Comfy Animal Crossing

What are you planning to build?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>green airport
>double south exit
>10 planks

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a campsite near the waterfalls

I want to impregnate and hold hands with Hazel.

*takes your free plot*

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>current furniture selection lets you have a fully furnished kitchen thrice over if you wanted
>but there are only a handful of options when it comes to staple items like beds, tables, chairs, and lamps

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Why the fuck does it feel like Villagers talk way less now? I mean fuck, they say literally two lines and then get annoyed when you talk to them again

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Reposting from the previous thread:

Anyone have a dodo code for a village with either of these in store?

>White Roses
>Yellow Mums
>Red Cosmos

They are the last flowers I need to complete my hybrid lab.

cute girl

>he's still making threads far too early
>he's still obviously ban-evading
>he's still spamming out of spite

Is it bad that I just use my wife's switch to buy turnips on hers and sell them on mine with TT?

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As long as Tyrone doesn't find out.

>Peggy just moved out

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anyone willing to sell/let me catalog gym equipment? I only have speedbag and kettlebell, I'll try to make the kettles for you if you want

Would you pet the paws?

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Can anyone here sell, or at least let me catalogue, a lucky cat?

This, it's fucking bullshit

Is there any way to get pictures in a frame, like some villagers have in their houses? I know about the posters.

That little chub always cracks me up.

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I would pet Nook's paws and his belly

>Knowing the existence of a fan-translator who is translating DnM e+
>Starting to follow that translator
>Knowing that the translator hoard his build patches on a paywall where it's obvious that sooner or later it's going to be C&D
>Translator releases a public patch of the translation
>The translator left bugs on purpose with the excuse of "i didn't have time to fix it" or to force people to pay on his patreon
>The translator don't update his patches because that would make him lose benefits from patreon

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bree on a bidet

Attached: bree.png (676x988, 676.65K)

Bros, I only have one sakura recipe. I'm not gonna make it.

Just learn it and go to a craft table.

Is there any reason to not just replace all your island's fruit trees with a different type of fruit tree?

any good stalk prices bros please

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How long are the bamboo diy recipes staying?

thanks again, Nekomi!
the SpongeBob Room™ finally welcomes its newest member to the family

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Here´s a rough concept for what I am building, some stuff done but not sure about placement of the two ramps in the east part of the "town area", still undecided if I should lower the northern part with the museum to be on the 2nd floor or where to put the campsite.

Attached: TKCtown.png (1500x1500, 1.01M)

>Francine comes up to me
>says she has the perfect gift for me
>it’s a bidet
What did she mean by this?

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I have bad internet but I can try and visit/help you

anyone have arcade cabs(non fighter) theyll sell/let me catalog?

Anybody have some good turnip buy prices for a noob to sell their stuff?

I hope they are still there because I haven´t found one in almost a week.


>double south
start again

stinky booty!


Come hang out, please bring outside furniture id youd be so kind, need to raise my island rating.

Wash your ass, it stinks.

Hang out and wait for wooshing, and hope it’s not an Easter balloon. I got like 6 different recipes last night when I was terraforming the island

Just spend hours balloon farming by running up an down your east or west beach depending on time of day. Get good.

Put the campsite on the beach, works well putting both beach and campsite decorations around it.

hope she's not shitting into it

Missing 9 sakura recepie, anyone have any dupes to sell or give?

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Go AFK, volume up, do some shit else, when you hear "the sound" pop the fucker, stay close to your craft table or stack up on some slingshots.

I'm going to build a raised stage near my campground and put a bunch of musical instruments on it, and a boombox, so that villagers can go on and jam.


You smell like shit user.

I got several today.

>lower Easter balloon rate
>also Nintendo
>doesn't raise the chance of getting bollosum recipes

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>only 3 tickets left
FUCK I will never get Kyle at this point and coom to my male villagers

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Mine stopped doing that after I befriended them.

