Just block and circle strafe

>just block and circle strafe
when does it get hard?

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Is this harder than sekiro?

Not really. I only had trouble with one or two bosses and i didn't even use any cheese builds.

Why the FUCK am I getting hammered on the vampire chick? She stunns and one hits me the bitch.

Lol no. Nioh is borderline shovelware.

Don't get hit by the paralysis shot you retard

Thanks user, wow!
I dodged maybe 10 or 15 of her combos and got 10% of her health off. She is too tanky, what the fuck am I doing wrong?

You aren't using Sloth and elemental talismans.
Nioh's bosses are designed around the player abusing Sloth, then inflicting two abnormal states on the boss. If you try to beat them by pure damage you won't get far.

Why do you think both Soulsborne fans and action game fans look down at Nioh?

>what the fuck am i doing wrong
Have you tried doing more damage?

I dunno how I just jammed my points into health and katana damage so maybe my specs are shit.

I am a Soulsborne fan and I am reserving opinion until I get further in. Is this really the consesus with my fellow Miyazaki fags? I dunno if I have any sloth talismans but I will give it a go. I never really used items in Soulsborne games either. Just estus/vials and my weapon and tried to roll and block and parry my way to victory. This is obviously a bad thing in nioh and tools are more important. Cheers user.

For the vampire lady you could get something with paralysis resistance. It helps a lot in that fight

Cheers. I am starting to see that my souls strategy () is fucking wrong here and that items are more needed and important. In souls i got the best armour for my rolls to still be mid and chose a weapon that swung at a speed I was comfortable at with reasonable damage. Then I rolled the fuck around and got to the point I was waltzing with Artorias, Manus and those Farron boys.

The consensus is that the game is trash due to:
- Diablo loot
- No enemy variety (oni, human soldiers and skeletons are all the enemies you're going to fight for more than 40 hours; maybe a couple Tengus and cyclops here and there)
- Mediocre level design.
- NG being balanced around abusing sloth and confusion (inflicting two abnormal states at the same time on an enemy turns it into a sitting duck) and NG+ being balanced around farming specific gear until you get one that allows you to progress towards the game.
- Recycled content up the ass (enjoy fighting the boat boss a fucking ton)

If I were you I would drop it right there.

Abusing status effects and sloth, along with farming equipment from revenants is a must; the game is unbeatable otherwise.

>confusion is a must
I never understood this meme. I never did that and i had very little trouble with the bosses.

>Telling lies on the internet

I dunno what diablo loot is as I never played diablo but I am guessing you mean samey worthless shit? I am getting the vibe level design is basjc so far. The village the pirate ship lands in is kinda dull and the mountain village to get to vamp lady was irritating. If i cannot get past her soon I am calling quits.

Well I guess I will go get some talismans, thanks user. I hate using items usually. I played all of bloodborne with a cleaver and vials. Barely used my blunderbuss even as I am a dodgy boy. Gotta go back and work on my parry gane though.

DLC or NG+. But only if your build is shit, otherwise it's a fucking joke.

But i'm not. I didn't even know it's a thing until i had already beat the game

>Why do you think both Soulsborne fans and action game fans look down at Nioh?
cause they havent played it you retard. Anyone with a brain who played nioh can tell you it surpasses dark souls 3 on every fucking point that counts. Especially with its vastly superior gameplay. You can kill every boss without sloth if you are not a retard. You do need elemental buffs tho, like in every rpg game.

what a fucking retard

>you mean samey worthless shit?
Pretty much. There will be a point where you'll be forced to spend a considerable amount of time classifying, comparing, selling and dismantling gear because even with Sloth and confusion you won't inflict enough damage unless you start making a specialized build.

About the level design, the next level is going to be a Japanese temple that goes into a Japanese cave, then another Japanese temple with a water gimmick and then a Japanese castle with an ice gimmick. Don't expect anything exciting (or any less tedious).
Also expect all of the secondary missions being the same main story missions but in reverse. Or locking half or the level. Or in reverse and locking half of the level.

By the way parry is useless on Nioh too.

Nigga the game literally tells you how much your stats increase for your equipped weapons when you level up a perk.
You just sound like a retarded faggot.

>NG being balanced around abusing sloth and confusion
git gud you shitter, literally.

>Why do you think both Soulsborne fans and action game fans look down at Nioh?
Because the combat involved more than just slashing when the enemy is vulnerable and dodging.

>Because the combat involved more than just slashing when the enemy is vulnerable and dodging.
We're talking about Nioh, not about Sekiro.

