Put all of them in the luck category
>OP is mad that he got shit on by a spy and scout
That's all I'm getting out of your picture
>teamwork and skill
>engineer requires skill
>not just team work
>scout requires luck
thread dies with your garbage list
You made this exact same thread yesterday and had a discussion about it.
Why not come up with a new topic to discuss instead?
>Teamwork and Skull
Groundshoot = skill?
all tf2 classes have very high skill ceilings
even if i think sniper mains are wusses
it doesn’t require skill to shoot rockets in the direction of a point
>relies on skill
lmaoing at ur life rn
Low floor/low ceiling: Pyro
High floor/low ceiling: Heavy, Spy
Low floor/High ceiling: Engine, Spy, Sniper, Soldier
High floor/High ceiling: Scout, Demoman
>Random crits are still in the game.
They're all just luck.
I'm retarded but what is the difference between a skill floor and skill ceiling?
Pyro's is not really teamwork based, he just has a bunch of class denying attacks on top of his supposedly ambush style kit, awareness is not needed either, hitting whatever you see with a scorchshot applies the most common and annoying status effect in the game and lasts for 60 damage unless healed, you can literally do anything as pyro and topscore, that's why a lot of people main it
Skill floor = Level of skill needed to play
Skill ceiling = Level of skill needed to play good
Soldier is the most brainlet class.
For every genuinely skilled soldier there are a billion mouthbreathers who can't aim for shit and rely on splash damage.
I think one of the funniest moments during my time as a Medic main was getting a decent Pyro on my side. He only used voice commands but we flanked the opponents and caught them in a choke point by their rear. Popped an uber and after killing around 4-5 of them, the sheer panic you could see them as they ran away on fire into the rest of our team was beautiful.
>Relies on skill
Wrong, and I have 300+ hours on soldier.
low skill floor= easy to pilot
high skill floor= hard to pilot
low skill ceiling= easy to master
high skill ceiling hard to master
sniper should be removed
Skill floor is the minimum amount of skill needed to play effectively
Skill ceiling is the maximum amount of skill possible to play at
Skill floor = basic tactics
Skill ceiling = advanced tactics
Gamer geeks came up with a dorkier way to say "Easy to learn, hard to master", basically.
a good engineer is a MUST HAVE for any team that plans on winning proper tf2(not 6v6) games
So in essence, high floor + high celing = most difficult to play. But does ceiling also constitute their potential the better they are?
For example, Bob the Builder has a low floor but high ceiling. Easy to learn, difficult to master but also high reward?
Then there is Biff the Puncher, high floor, high ceiling, means a super hard character to learn and super hard to master but also super high pay off?
Take the blackpill, Yas Forums
>demoman relies on skill
Not the way I play him
That dude explained it better
spotted the shitter
Thanks lads.
Move sniper to high floor/high ceiling, remove spy from low/high, move heavy to low/low, move engie to high/low
Scout is pure hitscan aiming and movement and acquiring a perfect marriage between them can be tricky.
Soldier's splash damage is remarkably easy to aim and it's easy to become proficient enough at rocket jumping in games.
Pyro is unfortunate because his weapons are really fun to play around with but let's face it, the Flamethrower is nearly braindead.
Demoman's pills definitely do require skill while aiming, but stickies, alike Soldier's rockets, are easy to spam and are effective with their huge explosive hitbox.
Heavy relies on positioning more than any class because of how much of a target he is but let's not pretend his Minigun is much more than just aiming where an enemy is.
Engineer's buildings do require thought for optimal placement, but the Sentry literally does the aiming for you.
Medic's greatest showing of skill is with the crossbow. His medi-gun requires next to no aim at all.
Sniper is even more pure aiming than Scout and is stupidly powerful once you can consistently land shots.
Spy is definitely the most skillful class of them all. While you do have invisiblity, your job is to enter melee range while your target isn't looking behind them, which is incredibly difficult in this day and age where everyone's been playing the game for years at this point.
