why is valve trying to appeal to the soicore audience?
Why is valve trying to appeal to the soicore audience?
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what are you talking about
left looks pretty silly too
he literally looks like chad with glasses
wait what? the left pic is not official??
What I wanted was EP3 or HL3. I didn't want either of this shit
"Trying to?" Half-Life was already só €€oycore. Le strong, silent nerd runs around killing nonthreatening monsters. REAL masculine there
>he literally looks like chad with glasses
if the render on the left was a real person he'd be gay
idk why but i just get a strong reading on the gaydar
You want him to fuck your ass
Yeah, no.
He's a 20-something physics nerd, not a 50-something ex-SWAT.
if he was real we would all be gay
i remember valve trying some bullshit saying eps 1 and 2 ARE HL3
Why does he look like that fucking guy from Smosh
Because HL:A was a hastily thrown together tech demo for VR Half-life. The good shit will come with the release of HL3.
If you wanted the left you're a retard, gordon is meant to be a nerdy MiT graduate who cant speak and has no friends, not some alpha giga mega chad
>Pre-rendered vs in game model
Did you just start playing games?
Thats not necessarily a bad thing.
The one on the right is years old and from an old HL3 scrap, they couldn't be fucked making a new one with the same standard.
>upset that a nerd looks like a nerd and not a chad
Stay mad then.
One looks like a cinematic other looks like ingame, what's the problem?
Can't stand this fucker. He could probably rip my spine out of my asshole with no issues, but damn I can't think what a fucking pain in the ass it would be to have him as a father.
the right one is objectively better gordon isn't a chad he's a nerd
where do you retards come from?
>why does a theoretical physicist looks like a normal man and not a male model?
>why doesnt the datamined cutscene model in awkward lighting look like this fake render with a trillion polys i am upset and mad
this is gordon in HL:A, this is the only appearance. wake me up when they release a game where you can officially see gordon up close and he's still ugly. (same with the alyx model shit)
Alyx and Gordon aren't shown head on in game at any point, wasting resources making a really good model would have been pointless.
That's how Gordon always looked you fucking secondary.
You. Sex. Have it.
seeing as they're using "onions boy" probably reddit
as usual fpbp. a) the model on the right was never meant to be viewed and judging by other parts of hla was rushed and b) you'd have to be a level 100 autist to care about the differences between those two images
I would let him fuck me
They're barely different you fucking braindead troglodyte.
I'm a fag too and I'm not getting anything on the old gaydar. I think you just want him to be gay.
>Hero is literal soi boi stereotype. Look at him!
>Reading up on Gordon Freeman he even grew up in Seattle during the 90's and had a ponytail!
>Compare him with the other game heroes of his time like Master Chief, Marcus Fenix, Kratos, Nathan Drake, Altair, Jan Templar, Travis Touchdown, Capt. Price, Dante who were all giga chads.
>First game/Black Mesa = durrr US Military bad, baby = bad, white man in suit and tie = scary
>Love interest is a basic goblina negress with no tits who shows no skin
>This tiny girl saves us from a squad of armed cops by beating them with melee?
>Leader of resistance is black science man
>Who according to Wikia is modeled off of some random negro begging for change. Lulz the SJWs pushing their agenda had to face the truth about how far the basic darky can go and they want us to believe he's some brilliant scientist and leader?
>Kleiner is fabulously faggy and according to another user has a very jewish name.
>Another user informed me his pet headcrab is named after Hedy Lamarr, the favorite example of feminists about strong smart wahmen and why we need them in STEM
>Breen, the evil puppet of the Combine and race traitor is a white male with an Anglo name.
>Combine built a wall to keep out hostile aliens.
i swear if i ever see paul joseph watson in real life im gonna step on and crush his little 5'1 ant body with my bare feet for letting this annoying soiboi meme shit spread like wildfire to bug brained tourists who have no sense of when a joke has run its course
>left pic
I would like to touch his crowbar if you know what I mean
His hair looks wrong in Alyx.
>>Hero is literal soi boi stereotype. Look at him!
>>Reading up on Gordon Freeman he even grew up in Seattle during the 90's and had a ponytail!
