Is Dub vs Sub just a unironic meme?

Is Dub vs Sub just a unironic meme?

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that's a man.

What's an unironic meme? What's the difference from an ironic meme?

why did you choose such an artifacted image for the right

Trans women are women!
Trans rights!

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>Left - Goldy CHAD children 100% guaranteed
>Right - future mutt school shooter guaranteed

nothing will hide that male pattern baldness


she's a big girl

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>having kids

Japs have a rigorous industry for VA work and it's generally treated with a lot of respect. Of course it would be better.

And even if you disregard that, the original audio done by the actual original staff will always be the one to play first.

That english actress whose name I already forgot is so fucking hot Yas Forumsros...

What if your kid is girl though.


>being elitist about a language that isn't yours or that you even speak

Attached: fall out boy.jpg (445x356, 25.86K)

>not wanting your son to get those CHAD jaw genes for himself

Why does it matter what a voice actor looks like?

>faggot turns into a trans
shocking, just like half of Yas Forums

Hollywood exists because America has the top talent when it comes to acting. Shitty Japanese acting (and their godawful language) is becoming irrelevant.

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Give her to adaption.
Or pull Sparta and throw her off the cliff and claim that she mysteriously disappeared.

3rd on bottom is clearly a dude with weight issues

>Being a tripfag


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>Judging a voice actor by their physical appearance

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There used to be truth in this. During the 5th gen when dubs started to become a more common thing, Japan already had a strong industry for hobbies-related voice acting but anime and video games still weren't mainstream here. Basically, voice actors were mostly failed actors, and anime/video game voice actors were a tier below even that. A lot of shit was phoned in and this trend continued on through a lot of the 6th and 7th generations.

Since then though actual career video game voice actors became a thing over between kids who grew up with this stuff growing up and getting into it, and these industries becoming relevant enough to attract regular talent to them. There's actually a lot of great dub work nowadays, but a lot of people still associate dubs with the days when they were measurably garbage.

Why do you fucking faggots worship Japs so much?

Every game should be played in it's original language. If you don't understand that language, use subtitles.

what rationale makes you believe this

this nigga gets it, same shit for movies, dubs are for plebs and have always been for plebs

Where do you think we are?
I guess liking anything over westernshit would seem that way to you faggots.

a moronic one, no doubt

r u sure?

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Ironically incels succumb more to face and body shaming than roasties ever did. It pains me every single day how incels have brought down the male gender this much.

>play game series with Japanese voices
>English voices for the games sound out of place forever

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erica lindbeck is hot as fucking shit and i challenge anyone who disagrees to hand to hand combat (naked)

>Where do you think we are?
>inb4 hurr is no longer a weeb site anymore

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Games originally in english have good to great voice acting but most jap to english dubs are awful, atlus games are the only ones tolerable.

Every dub I've ever listened to has sounded like shit. Simple as.

The reason for that? I suspect because the dubbers are not as involved or culturally/racially in tune with the developers of the game.

yes, you can still see the hairline despite their shitty knotted combover/ass transplant

They imagine the VA every time they fap to the character.

>anyone who disagrees
you're on, faggot (no homo)

>old anime dubs
>new anime dubs
pretty much never
With that being said I've seen a few animes that have been released in the 00s where I genuinely prefer the English voices for characters... but its rare, often only when the setting is western, and usually some of the other voice actors are fucking terrible.
Have you ever seen Baccano? Its set in 1930s America. The first episode in English has god-awful voices but later you got things like the voice of Lad being so fucking perfect compared to the lazy ass Japanese voice. Prime example.

Dubs aren't for plebs. Subs are for weebs.

Ugly people have ugly voices.

left could produce an army of strong 6'5 broad shoulder children
which is of course the whole point of life

Sadly true

>If you play Stalker or KC:D in it's original language, you're a weeb

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sounds like cope for you closet homosexuality

She's like 40, so no, she couldn't.

she's 27 actually

Dubs for retarded niggers who can't read

It's because most voice directors don't give a shit. Just have them read the line once and call it good. Some VAs are lucky to be given any context for their scenes

yes the point of life is to fuck women who most closely resemble men.

More like dumb people and introverts have ugly voices. A voice is almost never ugly by default, it's ugly because of accent, missing clarity and general pronunciation. Either you use your voice not enough to develop the necessary clarity, a nice ring and proper pronunciation or you're too dumb to learn it automatically.

This is simply proven by the fact that everyone can easily act out a dumb or ugly voice by reducing certain factors like clarity and warping pronunciation on purpose. If you have the necessary skills for good and clear pronunciation it's only a matter of being able to tap into the necessary range and generally being fit for the role.

SMTIV was a surprisingly good dub. Went in expecting to have to turn it off and go for the undub immediately, but the whole thing ended up being of great quality.
Persona on the other hand...

Unionically yes.
The concept of "dub vs. sub" has become a meme. Has been for many years.

Assassin's Creed 2 with the Italian dub and subtitles is a fucking masterpiece.

Dubs are ba-

Dubs were really awful back in the day and has gotten a lot better.

tangentially related
>voice was always pretty solid, worked on my pacing and removing particular irritating habits
>my jaw rebels against the rest of my body and causes popping, sores, grinding, oversalivation and utterly ruins my previous speaking abilities
why me

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80% of eggs are gone by 30. She's fat, so add that to considering her reduced fertility.
The voice is genetic.


american dubs are god awful. How can you even live with that?

don't care and wrong

you can tell OP is the exact same faggot making the same thread over and over because he always posts the same two voice actresses in his bait threads. imagine being such a low IQ trog that you have nothing better to do than spam the same shitty troll thread every day

you're a woman? Can we DM?

tfw no Aoi Yuuki gf

The very first minute of smtiv was so bad I wanted to change it, but the rest of the game was pretty good

>t. childless incel freak

Voice is genetic, but speaking is a combination of personality (partially genetic) and learned (very little genetic).

the chad burger versus the femcel nip

Shut the fuck up

>personality (partially genetic)
Mostly genetic.
>learned (very little genetic).
Everything in your environment is a result of the genetics of the humans surrounding you as you develop.

Seriously? That's a hot take since "back in the day" people were kind of split but now any serious community seems to think dubs have become unwatchable. Its probably mostly highschool girls who watch dubs now a days.

Oh yeah the first minute. Forgot about that. I was if it was supposed to sound so stupid or something. I never heard that part in japanese.