>Low floor/low ceiling
Pyro, Heavy, Medic
>High floor/low ceiling
Engineer, Spy
>Low floor/high ceiling
Soldier, Demoman
>High floor/high ceiling
Scout, Sniper
Here are my changes I would implement to make TF2 a more SKILLFUL game
>Nerf effectiveness of splash damage on everything
>Require Medics to aim their medi-guns in order to heal targets (with some way to still curve the beam perhaps?)
>Obligatory flamethrower -> lightning gun suggestion; make the flamethrower a consistent, narrow, long-range cone so the Pyro has to track movement while firing rather than xbox hueg particles
>Give Heavies and Snipers more variance in playstyle so they aren't so one-note in their gameplay
pyro needs none of those things
seething scout main pub shitter
How does the heavy have such a deep skill foor? I'd swap that with the Spy as even last time I played, I was the only damn spy who used friendly disguises and I didn't even use the goddamn deadringer. They are terribly underrated.
Soldier airshots are the most satisfying things in the game
>t. least hours spent on Heavy
>splash damage classes
>relies on skill
Yep, which is why I like using the Direct Hit. Sure, the projectile speed makes things easier, but I love actually aiming and not relying on splash damage all the time.
sticky spam requires no brain power
and that he can't "poon some noobs" by switching to spy or scout after getting destroyed by one.
reminder that chinks are doing the lagbots thing
there are several lagbots spamming chinese propaganda and killing the server
Depends on the map. Engineers aren't worth much in KOTH.
Shouldn't you be crying over the ambassaor
>Soldier ceiling that low
>demo floor that high
>pyro ceiling that high
>spy ceiling that high
Bad graph
Also wtf is the y axis? What is it measuring?
>Relies on Luck
I have seen how much of a brain dead you must be to play as a Scout, a fucking skill full scout can do wonders.
Spy depends completely if the opposing team is brain dead whit Spy awareness, or if the Pyro is a maniac with careless abandon for ammo.
Give a noob the Phlogistinator, and you have a working Pyro, that can kill.
Doesn't matter how fucking good you are whit a medic, if you are the only skill full on the team then you're fucked.
Move Spy to High floor/High Ceiling and this is 100% accurate, even if Spy is one of the most jankiest classes in the game
looks like a tf2 graph for a fucking 2007. Heavy is most hilarious
That should say Deadringer.
i played this game for 10+ years but couldn't get better with spy
Only homosexuals play spy, complaining about being bad at spy is like complaining about sucking dick badly
>power classes
Are you new?
My classification is superior and inarguable. Fight me.
This is the correct list, anyone else is either new or baiting
I would say engineer relies on awareness, and pyro does not rely on teamwork. Other than that, it seems right and also I haven't played team fortress in years.
Your suggestions are meme, but at least whoever you stole the rest of it from seems alright.
>blaming your deaths on the enemy just being too good to deal with using your class
based and ultracucked
Just think about how many overall damage you lose. And what's benefit? Oneshot scout once in a round?
Yup, "skill"
*misses half of ur shots*
*moves in predictable zigzag pattern*
wtf sniper op?????
Spy should have high ceiling
Dude relies more on how good you are on fuckin the enemy team's head than skill really
This is more accurate.
i main pyro retard, i can just flail my mouse around when i see the enemy color and kill two people and a C&D spy
Medic got baited hard
Heavy is the most difficult class to master.
Depending on the map it involves a lot of doing nothing and waiting on opponents to respawn or move. Payload made spy a little more fun, but CTF and CP maps with spy were boring as shit.
Also the rewards for all your conniving and plotting were pretty short. You'd spend multiple minutes getting into place, waiting for the right moment and then killing an engineer and his turret/dispensor setup, and all that might only set the enemy back 30 seconds. All the while you're depriving your team of a soldier or demo that'd do more damage to their pushes.
I haven't played since liek 2015. Is the game better or worse?
literally proving him right
>class that can pick and choose his battles
>relies on luck
I can tell you get shit on by scouts.
>>Soldier ceiling that low
Seething s*ldier main