Let's fix that controller together

I started with adding some chromium and turning whites into high testosterone grays. My knowledge of Photoshop ends here though, so I'll pass the work to you. Let's make sense of it together, jajajajajajaja.

Attached: DualNonsense.jpg (3072x2048, 1.04M)

I want gold, colored buttons, and ps 1 colored/ or blue colored playstation logo.

Attached: 7154979724_81c6e88215_b.jpg (824x640, 125.92K)

It looks like shit. Make it one color, get rid of that seam thing running along the bottom, add color to the buttons, get rid of the front facing lights, get rid of the touchpad, add better triggers

Only an Arab would want a gold console.

>remove touch functionality and drop the price by $10
>divide the current touchpad area into 4 large buttons and remove the create and options buttons
>put two large buttons on the rear of the handles
>make ps button round
>make it all black with playstation coloured buttons
>fix the analog stick coating to something non-shit
>remove two tone

I like gold and the Hyaku Shiki.

Attached: Hyakushiki.jpg (5685x3932, 3.41M)

remove the fucking touchpad and lights on it to start off with

Nah, gold stuff is top tier reward.

Attached: gcz27gwosu041.jpg (1920x1080, 271.39K)

this is even uglier than the official thing


Attached: 1555126537771.jpg (1000x689, 55.33K)

Attached: 49747503557_fa12f113db_h.jpg (1600x1067, 111.36K)


Already looks nicer.

Attached: FB_IMG_1586303278607.jpg (960x640, 22.46K)

Added colorful buttons.

Attached: DualNonsense Ver 2.jpg (1365x910, 289.21K)

why are the x triangle square circle buttons so spaced out

Cosmetics, like achievements, are meaningless bullshit for retards. This goes doubly for retextures of existing items, especially with gaudy shit like gold.

High IQ graphic design.

Then I'm an arab, faggot.

then enjoy your vanilla no animals sex retard

Literally this, based user

Predictable and boring. It's time for PlayStation to try other colours than black.

anything other than black is literally retarded


Die you subhuman spic mongrel.

You somehow managed to make it look even worse. Good job user

fucking perfect! can you do a white model?

Attached: 1484184128583.gif (320x288, 14.92K)

what about yellow

>not prefering the big black controller

>Let's fix that controller together

Let's not, faggot. Grow up manchild

No, I think I did a decent job. The controller needs more what I'd call 'dirt'. Because life is dirt. And gamers are even dirtier.



what it really needs is more pointless LEDs that drain the battery

>remove share button
>remove options button
>remove chunky button on the top middle
>remove speakers since theyre only eating up battery
>remove flashy LEDs since theyre only eating up battery
>replace shitty dpad with sega saturn dpad

Attached: 67556863_p0.png (1362x1891, 588.02K)


Attached: ps5 white fixed.png (1600x1067, 486.98K)

Attached: ps5.jpg (2048x1292, 143.52K)

These are beautiful. It really is the two-tone and lack of color that makes it shit.

Cringe, take an online Photoshop course. Maybe some Indian will teach you how to use a fucking lasso.

can you make the white the same color as the original white parts and make the button icons glow blue too?

Nice, can you smooth out the transition between the two whites, as if it were one piece of plastic?
Cringe is you bitching rather than contributing and doing it yourself. 18 trillion electrons died for your shitpost, shame on you.

Fucked around in photoshop

Attached: 84E81BC6-B90A-4CDF-B4BA-F41ED2BCA82E.jpg (2048x2048, 437.02K)

Attached: EVCdTlWWkAAeEpx[1].jpg (1200x960, 67.87K)

lmfao based coombrain user

thanks doc

Literally perfect.
Hopefully the final product looks similar to this.
Makes no sense the controller is white considering the Playstation has been black since the PS2.

log off and go drink your onions while wearing your splatoon shirt in a corner

thanks doc






Attached: EVB4ypWXYAAN56P.jpg (1280x853, 158.69K)

Gypsy and travellers also love that shit

Reminds my girlfriend's *ull of you know what.

no problem

Attached: 92484512_3060527297363134_7039430301264642048_n.jpg (600x680, 23.1K)

Can somebody make the buttons not feel like shit to press? I’m sure they kept the same dogshit lump of mud feel instead of actual buttons

>still only 4 back buttons
What the fuck are they doing

lmao ion even play Nintendo games, just like the watermelon hubba bubba

Attached: 35B7C789-DF31-4B28-BBAA-D63EC6C5022D.jpg (480x480, 31.17K)

Is this what i think it is

it looks like a xbox controller.

god i hope it doesn't feel like a xbox controller, that shit doesn't work for me and it was one of the reasons i always go for PS

it's an xbox controller with different stick placement and worse triggers

Attached: ps3 boomerang controller.png (1280x904, 379.24K)

Did PS4 controllers used it touch pad gimmick most of the time?

Attached: EVB6KvfU0AAyNR1.jpg (3797x4096, 538.04K)


Attached: 20200407_203742.jpg (4032x3024, 2.74M)

There, fixed. Boomerang revisited in 2020.

Attached: DualChad.jpg (773x435, 72.88K)

Here's one that I made based off the Nintendo Playstation deal that was originally going to happen.

I even edited the colors to match the four main buttons on the prototype SNES-like PS1 controller.

Attached: nintendo ps5 controller.png (1600x1067, 503.08K)