>That chub
Fucking kek

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>bitch sang for half the day in her annoying voice
>only stops when I wack her with a net, but goes back to singing a minute later
I wasn't sure about her in the first place, when she was the reason I got stung by wasps on mysterious island, but now she's definitely getting the boot

Attached: skye.png (1100x1453, 398.95K)

I would pet his cute balls!!!

they should just make sure you don't get dupes
so sick of getting stuff i already have

Got a spare Sakura Flooring
I'll trade it for any other that isn't bonsai or bento
Let me know what you got; I'll even throw in a free Bunny Flooring cause I keep gettin those

>want Hazel
>go to NMT island
>get Hazel
Thank you based desire sensor for looking the other way.

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based gfur poster

Might as well, beach is usually empty as fuck, save for coconut trees, thanks user.

Looking to buy red roses or red lillies from someone's nook shop
or red/white mums
please help

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i was one of the people from last time if you want to open your gates

>No cute kemoshota to tickle-molest

Mega lame

Can I have her pls

working on paying off my sixth loan atm. after I get the basement, I'll start actually planning my town.

feeling real good about tomorrow though.

Attached: current prices.png (568x281, 47.7K)

Yeah, it seems like they never want me to do anything, I miss when they wanted furniture, fruit, clothes

>mfw my tomboy gf hazel is getting memed on and more and more Yas Forumsirgins want her now

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I only have one space left for a villager and I want to be sure I get Judy. How many tickets should I save up before buying the plot of land? I don't want to wait until someone decides to leave 3 weeks from now.

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sure. I'll post in one of these treads when she's ready to leave

>finally got Diva to move out
Wish me luck boys, I'm going squirrel hunting.

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The only spare seasonals i have are bomboo rug and several bunny day crap.
I have both blossom wall recipes learned though, so i could craft you both of them in exchange for the floor.



Build? Nothing until i sort out my neighbor situation

Attached: Villager List.png (1064x978, 647.36K)

Would you let him impregnate you?

>get the unibrow uggo as a starting villager
restarted immediately

BSNQL 431 still open

Attached: shaggy.png (250x320, 67.11K)

>haven't got all the sakura recipes
>turnip prices have been nothing but 107 for all four price checks so far
I may be cursed.

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Out of all the furniture they could have cut, why did they cut all of the actual fucking furniture like couches, tables, and beds? I'm tired of walking into Nook's each day and there being fucking nothing other than trinkets and shit that would go on the table I don't even fucking have.

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I just bought those exact things from an user in a town I just left. Like those exact ones

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Spoonfeed me. What are planks?

realistically 200+

Entertain me, im bored.

(Accepting donations, but not necessary.)


>tfw just got margie and have ellie

Thanks for the Nip prices user, take care lads.

-The Fishing Wizard

user... I doubt he can cum

>tfw no big bear neighbor

Attached: file.png (460x322, 303K)

Taking villager requests.
Drawing humanoid like this though.

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This is my goal

I unlocked terraforming this morning so I've been focusing on carving out the lake in big square chunks, then I will work on creating the "round" edges of the lake afterwards

Attached: shibireLake.png (663x864, 1.39M)

im still open

Sweet. How long you think it'll be? I'm gonna have a plot open tomorrow and I don't want any other villagers taking it.

>Hating my man Bob


if you had them you'd know
10 planker right here everybody

>he names his Island after a zelda location

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Any want these?
Blossom viewing lantern
Cherry-blossom bonsai
Sakura-wood wall


How do I get the miles achivement for catching wasp?? Ive catched at least 7 in a row without getting sting or run and I cant get it!!!!

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planks on your pier.

Cookie eating a cookie!!

Won't know until you try

It would be his first time

I *think* they intended for us to craft and customize things like tables. Except there's only a handful of recipes and getting new ones is painfully slow



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Carmen and her naomi watts beaver teef

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PLEASE do Tangy

Frog guy? A man of very few words
However dare I say, based.

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Can you draw Bree?

Cranston being a dork


Chadder the chad


how do i unfish a characters house

Hey, Wilbur told me that someone went to a Nook island and when they hit a rock a heckin' egg came out!

>he uses pic related as his profile picture

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My wife Olivia

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Attached: Tiffany.png (317x597, 195.44K)
post your stance on all of your current villagers

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I'm gonna find him and I'm gonna protect his smile from trannies. He's gonna get only the best office supplies I can find on this god forsaken island, and he's gonna wear all the geometrical patterned vests bells can buy

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Is the hopping zipper bunny gone for anyone else?