>>Compare him with the other game heroes of his time like Master Chief, Marcus Fenix, Kratos, Nathan Drake, Altair, Jan Templar, Travis Touchdown, Capt. Price, Dante who were all giga chads.
>>First game/Black Mesa = durrr US Military bad, baby = bad, white man in suit and tie = scary
>>Love interest is a basic goblina negress with no tits who shows no skin
>>This tiny girl saves us from a squad of armed cops by beating them with melee?
>>Leader of resistance is black science man
>>Who according to Wikia is modeled off of some random negro begging for change. Lulz the SJWs pushing their agenda had to face the truth about how far the basic darky can go and they want us to believe he's some brilliant scientist and leader?
>>Kleiner is fabulously faggy and according to another user has a very jewish name.
>>Another user informed me his pet headcrab is named after Hedy Lamarr, the favorite example of feminists about strong smart wahmen and why we need them in STEM
>>Breen, the evil puppet of the Combine and race traitor is a white male with an Anglo name.
>>Combine built a wall to keep out hostile aliens.
Feynman, Einstein and plenty of other physicists of the 20th century were chad thundercocks
He should look like a BasedBoy.
He's a scientist.
Yeah more like Gordon Fuckman amirite? Plowing headcrabs with his monster G-man-enhanced chadcock.
Yas Forums only complains about games and pirates them
the soicore audience, as you call it, actually pays for games and can't get enough of microtransactions
Hmm, not quite following you on this one chief.
>Civil protection shows that police = pigs
>Combine iconography and visuals remind us of 1930's Germany which they want us to believe are evil. Although the friend who convinced me to try it said it was an allegory about Israel.
So this is a game where the white male hero fights against the US military. Then falls in love with some mutt and teams up with some nig nog and his gay professor to commit terrorist acts against the police and government led by a white man who built a wall to try to maintain order. It's a kuckoldry simulation.
And when I researched this after playing I looked at the devs.
>Main monster and Combine designer Ted Backman is a literal homo who likes to put degeneracy into his art to ick the players.
The social media of writers Marc Laidlaw, Erik Wolpaw, Chet Faliszek, Chris Remo and Sean Vanaman show they are the biggest NPCs I have seen:
>GG bad sexist
>Kavanaugh bad
>Orange Man bad
>Guns and assault weapons bad (Ironic since HL is a shooter)
>Pewds racist
>BLM, MeToo, feminism good
Vanaman is the virtue signaling libtard behind Firewatch who issued a DMCA notice on Pewds for saying nigger and his kill all jews prank. Faliszek regularly attacks Gamergate and the customers who made him successful.
Laidlaw, the main writer is the worst of them all because he is always attacking conservatives and talks about the most pretentious shit that liberal psuedo academic artsy types are known for.
And of course Alyx follows in the new trend of replacing the white man lead with the minority/female side character.
I never paid much attention to HL because I always saw it as a boomer game and meme, but why is HL so popular?
He looks like a green-eyed arab
spoiler alert: he is real and hes a heterosexual married born again christian.
that's why based valve milks the money from dota and csgo retards and puts it into whatever the fuck they want so they don't have to compromise on the actually important games
>those graphics
have visuals really not evolved in an entire decade? Seriously even games like Battlefield 3 from 2011 look on par visually with games today. And also the most streamed twitch game right now can run on like 2004 hardware. What the fuck
face too long
too animated. his head, his face, even his hands. moves way too much
be advised
it's VR. they literally have to downgrade in graphics in order to compensate for 360 degree renderring.
should be accepted as fact by now that VR is retarded.
>it's VR. they literally have to downgrade in graphics in order to compensate for 360 degree renderring.
He looks fine but why are his eyes so huge? Looks like an anime character.
Please shut the fuck up I beg. The internet is poisoning your mind.
>Valve getting mogged by three random Indians
Because it's a half assed model kept in shadow from the distance, I'm surprised they bothered to colour his eyes.
have some respect. he made earthworm jim and shit.
the fucking state of discourse on this board
Battlefield 3 lowkey defined gaming for the last 10 years and nobody gives it the credit it deserves. Seriously, go back and play that shit on the 360 and tell me it doesn't look better and play better than stuff released this year.
make good posts or fuck off
I never liked earthworm jim. Neverhood is decent but his recent kikestarter point and click was god awful