>considerable amount of time classifying, comparing, selling and dismantling gear
Shit i already started this. The stuff I hate the most about rpgs. I loved it when I found bloodborne had about 15 weapns and no weights so I didnt have to dick around by jump-scrolling around the fucking inventory to find my best option and then discard as the weight was too much.

I wont do side missions and never do in games. I will stick to the main story only so no worries there. Thanlfully parry is my weakest play style in these games so it will be strafe and dodge for me.

That isnt the whole story when specing a character. You also realise after playing that different weapons have better openings against different bosses based on their speed and moveset. So if I spread it too think across katana and kusinagari rather than specing one first then I may be fucked.

But that's exactly how Nioh works.
It's pretty much like a Valkyria Chronicles version where order buffed scouts are the only way to complete the missions and all the other classes are useless.

Its obvious that you suck at this game bro. I finished the entire game with skill and dexterity build using only dual swords and kusarigama. I never even bothered with onyo until i started visiting threads. Yes you do need to use tools, scrolls, long range weapons, elements and shit. You do need to do soul matching and reforging. Its what makes it good and its what filters brainlets like yourself. You can cry as much as you want but Nioh is a far superior game , at least when it comes to gameplay.

Wear the archer armor found in that level. It's literally all paralysis defense

>using sloth
people here don't actually do that, do they?

The problem is that if you don't do side missions you'll be too weak to progress through the main story missions, unless you spend an untold amount of time grinding and farming for gear. In the Soulsborne games just beating the enemies was enough to give you the souls required to match the boss' intended level; here you either do secondary missions or grind like a motherfucker.
That's (and not using confusion) is why you aren't dealing any damage to the bat boss: you were supposed to play the three secondary missions that unlock after finish the first story level before tackling the second level.

Hell, one of the halfway regions' secondary missions unlocks half of the blacksmith's services.

why would you not play optional quests? they are called optional because they dont move the story forward but they are pretty much meant to be completed. Eventually. Its not some obscure fetch busy work. Its purposefully designed for you to explore the levels and learn the mechanics and unlock additional stuff that makes the game easy. LIKE IN EVERY RPG GAME EVER .

The fuck are you doing nigger? Wait for the new game

You faggot ass is shovelware

>do secondary missions or grind like a motherfucker.
Off to my local trade in place once COVID calms down, then.

>Hell, one of the halfway regions' secondary missions unlocks half of the blacksmith's services.
*sigh* why must I learn all rhis espteric shit on these games. I love souls for its simplicity amd need for skill alone.

>pretty much meant to be completed
If you are deprived of something in the game for not doing optional stuff then they should be mandatory. Fuck that design praxis. This is just poor design.

No they aren't lmao.
Nioh bosses are complete unfair poorly designed bullshit that are horribly designed, until you notice their patterns and openings and suddenly their HP bars are melting and you're styling on them.
Terrific game. First time I beat Warrior of the West I got the title for not getting hit once during the entire fight.
It was probably north of my 100th attempt. I had brought 50K amrita in with me thinking "I'll just use them at the shrine this sounds fun", didn't know about branches, and was too proud to give them up.
I tried cheesing with the rock.
I tried switching weapons.
I tried abusing parries.
But then I just put my Tonfa back on and just fought the cunt till I knew the cunt.

>If you are deprived of something in the game for not doing optional stuff then they should be mandatory. Fuck that design praxis. This is just poor design.
yet you are not deprived of anything you need to complete the game. I am sorry you are deprived of your brain cells and patience to actually unironically get good with something essentially simple. Again its not mandatory but it helps, like optional quests are usually designed in every game. You gain samurai , ninja and onyo skill points for just playing the game and you have them more than enough. Even if you fuck up something games will let you re-spec yourself. Yes you DO need to use the ninja skills and magic, that part is not optional. You cant put everything in strength and steam roll everything with a club like in DS

Nioh is not about skill: it's about farming the the right gear and abusing the right spells / talismans / items. The people telling you that it's about skill are lying out of their asses.

>*sigh* why must I learn all rhis espteric shit on these games
This is just starting, my dude; for example the water temple boss is pretty much unbeatable unless you farm a certain item named Hyottoko mask and use said item at certain spots of the battle. Unless you do that the fight can last as much as ten minutes.

>Optional content isn't necessary to clear except it is

>>Optional content isn't necessary to clear except it is
learn to read you fucking mongoloid.

>You cant put everything in strength and steam roll everything with a club like in DS
Lobos finished Nioh by using nothing but the axe on mid stance. He didn't even use ki pulse because there was no need to.

honestly the game is a real hidden gem apparently, I never see anyone talk about it outside of here
sad that so many are probably missing out on it but has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like

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>claims it is optional but really isnt but is totally skippable

Okau, thank mate I will try and spread my wings a bit.