>You think you bought low? haha

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i don't understand what you are doing wrong. What happened with me was I caught 2 wasps then ended session but I wasn't able to get the nook stamp when I caught the remaining 3 wasps because it was in two different sessions (even if it was the same day). On the same session I had to go to 2 nook mile islands and catch 2 wasps to get the stamp.

Treat my daddy Roscoe right. He's already a handful alone.

Even if he could... the pp looks too small to do the job properly


I'm really disappointed the didn't work more on the dialog. They still repeat themselves even more so if you have more than one personality. I wish they had written a larger dialog pool for each personality.


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I want the lantern.

>he always wears this shirt and cargo pants

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I’d take them. Do you want anything in exchange?

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>50-something I forgot the exact number

How's my pattern looking?

>looks like someones arriving


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>All these fags on /acg/ rerolling for popular Coomer villagers so they can repeat the same dialog over and over

god i fucking hate this twitter e-thot cat

Fuck if I know, this game is unpredictable. I haven't talked to her for 2 days and been whacking her with a net a bit today

you've got it wrong, raymond is the hottest new gay in town

anybody got saharah?

I'm incredibly happy with my layout and town plan, but I really need some weird items. It just looks too much like a normal town.

random pattern

stop describing me, dammit.

Flick is in my town for the first time today and my first bug model is a no brainer



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so people can sell. I will close the gates, w

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It's the emotional connection that'll see it through

Rate my villagers

Attached: Screenshot (Apr. 5, 2020 11_23_36 a.m.).png (1078x1270, 319.78K)

cope, seethe and dial8, trannie-faggots

I’m not even gay and I think he’s fucking adorable

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if i get rid of my third tier area with terraforming, obviousl that would prevent me from getting some bugs and fish in the future right? i'm not sure to what extent i can completely fuck up my village


Fug, I guess I saved when I got 4, what a fucking way to ruin things

Asking again. Anyone have the leaf accessory willing to let me catalog it? Kicks hasn't visited my town yet so I've not run into it.

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No it's just a campground, I'm not going for a Japanese aesthetic.

BSNQL closed, I guess it really just takes being posted at the start of a thread to be full again

Attached: Nora_avatar.png (192x192, 43.49K)

>mfw got Maple
>mfw Maple calls me Sugar Face
>mfw she always walks over to my house and waters my flowers, bending over and showing off dat plump fluffy ass at my screen
I can't believe I almost left her on my Ticket island

Attached: 1586210221217.webm (720x405, 950.55K)

>marshal AND beau
clearly gay

Do the animals ever ride in the teacups? I'm taking this shit down if its never going to be used

post a progress picture of the map

shame we don't have working boats

it's crafted now

you DO have Scoot on your island...right, Yas Forums?

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my boy Kevin

Attached: Kevin_HD.png (488x488, 40.42K)

Yes and no

There's more than one bird knight?

I got a spare blossom branches recipe, you still looking to trade?

>says this while posting a screencap from the maid uniform gif

My platonic friend Agnes

Attached: Amiibo_172_Agnes.png (230x322, 82.52K)

Holy shit that's a lot of requests. Let me go through them and at least pick one people.

>that person who visits an island, says nothing, and leaves

I'd rather just hug him than making him become a parent when he's still almost a baby desu

lmao nope. they can't ride the carousel either

I hate Marshal so much, I want him off my island but no one comes to my campsite anymore

Aw damn

anyone got good turnip prices?

Please draw Tom acting annoyed sundere

Attached: Tom_HD.png (360x450, 96.68K)

Treasure Beau and his fat ass and messy eating

30 minutes until the sisters close, come get a skull

Attached: today.jpg (1279x2171, 380.74K)

Oh fuck balls really? Anyone willing to craft me one and I can buy/trade it off them?

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>day 18
>still no Flick
Bros, why won't he visit my island?

I'd love to take you up on the offer, but I've popped 14 balloons in a row and have gotten nothing, unless you care for a bamboo-grove wall

thanks for the gym stuff user

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Please I want wallpapers.

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