Whatever happened to KanColle? It seems like it just fell off the map

Whatever happened to KanColle? It seems like it just fell off the map.

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It always has released new characters too slowly, and the underlying game isn't that complicated or fun. Azur Lane, Girls Frontline, and FSGO basically divided the community.

I would not say that KC is dead, it's just... stagnant. And for no other reason than (((Kadokawa))) has already milked it dry and moved on to the next cow in line.

Got taken over by Azur Lane.

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new coom game

God I love Taihou.

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azur lane designs are so fucking bad

Za americans and EOP's immigrated to azur lane and other boat related games because of language barrier and that spreadsheets is too hard for your average gacha user. the game has only "died" in the west where in japan it's still popular as it was back in 2014.

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It's not like KC is any better.

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I can't wait for the inevitable KC vs AL war in this thread.

I'll take potato over slut any day. Also, AL doesn't hold a candle to the GOAT Abyssal aesthetic.

honestly still better than most al designs

Well you're right about that.

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>It seems like it just fell off the map.

Maybe if you're blind or being willfully ignorant.

I want to princess carry battleship hime

Potatoes are a pleb filter.

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An English translation is literally the worst thing that can happen to your game, lucky bastard

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I'd rather let her princess carry me.

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That's true.

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Both games have good and bad designs. KC in general has much better designs than AL in general. Most of AL's decent designs have come long after launch, the Italians in particular.

All that matters is that KC Prinz > AL Prinz

Yeah the pasta boats are hot as fuck.

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At least the new girls are pretty great.

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What about the rear deck though

Too bad moron nationalists keep us from getting a full American roster.
Excellent salt when they first announced Iowa, though.

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When will they be playable?

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Most volleyball!

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Gacha communities are shit no matter where you go.

Next year alongside shinano release.

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What's wrong with them?

Didn't this cause some massive shit on Nipland?I stopped playing around that time i think

I liebe lebe

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No not really. the outrage was mostly from the western fanbase because of the "potato bad" meme.

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Take a look.
The vast majority of designs are just shit, of 450 ships people only remember 50 at the very best.

Go catch coronavirus, you dirty abo.

/fgog/ was fun in 2015/2016, I still enjoy the servant writing contests and some of the shitposting.

I guess i got meme'd then,cause back then people were saying nips went nuclear.Oh well.How difficult is for new dude to catch up nowadays?I forgot my email.

I want to be spoiled by Prinz Eugen

That would be nice.

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How did it manage to be so bad that shameless chink ripoff of it managed to gain reliable foothold in its homeland and started to expanding their franchise there?
Was that another case of nips wasting all potential because they hate money?

From scratch? probably six months or four if you're playing everyday like a nutjob. i have a friend who has a nice progress over his short period of time with the game, he has done multiple events already. but don't take my word into consideration you better ask on /jp/ for more trustworthy information.

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Guess i'll do that.Thanks.

Wasted potential western fanbase

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It's Kadokawa. Wasted potential is par for the course.

Western fanbase is shit. If they actually ported game to English, every single person who played it while it wasn't ported would have regretted it.

People didn't like intrepid?

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M8, that shit is failing so hard in Japan. Their themed restaurants got shut down, their live events have them resorting to retweet begging, Comiket numbers plummeted after its debut. Military specific doujin events don't even give the chinks the space anymore because they can't fill them out unlike KanColle. This event specifically had the chinks in a storeroom, lmao.

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Prinz Eugen is my white underage GF!

China actually reinvests partially back into the base product. "Thing make money, give thing-maker money so it can make more money". But Kadokawa sends all profits directly to the exec production committee leads and leaves only scrapes for the actual production team.

>It seems like it just fell off the map.
Gee it's almost like it's an ultra nationalist game that never had any intention of leaving its home country.

>China actually reinvests partially back into the base product.
I'm going to need some solid, non-CCP proof here, buddy because that's fucking hilarious

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It's true. I'm not talking like they pay people more, they just hire more people and invest more into it. Because that's practical.

Who's worse Kadokawa or the chinks?

KanColle still doesn't have a localisation and since the average pleb here either doesn't speak moonrunes, or can't be bothered to try blag it they probably just play Azur Lane or some other localised gacha shit.

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FGO raped everything

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always kadokawa

KDKW killed KF, so it's no contest.

WHOA IMAGINE IF [thing] WAS [anime girl]

I didn't realize people took the stupid potato meme seriously. What a bunch of whiny faggots.

Your infatuation with cute boys is troubling.

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It's honestly Kadokawa fault. Although I wouldn't say it feel off the map, since it still gets a fuck ton of fan art and doujins. Also a s2 of the anime is coming whenever.

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What are your thoughts on Hamakaze?

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Better not be focused on Fubuki this time.

Would you say the same thing if it was a strong, western man? Are you gay?

needs a new bigger shirt

Z1 is a cute girl!

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Isokaze is superior.

Better than Mashushit.

It will be Shigure's PTSD adventures this time around.

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Golden shower

I just call 'em as I see 'em.

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(((Kadokawa))), hands down.
>Haruhi Suzumiya franchise - cash cow, didn't fund a second season until years later, didn't fund a movie until years after that, and years after that funded a fanfic doujin anime that nobody liked.
>Kemono Friends - overnight sensation, very cheap to make, Kadokawa gets the bright idea to launch a fucking HOSTILE TAKEOVER of the IP for no reason other than they don't own it 100%, fandom rebels when original production team is fired, second season is boycotted, franchise is fucking dead now
>Kancolle - overnight sensation, game is pretty shallow, Kadokawa proceeds to make a plotless rushed slice of life anime that bombs, movie is meh but does have a plot, by this point it's too late and franchise is effectively stagnant - AL, GF, and FSGO swoop in and eat KC's lunch
>throughout the entire 2010's, Kadokawa is hard at work trying to kill the anime industry with endless isekai LN adaptions that will never be adapted in full because FUCK YOU BUY LIGHT NOVEL; end result is original anime dies and adaptation is king for the next decade or more
>meanwhile, in the west, guess who owns the monopoly for LN translations? You guessed it! Kadokawa, through Yen Press!

China may be run by soulless bugmen, but (((Kadokawa))) is run by the people who had a soul once but decided to sell it for a turkey sandwich. All companies seek profit, but (((Kadokawa))) is unique that it seeks short term profit exclusively. They don't care if they have a huge hit on their hands, they're going to find a way to kill it for money somehow.

What did Kaga mean by this?

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That image is some of the most weeb pathetic shit I've seen in a long time.

does this person have a penis?

There's a sequel too. And the worst part is he's not even a Jap, he's Russian.

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If Iowa triggers him that bad, imagine how bad Enterprise will trigger him?

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Azur Lane is a great coomer game which is why it blew up in the West and in doujin circles, but it didn't really overtake Kancolle at all. At best it ate into the inanimate-objects-as-girls market.