>this just dropped
>no breads
Why aren't you playing japanese jank kino user?
This just dropped
Upcoming repacks
Disaster Report 4
Post her thighs
I sold my ps4 years ago
Because it’s not as comfy as Raw Danger!
It's on PC and Switch user.
It's comfy regardless!
Because the nsp hasnt been dumped yet
I'll give it a pirate.
Thanks for letting me know about it shill
I've never played these games before so I have no idea what to expect. $60 is really expensive.
>$80 AUD
Fuck off Japs
Still downloading.
9 bucks in Argentina
Unfair comparison when you literally can't get comfier than rainy environments.
post feet
The hand rubbing in this game is out of control
You've been spamming these threads non-stop for the past few days.
You're just convincing me to not bother with his piece of shit.
>literally no correlation with the posting styles except for 2 of those threads
You tried schizo.
Is NISA fucking retarded? Any fucking sensible publisher would release this kusoge for $30 tops, and even with that price it'd be a fucking crime.
Bound to fail, and the the people at fault would be the consumers and not the retarded suits behind this decision.
>only 30,000¥
>275.79 United States Dollar
What the fuck, Japan? Was the bubble burst this bad?
Changing the wording doesn't deceive anyone, shill.
Tell your bosses that if they want to shill that game on Yas Forums that badly they should buy a fucking banner.
How much sexual assault does the game have?
Yeah then with that logic all the FF7R threads and all the smash threads and all that other garbage is shilling as well but i dont see you on those threads you sperg.
Man you totally convinced me.
Buy a fucking banner, faggots.
Everything about this game makes me feel like I stepped into a time machine to play a PS3 followup to Raw Danger.
what are these games about? why does Yas Forums love them so much?
There was a ton of people screaming shills in the first days of the leaks of ff7, but it's pretty retarded that you can't discuss a new game on Yas Forums without someone coming to shitpost about shills
NISA shill here. We're laughing to the bank with all the Yas Forums sales we've secured from our outdated game with nearly no name recognition and based off a dead genre of movies.
fuck off hiro
p-pc wins again
im about to
fuck off retard. i wasn't aware of the game until now, glad OP posted it. raw danger is a cool game.
I enjoyed the demo but I'm left with a shit pc, how is the optimization?
jokes on you I wanted this series to sell well ever since I watched Super Best Friends' Disaster Report LP
but I'm going to pirate it anyway since I blew my money on Doom Eternal
Whats the point of this when Yakuza exists
What the fuck is this shit about?
Fuck OP and his faggot shilling.
PS Home is back, baby!
You can play as a girl
Survival sim in a japanese city with VN elements, kind of like a choose your own adventure type of game
I dont give a shit about pirates or people pirating i just want people to play it, take your meds user.
post-disaster simulator, you explore and try to survive, there's usually stuff like wet clothes that make you cold, people you meet and save, multiple characters to play as, navigating dangerous terrain, lots of varied gameplay. pretty unique
Stop trying to force a game down people's throats.
One of the reasons I decided to never bother with the Gravity Rush series were the constant "WHY AREN'T YOU PLAYING KAT'S GAME, user? WHY ARE YOU SUCH A WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT PLAYING TRASH INSTEAD OF KAT'S GAME? WHY ARE YOU SUCH A PILE OF FECAL MATTER, user?"
Last (you) I'm giving you. Don't make me give it a bad metacritic score.
I was trying to play as a complete asshole but then I met this guy and now I feel bad.
The game literally just came out.
Take your fucking meds, schizo.
seek help
kek you made me laugh user, good job
Just so I know what to do expect...
>is it essentially Disaster Report but with better graphics?
>are there throwbacks to the previous games?
>does it use Denuvo?
>are the DLC worth spending money on?
Thanks user, I loved the PS2 games and bought both of them on the PSN despite being in Japanese, I would have bought 3 as well if my PSP hadn't died.
>Don't make me give it a bad metacritic score.
ok this was bait thank god, honestly one of the best baits I've seen in 2020 so far, I was about to write a serious reply.
This makes me wish Tokyo Jungle got a port off of the PS3 for some reason. I miss that game.
>Implying Yas Forums doesn't give Metacritic crucial importance
If you want to make fanboys miserable it's way, way, way more effective than just shitposting on Yas Forums
The absolute state of this board
crucial importance on shitposting about popular games, nobody cares about the metacritic scores on a niche game like this
please... anything but the metacritic score... think about the poor devs...
Seek help
I still have my PS3 and play Tokyo Jungle, one of my best purchases so far.
Now, City shrouded in shadow... That one will likely never EVER come to the West (or on a PC)
Except metacritic scores are pretty damaging to small, niche games.
A popular game will always be popular, scores be damned. People choosing to give a niche game a chance can hinge on the game's overall reception.
Granzella are based though
You got that right
user, don't lie. it's 10
I really need to replay Raw Danger. I'm sure I'll hate it, but that was such an oddly cozy game
I haven't played this, just Raw Danger which is a localized renamed version of a previous entry in the franchise for the PS2, and at least that one I couldn't describe as anything other than something like Resident Evil without the zombies.
>Only Blizzard is allowed to shill
It's only one thread in the catalog you ragging nigger
It's always cracked me up how much shit you can throw at Connie... But Steambot Chronicles is a pretty weird game, all things considered.
>I couldn't describe as anything other than something like Resident Evil
I don't know, Resident Evil doesn't let you be a dick to other survivors or fondle your waitress friend to "increase your body temperature".
The story and gameplay is nothing like Yakuza
the only similar is that they're both set in Japan, maybe this game goes full anime like Yakuza always does further into it's story though
>Final Fantasy 7 Remake
>Resident Evil 3
>Persona 5: The Royal
>Paying $59.99 for a game where you spam NPCs for a chance to progress, only to spam more NPCs.