Why do the Japanese not know of Doom?

Why do the Japanese not know of Doom?

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too much gore, also its an fps

Only a fucking nerd would play a western game in Japan.


Asians don't have a good eye for shooters.

But they do

(Solid Snake + Samus)/2
Halo is better

Japanese people can't play FPSs

do u think doom marine could defeat halo in a fite

have you tried looking up Doom Eternal on niconico douga?

They can play better than you, bitch

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DOOM was known pretty well to give japanese people major motion sickness, since they're much more susceptible to it. Hell it's why Beat Saber is an arcade game out there. But they've been slowly adapting to it, it's why they only gravitate towards 3rd person things.

>it's why they only gravitate towards 3rd person things.
>Wizardry is still the most popular WRPG in japan

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That shit's turn based lmao

complete fucking yikes

what is wrong with the Japanese

That's only Japs tho. Koreans and Chinese have their own FPS counterparts.

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Do you like Caco, Yas Forums?

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UH, how is it possible to be THIS based?!?

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it's not that they don't know about it, they just don't care

He cute

1v1 eachother in an fps game and record it
>west vs the east
The one who pussies out or loses will prove once and for all.


Shut the fuck up.

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Maybe because they don't care to play colossal piles of shit meant for western trannies?

Ah yes, gore. Japanese don't know anything about those sort of things.


Didn't they change the first game so its aliens or something?

It's got a cult following over there like the west does with some of their games. Just the natural balance of things.
Plus isn't PC games less popular than console by a larger margin than the west?


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PC gaming is a relatively new concept for the jp, yes

and pain

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idk how much of this is a meme but apparently something genetic makes the japanese get motion sick really easily with FPS stuff

this is so cute

they cant even play 3rd person shooters

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If the demons were to just fuck off and do their own thing without harming the innocent, I would think Doomguy would just leave them alone.

PooPoo Caco or nothing

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Bushido people are too focused in banging demon girls and boys.

>That auto-map in MAP08
The fucking madlad

This is now a Caco thread

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Look at him go!

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they dont know most computer games in general because of an extremely behind-the-curve attitude toward pc hardware
if it doesnt run on shitboxes or phones they wont ever play it
basically came out way too late to catch on, and the aesthetic/christian religious context isnt really compatible with their consumerbase (as opposed to more fantastical games)
theres a small fanbase of weirdos though, just like any other cult game

What are they saying and who is the hot girl on the right?

I would barely count Wizardry as a WRPG series anymore since the IP is owned by a Japanese company and the Japanese games outnumber the western ones by a factor of four to one.

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but they do retard

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why are japs such racist pansies?

of course
Doomguy is literally good incarnate
no evil, no problem

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there he goes

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being opposed to evil doesn't make one perfectly good, dude

here it is

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best caco

>user has never heard of Voiceroid

They have though.
Surprisingly, Marathon enjoyed some popularity there for a time as well, with Japanese Apple owners. It was a shock seeing AlephOne videos on Nico.

Doom is purely American. There's something so simple, almost quaint, about it in the eyes of every other country that produces video games. Japanese people surely know about Doom, but don't give it the time of day because of how shallow and brainless it is.


>protects and avenges the weak
>attacked his CO for telling him to shoot civilians
>the number 1 greatest threat to the incarnate of evil, satan himself
doomguy is the most ungritty gritty character in all media. he is the perfect man, though maybe a little autistic

ok retard

Japanese actually have created wads and have a small doom following. doom-final doom are the greatest games to ever release, you cannot change my mind.

ok but post doots

definitely never played classic doom

>one map
>this means Doom is a known game across Japan

that doesn't make him
>literally good incarnate


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You need good eye sight to play doom

i wish this room had archviles

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Being hyper violent and being based off of a religion that the japanese don't know much about (christianity)

>has rocket launcher
>stands in small corners and takes unneeded damage instead of gibbing the chaingunners and running around the circle

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