3 dpad is shit

ps4 "options" and "share" are in bad positions, and the touchpad was 100% unneeded. thankfully it has a better dpad, so at least the controller functions better than ps3.


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Because they realize that not everybody is a limpwristed Jap faggot.


2 = 3 > 4 > 1
not ranking 5 until I use it.

3 is just the 2 but worse. No other way to describe it really. The triggers are the worst of all time and the controller feels fucking tiny to the point where it's impossible to have a comfortable grip.

gamergirl shit?

4 > 5 > 3 > 2 = 1

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It's literally the same exact plastic mold as 1 and 2 with the only difference being the analog button.

and a detachable cord.

Amerishart hands are getting fatter.

4 > 2 > 1 > 3
can't rate the dualsense yet until i actually get to use it.

4 > 2 = 1 w/ dual analog > 3 > 1

how the fuck am I gonna rank 5 when I haven't used it??

Imagine thinking non pressure sensitive buttons are good

Because video games used to be for kids but now they're primarily for adults.


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They stopped being for kids in the mid 80s

Obsessed as always

shit, slightly less shit, still shit, okay ig, looks good
The 360 controller was the peak, PS controllers have always been for tiny asian men

name 1 game outside MGS that uses it.


Syphon Filter

Good God, it looks so much better in black that is astonishing, they must be fucking blind to use that ugly white color

Not him but we are headed for a WALL-E type of lifestyle.

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Pads without lightbars, touchpads, speakers and other ultraniche gimmicks > Pads with


Racing games worth a shit.

The new dualshock is SEXY holy fuck

>Playstation 3 triggers
It fucking felt like you always had gum underneath the button jesus christ

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The last two were a mistake

>Racing games

It’s not the white it’s the stupid blue lines and the black bottom that looks like retard pants should just be a soild colour

More like cuckden

How's your dilation going? Gotta keep the wound fresh.

racing games are much more important than your shitty 50 hour weeb grindfest

Fucking hate the DS3, flimsy pieces of shit. I've gone through 4 or 5 of those fucking things. I never had to buy multiple controllers like that until I bought a PS3. I also noticed that I can't wrap my fingers around the handles anymore but I can when I use my PS4 controller.

The triggers were ABYSMAL.
Also the 2nd was a light remote, but for some reason, they made 3 even lighter despite it sometimes having gyro shit, and it would be like holding something you can't grip right. I can't really explain.

In terms of feel:
In terms of design:

Right, but the market strategy for pushing systems that allowed Nintendo to succeed off the back of the NA crash wasn't truly put to rest until the failure of the gamecube. The success of the PS2 is what finally killed them as a pacesetter, which means until then the industry was looking to them and their "make it look like a VHS and package it with a plastic robot and some toy guns" bullshit.

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The sixaxis was light but the ds3 was heavier

>he doesn't use a steering wheel

Pressure sensitive buttons are a pain. For the 99% of games that don't use them it makes regular button presses feel spongy, and when you DO need to use them the weak little shits feel like they're gonna give out under your grip.

The triggers are way shittier at being triggers than the 360's garbage disk is at being a dpad.

Star Ocean 3

I actually like the touchpad as a button. It's big, so it's easy to hit, can be given two different inputs (L&R) and feels just right for "map" functions. It's just that the "touch" part was too much of a bother to implement.

Just get a keyboard and a mouse. What are you, twelve?

this, gamepads are cringe

2 > 3 > 1DS > 4 > 1

5 looks like an xbox controller so it's probably very good.