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What did the Ching Chongs scream about again?

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Wait you can't touch your temples anymore? What the fuck is wrong with people

Why are asians getting so uppity lately about muh racism?

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isn't that just a thing people do when they have a headache?

imagine if we just ignored stuff like that instead of making it a huge deal every time

Would chinks "get heat" for doing a gesture like this?

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Why did Belgium do this?

Is this even a real thing? or is it just Overwatch desperately trying to be relevant.
he's not even doing it right, who stretches at the eyebrows? you have to stretch hard at the eyes and make buck teeth.

That just looks like he's rubbing his temples.

because black people can't have all the fun getting white people to walk on eggshells and having them fired for the slightest transgression.
you should dance for us too, you white nigger

It's so easy to piss off SJWs nowadays, there was a time where even the most insane rabid SJW would say "Okay, but give us the whole clip so we know he wasn't just scratching his head or something."

Now it's just listen and believe shit so when it comes out that this image is misleading they'll vow to never be fooled again before going on to be outraged at something equally retarded.

ok chang

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How is that even racist? East Asians have slanted eyes. It's a fact. They're described that way in books all the time.

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The mere act of acknowledging there's differences between races is racist.

>casually massage your temples because playing videogame all night can give you headache
>Alice (previously Tom) take a screenshot at the right time

ok gilbert

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I litterly do that all the time when resting my elbows on the desk. Wtf is up with this outrage BS

>I litterly do that all the time
you are disgusting. fucking nazi.

>disease that makes you profoundly retarded makes your eyes slanted
oh no

that doesn't conform to the definition of "racism" in any way


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If you deny it you are racist.

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I don't know if he's racist or not, but I know most of you faggots are and you don't even have to massage your temples on stream.

please stop racist

>when they ain't hittin the trashcan loud enough

i know your trying to make some "white vs. mutt" statement but you should right is basically just an albino abo and not an "amerimutt"

Silence homophobic prick

The entire world has turned on gookoids. It has been immensely pleasurable seeing them cry like babby's this last month because people are openly shitting on them from all sides.
The best part? People who hate each other came together to shit on the slant fucking shits.

his eyes aren't slanted.
go and do badly at a standardized math test, dum whitey lol

I figuratively do that all the time when resting my elbows on the desk.

> In response to one Twitch comment about his ethnicity — Corona was born in Colombia, but emigrated to Israel at age 3 — “Eqo” joked “I’m Korean,” and pulled back his eyes, seemingly in a mocking Asian caricature.

Yes, but Asians are robots who don't understand the concept of headaches.

People also do it when exacerbated because rubbing the temples relieves stress in the cranium.

This fucking post is so inundated with faggot-grade Yas Forumsspeak that it's almost like it's a different language entirely lmao.

>called Corona and mocks asians
Oh no no no.

Based as fuck.

Why are you badmouthing Yas Forums on Yas Forums? It makes no sense.
We are all user, don't talk shit about your fellows.

Im asian and i dont give a fat fuck when people does this. Asian who do give a fuck are only in for the money and for the epic win bullshit.

>massage temple
>get banned
lmao @ blizzcucks

Well, it was childish.
If you want to upset a Korean you call their mother a comfort woman.

this dumpsterfire of a website isn't a team sport you fucking faggot, go play pretend on the containment board.

I always wonder how do you retards end up on this website, and where you came from.

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You've never gotten in an argument on Yas Forums?
amazing if true!

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>want to be treated like an official sport
>don't act like real athletes
why do e-athletes do this?

I almost miss the era of 2012-2015 Tumblr SJWism. Their complaints were all incredibly bougie and easily laughed off.

Relevant SNL sketch that's actually good:

I have, but not about board to board. It isn't useful. Yas Forums is attacked from all sides from without constantly, we don't need to be attacking each other from within. It is simply harmful and backwards.

Trying to maintain a level of dignity in posting among individuals is wrong?

but Yas Forums is a shithole that creates little shithead drones that go out into threads about video games and cartoons and can't stop parroting Yas Forums trash.
plus you've probably talked shit about /lgbt/ without even realizing

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Why cant wh*te "people" be not racist for one second?
It's not so difficult being a decent human beinf.

This is 4channel. Yas Forums fags can fuck off for trying to ruin our fat advertising deals.

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Luckily this is Yas Forums and not Yas Forums.
I've never mentioned /lgbt/ in my life (except just now). I have nothing against them. I don't like who they are but I'd never use it as an excuse to yell at someone for no reason. They can sit in their threads there or they can do whatever.
I have no reason to bad talk any board for any reason. Its just anons.

Fair game honestly. Europeans and Americans are being currently being dabbed on by the bat virus while asia sits tight. It all evens out.

you need to take your simp ass to reddit, posthaste

you know the term fag is a term of endearment on Yas Forums and has been since 05 right?

Absolutely based, the Japs should have ground every chink into mulch.

faggot faggot faggot

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I don't see why people on Yas Forums think this is such a big deal. NBA players get fined and technical fouls for taunting and grabbing their dick our whatever.

>b-but it's not a real sport
probably because you're allowed to say stuff like faggot and suck my dick

DESU I'm on the same boat as you but I also don't care that whites or any other people get burned for it.

Asian bants are so fucked up. Telling someone they are sexy and have a big dick isn't an insult, but in china it is.
They are so backwards as a people.

im asian

i thought he was just rubbing his forehead because hes stressed out or something

no asian person actually gives a shit about stuff like this

why do white people have to get offended on our behalf lol

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When a dude is jocking himself in front of millions into some dude's face it is clearly poor sportsmanship.
This guy looks like he is rubbing his temples. I'm not ready to pass judgement on what looks like a tired guy doing what tired people do.

Yas Forums wouldn’t be attacking itself from within if it wasn’t infested with human bedbugs like you. Crawl back into the containment board, it’s a safe space for you and the other nymphs. YOU HAVE NO PLACE HERE. OUT OUT OUT


no because they literally want to look like that

this desu, if you wanna do slant-eyes your finger should be lower. You should also stick your front teeth out for extra racism points.

>only asians do this
that's enough from you retard, I see "big dick energy" in chat all the fucking time.

>no asian person actually gives a shit about stuff like this
That's a lie. Why are you speaking on behalf of all asians?

stupid fuck thought he wouldn't get caught lmfao

You play with azns my dude. Only they do this shit. Multiple boards went on a deep dive and they found out azn canadian incels are the ones spamming the BBC threads and talking about dicks constantly.
They have a racial wide insecurity complex about their micropenises. Everyone knows, its just how the world works.
No one blames you gooks for it, you're born that way. We do laugh about it constantly but we also laugh about fart jokes.
I mean it does kind of mean you're entire purpose is to serve as a fart joke of sorts but its still just jokes man.

>Yas Forums begging people to take their side
Nah, you faggots are literally retarded. You dismiss science if your lord Trump tells you to but any time it supports that black people are stupid, you post tons and tons of studies

> but I know most of you faggots are
And I already know you're a massive faggot by even implying that you know anything about me. You're retarded, kiddo.


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>he wasn't mocking asians, he was just rubbing his temple after losing!

retards actually trying to argue this lol

Check the clip. It wasn't taken out of context.
Are you east asian who lives in the west? What's your experience with racism?

>Yas Forums

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No because racism exists to scare white people

As a West Asian I am deeply offended

faggot nigger