>steals design for the Xbox controller

>"original design do no steal"

Attached: originalol.jpg (1060x1356, 200.9K)

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>PS5 thumbsticks still in retarded position

by design you mean just the color right
because theyre nothing alike

Just need to copy the fucking left analogue position already and give their face button names nonretarded moon symbol names.

>Dpad is still the principal method of directional input
for what purpose?

The whole form and especially the grips are just an xbox pad.
Not complaining, dualshocks were always shit aids for tranny in the makings with baby hands no one could hold comfortable.

Fuck you d pad on top is better for us 2d chads. Not every controller needs to have the same button layout

>Buying a PS5 to play 2D games
Such as?

It literally makes no difference for dpad while the position makes all the difference in the world for the analogue stick.
Fucking grow past your shitty nostalgia already.

Nah its shit. Played Crash collection on PS4 and Xbox and it was significantly better with the Xbox controller.

grow tf up wimp

>touchpad takes up 1/4 of the controller yet almost no games support it
>ugly distracting battery draining lights which you cant turn off
>pearlescent white body is an eye sore
>useless share button takes the place of the select button again
>shallow buttons and mushy triggers feel like youre playing the game with a controller made out of mashed potatoes

Attached: ps5.jpg (1112x613, 74.03K)

That design is basically identical to the DS4. The PS button is completely different, the touchpad is shaped slightly different, and the share/options buttons are moved slightly.

are you blind? they're not the same shape at all. plus sony still has the superior symmetrical layout.

At least they sorted out the option and share button. Those were my biggest complaint with the current one.

Attached: EVCbUcjUUAA2yRI.jpg (1200x675, 189.26K)

PS5 has way better ergonomics
It'll be a dream to hold

Attached: EVCfyCJX0Ac_b3D.jpg (1080x1080, 78.88K)

kids with small hands will not be able to use the bumper buttons sticking way out like that lel.

other way around. Playstation sticks are literally in the perfect position.

looks bad man

OH NO NO NO NO Sony what the fuck are you doing to the Gaystation

Theyre almost completely different

Kys manchild

Maybe if you have shit hands yeah.

Is this power of the Amerimutt!?

>Xbox invented the color white
Come on, man. I'm not even a Snoy and I think this is stupid.

Attached: Hamlet.jpg (3358x2799, 871.78K)

How funny would it have been if they had went with replaceable batteries because they couldn't figure out how to make their battery last longer than 6 hours.

stop pretending that even matters
what even are shit hands? lmao
dpad on top is how it should be, li

because it's more precise than your thumbstick which is a piece of shit albatross

>ps5 controller thumb sticks
>push them both inwards together
>thumbs touch

You can use the left stick and press the directional buttons with the "grip"
You can't do this in the xbox controller, also for some reason the series x controller put a share button, it seems nintendo and microsoft really liked playstation's idea.

>Steals design from Xbox
Dude, you almost made me have a heart attack.
But then I checked and realized that the DS5 still didn't change to the pants-on-head retarded d-pad/left stick placement which MS and Nintendo are using for whatever outlandish reason.

All is well.

literally what does this mean

You dont even use the DPad in that many games.
If youre playing something other than an FPS you hardly need to use the Right stick either.
Therefore Left Stick and pad buttons should be on top.

"trannies in the making"
you fat retard

all i play are 2d games/fighting games so fuck off with that
the touch pad i actually dont use

That he doesn't know how to grab a controller

they really don't my dude, you should try using a controller

Fuck off nigga the PS controller layout is the uncontested king for fighters unless you're some dipshit who wants to spend $200 on some real sticks.

Yeah not a lot of people play 2D or Fighting games at all.

Wish they went back to the DS3 sticks rather than those shitty half concave/convex DS4 ones.

don't worry it doesn't matter where the buttons are for movies

They've already got blueprints for the PS6 controller.