I hope someone makes a mod for Nioh and Nioh 2 when it comes to PC, a mod that completely removes the awful bloated loot system. It's a headache to menu through 99 swords just to find the one that has +3 more attack damage, not to mention the gorillian identical sets of armor pieces. Nioh would be so much more enjoyable if it just had hand placed weapon and armor drops and specific drop rates for certain enemies armor/weapon sets.

>Hidden gem
Nioh is a mediocre game that didn't know if it wanted to be Dark Souls, Diablo, Ninja Gaiden or Onimusha and said indecisiveness ruined the final product; I honestly think it, as both a videogame and a Souls-like, is worse than Dark Souls 2.

Nioh getting a sequel isn't impossible to believe given how we live in a world where Final Fantasy XIII got sequels.

Stats barely do anything though, a few % more damage isn't going to make or break your fight. And if you don't get hit you won't fucking die. There's no bullshit in the game. There's no hit you have to eat.

I didn't level Ninjutsu or magic or use the blacksmith once during my game. By the time I got to the third region I mostly stopped doing side missions because I wanted to progress. I also barely if ever used Living Weapon because I'm very conservative with uses in games and tend to save things, and also I had Daibu Waishi equipped the entire game for luck + drops and didn't know about his cheese move and without that he's an absolutely terrible living weapon so I thought the mechanic was pretty shit anyways. I didn't have any major issues with anything once I had a good grasp of the mechanics. Maybe the frost bitch but the game spread ammo throughout the stage so I copped on that maybe I should just fucking shoot her at that point rather than risking that fucking quintuple icicle volley (I don't really use the guns or ranged weps either, especially not in boss fights). Once I beat the game first quest I did was the Her + Nobunaga fight and I fucking beat them both together by learning the fight. Not on my first or second try, but I did it.
I was also using light armour because I always use light armour. It's a fair fucking game. There's just tools you can use to cuck yourself out of the fun of the struggle and I assume most people looked them up online and cheesed themselves out of their purchase value. And it's dumb to say you can't do the same thing in Dark Souls because that game isn't hard if you use what you can rather than just running at cunts with a 2 hander like nature intended.

The only legitimate complaints you can make about Nioh is that you find organizing loot tedious, and there's a lack of assets so environments and enemies look similar.

All difficulty complaints are by shitters couldn't explore the multiple ways in which you can beat the game, whether honestly or through cheese.

Absolute retard, umi bozun can be beaten with simple fire talismans and the bonfires you light on the map.

No, because you can't really cheese Sekiro unlike most Souls/Soulslike games

>I didn't level Ninjutsu or magic or use the blacksmith once during my game
*during my first playthrough, I should specify
All bets were off after that. Gotta get those power pills, carnage talis and elemental tags. Also quick change scrolls by the Abyss because come on.

> use said item at certain spots of the battle. Unless you do that the fight can last as much as ten minutes.
>items are designed to help shitters complete fights at all, or people who know what they're doing complete it faster
wow, what a terrible concept.

I hate ki pulsing, when does that stop

Ehhh yea you can, it's just harder to exploit. The dual blades that do poison are insanely cheap, and most bosses have some form of easier cheese strat.

Nioh 2 has some cheesy bosses, but it also has a lot of bosses that can't be cheesed.

Oh user...

Lol no I beat Umi Bozen without the mask. Yea some items make some bosses piss easy but the in map mechanic of that fight is that you light all the lanterns so you can have a fire weapon for the fight and it limits the spawns of the small fry

>you can't really cheese Sekiro

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>umi bozen
how does anyone have trouble with that fight. It was the only one I first tried in my first playthrough.

Shitters get filtered for running past everything in the map and not learning weaknesses

It's challenging but fair

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I wonder what attack they were getting busted by. He either spits shit at regular intervals, or does a very telegraphed slam/laser.
There is one sort of bullshit attack, it's the big version of the ki recovery move the little guys have and he spreads from the centre out after exposing himself for a while, and you may not recognise what it is (in fact I only just realised that's what it is now when I tried to describe it) and he attacks to get into that state so you may think it's the opening after an attack rather than the buildup, and that one shot me, but it's not something you're gonna die to twice. All his other shit is a joke.

The platform you fight on is pretty buggy and people fall off it. It probably never happened to you, but I saw it many times.

That's just people holding a direction while they attack, you can't falloff while attacking if you're not holding a direction.

It isn't supposed to happen when you are facing Umi Bozo.

Huh? The area has holes in it. How is it buggy?

Given that "cheese"in souls games is pressing O and R1, I am pretty sure Sekiro can also be cheesed easily.

Start blocking more often.

lmao shitters