It doesn't look that bad, to be honest

It doesn't look that bad, to be honest.

Attached: PS5-Controller.jpg (1280x720, 223.57K)

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What am I supposed to be upset about? It just looks like a standard video game controller.

I dunno. People are bitching about it for some reason.

It looks pretty cool from that angle. Unfortunately every other angle looks shitty and over designed

whites just a terrible color for controllers
got a white one by default with the ps4 and i fucking hated it, ended up getting a spare black one and it looks better
i don't know whose buying those ugly fucking patterned ones though, i see camo ones and they look like shit

peole on here are literal zoomers. people born in 2000s

>whites are terrible for controllers
You shut your fucking whore mouth

Attached: 130865 (1).jpg (1000x1157, 360.72K)

that moogle looks a bit inbred


Everyone's just acting retarded and overreacting to kill time.

Shitty color choices and the triggers are still trash. The triggers are especially egregious because they're building in this cool feedback feature where they will provide resistance based on what you're doing, but that is going to suck with these convex triggers.

Yeah they kind of dropped the ball by making white the default color. I guess it's a better template though, and artfags can paint it to look nice while us normies wait for the $80 recolors and shit.

>still the same number of buttons

Attached: 1544566626620.jpg (360x361, 45.74K)

I just hope the battery life is better than the previous one, that's all.

It looks like shit. Make it one color, get rid of that seam thing running along the bottom, add color to the buttons, get rid of the front facing lights, get rid of the touchpad, and you'll have a decent looking controller that's basically xbox but with fucked up stick placement.

>all these xbots hating White
of couse. it makes perfect sense.


Attached: download.jpg (160x315, 8.84K)

PC lard here. If they fixed the battery life I'm gonna be all over that shit.

>left stick below d-pad
Somebody tell sony R&D that their controller design is literally 25 years irrelevant


Bitching about everything, it be wat we do, nigga.

>both sticks on the bottom
>not both sticks on the top
Wii U Pro was the only controller to get it right

it's nice

Those stupid fucking back triggers again.

Why the fuck does it still have that touch pad? When has anyone or any game used that in the last however many years.

Why did they have to change it more than they needed. It looks too bulky now imo, also white looks tacky as fuck.

>can't copy Nintendo this gen
>go full retard again like PS3 boomerang

>triggers are still shit
>buttons aren't colored
>awful base color of controller to begin with
They still haven't learned jack shit. Why not go with an off-white or grey?

It's just a dualshock 4 with a new shell. Probably with the same shit battery life as well.

>whites just terrible

White will get dirty easier, and the lack of classic color on the face buttons is a bit soulless. Otherwise, it looks like the DS4, which is my favorite game controller.

>It's just a dualshock 4 with a new shell.
The new shell is somehow worse. Who the fuck asked for a bigger goddamn touchpad?

>No color on the buttons
>White or black as always
Soulless as fuck. Nintendo is still the king of controllers since 1983

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 120.33K)

>Touch pad is back and bigger than ever
>That color scheme
>The glass like buttons similar to the PSP
Literally pic related is better.

Not ugly but stupid features that are gonna raise it's price just because

thought this was a car in the thumbnail

i'm only mad that i'll have to pay better for a better colour scheme

It looks kino.

It looks like a Wiimote snake eating a Dualshock 4.

its full of gimmicks that will increase the cost though, meanwhile xbox is cutting costs. xbox and ps5 will be priced the same and ps5 will have way shittier specs.

>Shitty version of the Xbox controller
>Not that bad

Attached: 1560017332033.gif (200x150, 2.11M)

I use the d pad more than the stick so it fills my niche

> Nintendo is still the king of controllers since 1983
There are an N64 and a gamecube controller in that pic. that WiiU controller has symmetrical sticks and digital triggers. Also there's a switch joycon with the default d-pad there.

looks shitty and not like playstation controller

they need to make it all black get rid of that hollywood-futurist white crap

didnt keep up with any new hardware shit but wtf is this ugly piece of shit?!

>face buttons on the bottom

The xboner controller is perfect, so they're going in the right direction.

Fuck i didnt put the pic down

Attached: FTo28y1.jpg (3072x2048, 203.26K)

>still has symmetric sticks
>still has a track pad and light bar
Yep, still shit.

Attached: 1489370120201.gif (500x281, 1.05M)

Speaker, obnoxious light on the back, touch pad are all unnecessary

Literally better than the official uggo version

Almost no one used the touch pad, but it has to be there for back-compat.

now this i can get behind. the white and clear buttons are SHIT.

>touchpad takes up 1/4 of the controller yet almost no games support it
>ugly distracting battery draining lights which you cant turn off
>pearlescent white body is an eye sore
>useless share button takes the place of the select button again
oh no no no it would suck to be a sonybro right now

Same mushy fucking triggers, same non concave buttons, it's fucking shit again.

It looks like those easysmx knockoffs controllers on amazon, two colors always look cheap and fucking retarded.

Do people really not like white controllers? Black is just so dull, I always go for the white release when possible, especially handhelds

Extra points if it has colored buttons

Attached: sega-saturn-control-pad-white.jpg (640x492, 40.31K)

ever since they changed the logo and adopted blue as "the" colour, the coloured symbols have looked completely out of place, especially since square is a different shade of blue entirely and the other colours are seen on absolutely nothing else. it just looks uneven

x I should say

Looks like a "hi tech gaming system controller" you'd see in a sitcom, I hope the console itself looks just as retarded

most people aren't as autistic as you

They really just want to make an Xbox controller without admitting Microsoft made the perfect controller huh?

The N64 controller is amazing, the only oroblem is the shitty stick quality
The GC controller is the best "traditional" controller ever made
The Wii U gamepad is the most innovative controller ever made, lots of potential
The Switch joycons are the greatest "gimmick" controller ever made, stick drifting aside. An upgrade from thr previous greatest controller ever made: the wiimote and nunchuck

>no button remapping
>no back buttons
>no aiming with gyroscope
>shitty modern design
>basically same controller for over 20 years
I fucking hate consoles.

Well well well, some random guy was right then.

Attached: PS5 new controller.png (1330x167, 54.87K)

Nintendo has been soulless since the Wii generation, and so have their controllers. The last good Nintendo controller was the GameCube controller.

doesn't bother me. i'm just glad whoever designed the controller is

Plainer black or plain white would have been better. The controller it self looks pretty sweet desu. Just the color scheme. But it's still a shitty Playstation controller so unless microshit goes full retard and changes theirs, Xbox will still be better on that regard.

I feel like the d-pad arrows could use something. Maybe a grey color.

He said add color you retard

Lol. You never save clips of funny glitches or moments while you're playing PS4? It's actually one of the best features of the console. I don't even share them, just rewatch them later for a laugh.

why make the shapes in just one color? As to sell the "classic" version in 6 months? Is more immediate, is one more association.

>What am I supposed to be upset about?

>The N64 controller is amazing
Stopped reading there, you're clearly on a nintendie stupor and I should not enable you right now.

>posts buttons with no color on the buttons anyway

i wish microsoft would just buy sony right now

you can remap buttons on xbox

And PS4. That user is living in 2005.

they already showed xbox, it's basically exactly the same as xbone and xbone controllers will work next gen