Attached: PS6.png (668x528, 15.97K)

Cry me a river


Attached: gte.jpg (1392x1660, 267.44K)

Wheres the in built mic.
PS6 isnt even out yet and already removing features.


using the vita as a gamepad would be a strict improvement

>basically the ds4, except parts of it are white
>retarded op thinks this is ripping off a design in some way
>op also chose a specific version of the xbone controller, which isn't even standard
>also playstation has had white controllers since the ps1 days
Is this the level of intelligence this board are been reduced to?

Attached: s-l300.jpg (300x225, 6.44K)

It means that the dude only plays shooting games and for some reason he rests his entire tumbs on top of the stick instead of just the tip.

No we just like symmetrical logic...

Symmetrical controllers like the PS controllers will fuck up your hands m8.
You want something thats ergonomic and comfortable for gaming and thats why the left stick and face buttons should be on top. They get way more use than the dpad and right stick.

>neither put fucking paddle or bottom buttons
>gonna sell you their $400 shitty eliteesportpro controller instead

Attached: 1574991761715.jpg (660x680, 55.17K)

Even for shooting games the sticks being side to side is perfect, because you can use both thumbs to control movement and camera while using your middle fingers on the back triggers for shooting and aiming, meanwhile your pointers can be used for all the other buttons and the dpad easily.

I don't know why so many people favor the MS left stick placement, probably only people that have grown up playing halo on the Xbox do, and I can't relate to that at all since I grew up playing SNES and PS1, both which had the dpad being parallel to the face buttons.

Add a dilator/dildo controller.

All those extra seams. Who wants to bet a nice twist can split the controller?

Attached: breakable.jpg (1161x861, 96.17K)

I've been playing on controllers similar to the Dual Shock for 25 years and my hands are 100% fine. The MS controller feels completely otherwordly to even hold in my hands, you only like it because you grew up playing halo and gears of war with it.

The OG xbox controller was nothing like the 360 or One faggot.


>2D games in 2020
And fighters are hot shit.

Why are you lying.

Attached: 300px-Xbox-Duke-Controller.jpg (300x254, 14.36K)

he chose a shitty pic to compare
if you look at the PS5 controller on the side, it's obvious it's much closer to the Xbox controller than the PS4's

Then get an Xbox elite/series x controller with the hybrid d-pad that is good for fighting games

Duke was the best controller.

true it was the second worst controller made in 20 years

Have you been completely ignoring what I was posting about this retarded left stick, dpad placement?

PS controllers only appeal to onions boi bitch made faggots with tiny hands.

2 in 1. Japanese efficiency.

Attached: PS6.png (668x704, 15.18K)

those one above are for the touchpad and there are no seams near the handles.

>original gangster

any fighting game, pretty much EVO works on Sony and Nintendo.

You really need it though? Only people i know who own those are either tryhards or massive consoomers.

>DS4 is the perfect controller, with the exception of shitty analogs
>DS5 fucks the DS4 design, touching everything except the analogs
Fuck Sony.

Here's my take on it

Attached: Ps6 Controller - Copy.png (857x509, 37.24K)


this ditch needs filling, grug


I fucking had it with zoomers and dirty millenals defending their aberrations of a controller.
The best generation that played games before they were cool and rad always used controllers with symmectric placement

Attached: 71hHhe1lZML._SL1500_.jpg (1500x1500, 176.4K)

Symmetrical logic is something similar to the Xbox controller. You want your thumbs in adjacent spots which is something you'll have for every game that isn't a FPS.

Wait actually it should have ALL touch buttons, like a even worse version of the Steam controller.

Literally perfect location

Attached: controller.jpg (941x1200, 188.89K)

The MS shitstain of a controller feels like complete ass when holding, it makes me dizzy and feel sick right away. How much of a braindead moron you have to be to play anything on that piece of garbage? The classic desing always made perfect sense, why change it?

Attached: Sega-Genesis-Controller.jfif.jpg (768x768, 38.44K)

The analogs were perfect already.