Will God of Soy 2 be good?

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It might be better than the first one, but my biggest points of contention with the first one are all the things that are least likely to change.

jump button isn't coming back that's too gamey

Are they actually going to call it God of War 2? That would be retarded.

I get all the gripes about the game (and agree with a good chunk of them) but I don't understand Yas Forums calling it soi all the time. Someone explain what's soi about it

Yeah I hear you get to fight God and Christ in it. Resetera is having a boner over the mere thought as we speak. :o

You apparently perform gender reassignment surgery on Atreus, as well.

I don't even care about that so much. I mean the focus on walky-talky story bits, the barely-involving puzzles and climbing, and the RPG mechanics. After all that is addressed *then* I would start dismantling the combat, but the half-assed action-adventure elements are the biggest problem.

I fucking hope not. They should've given this one a subtitle - it's technically a reboot, sure, but it's still a hard sequel. Nothing before it has been retconned.
God of War: Midgard would've sufficed.

Turns out the director of the game is very red pilled, so yes, it will be good.

All the prerelease info about it came out when the onions meme was the hottest meme on this board. It just stuck.

Valkyries were such a pain in the ass

Genuinely the most satisfying fights in the game.

It'll be fucking fantastic, can't wait to see thor and jormungandr fighting

God of War: Ragnarok, that's my bet, there's no way they'll name it anything else

First one wasn't so what gives you any hope

Matthew matosis is influencing the game so its definitely going to improve upon the 1st

The first one certainly was. It could be just a map pack.

Yes as usual

>Matthew matosis is influencing the game
I doubt it.

Its confirmed

By who?

I fucking hate the culture this game attracted and I hate even more that Barlog embraced it.
"omg i just played through for the sixth time and i JUST NOTICED that kratos has an omega on his back as the hook for his axe OMG IT'S THE LITTLE DETAILS SO MUCH LOVE AND CARE WAS PUT INTO THIS GAME AAAAAAAAA I'M CUMMING FUCK MY WIFE HARDER JAMAL"

The developers

It uses TLOU movie formula sois love.

>Matthew matosis
who dis

Hes the Leonardo DiCaprio of video game essays

Only the final one was bullshit. The attacks aren't visually distinct enough and the flashing indicator is deceptive.

Newfags aggressively misuse memes.

cope, even DSP beat her

>this kind of person likes it so i must dislike it or else that means i'm one of them

DSP pretends to be bad at games for views, but imagine actually playing a fighting game against him. Too scary.

Imagine being so unironically retarded that having not only animations but also a flashing circle as a visual cue for how to react and still thinking it's bullshit.
You just gotta learn 'em user. Welcome to video games.

>even [professional video game player that gets paid by the hour] beat [video game]
what's this supposed to even mean?

possibly, but one reason the ps5 is in trouble is because sequels to god of war/horizon/spider-man etc. are a lot less appealing than they were as new/refreshed IP. just look at tlou2

trouble is those studios can't not make sequels, because that'd be leaving too much money on the table. who's going to be making new IP for sony while microsoft has all these new studios and a rebooted fable up their sleeve?

Imagine not being able to read. Welcome to Yas Forums.

They might take a note or two from it since his complaints about the game aren't uncommon, but the game was a huge moneymaking hit. They're not going to bend over to accommodate the whims of some prolix Irishman on Youtube. If you're expecting the game to be radically different from the first because of Matthewfuckingmatosis you're nuts.

Sequels aren't the issue. Lazy cash grabs that shit upon the IP and trick long term fans are the problem.

Compare Titanfall 2 to Destiny 2, one respects the fans, the other is a cash grab

>God of Onions 2

old kratos with his beard looks like what all the s*yboys with shitty dad bods and patchy beards think they look like/want to look like.

Sup Phil. Still bankrupt?

>just look at tlou2
What about it? It's like the most hyped thing going at the moment for some reason.

>DSP pretends to be bad at games for views
terrible tactic then because most his vids have a pathetic viewcount

It would be good if they-

>zoomed the camera out
>cut down on the forced movie shit
>cut down on the backtracking/rehashed content
>cut down on the RPG shit
>removed Atreus as an companion
>focused on adding more enemies and weapons

But we all know that's not gonna happen because GoW2018 was beloved for being some fucking TLOU Dark Souls bastard child.

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I miss aerial combos.


>If you're expecting the game to be radically different from the first because of Matthewfuckingmatosis you're nuts

No ones expecting that. My point was the developers thanked him for his video essay and want his consultation.

Matthew himself ultimately had respect for Norse God. And any developer that is humble enough to listen to criticism deserves praise.

Backtracking is the only problem there. But it's also inevitable.

Matthew personally reamed Cory Barlog's boipussi while explaining everything that was shit about his games while Joseph Andersson cried and jerked off in a corner. So I think they actually are taking his criticisms seriously

So good it'll practically play itself.

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>Takes care of some other guy's kid the whole game.

That's all I remember hearing about here.

But neither of the things you said are true. Learn the nuances of her animations you big baby.

>Look *snorts* all im saying is if you fucking parasites donate *hacks flem* id be able to pay my bills this month *masterbates on stream*

>So I think they actually are taking his criticisms seriously
This is a Sony studio we're talking about user.

>want his consultation.
lmfao no they fucking dont retard. where did they ever say this?

That's not even true. Atreus is his.

>My point was the developers thanked him for his video essay and want his consultation.
Being humble is good, but the fact they consider Matthewmatosis, King of the Obvious so perceptive as to want his consultation to begin with is worrying. Though I suppose that says more about the state of games criticism than anything else.

different circumstances with games like that. sony aren't going to shit on the IP, they're just going to release effectively the same games again, perhaps with a better framerate. it's probably why they're not very keen on backwards compatibility, because it'd highlight the problem. how different is another spider-man going to be? same open world map, different villains in the third act.

it's in trouble because it doesn't need a sequel but was too big not to make one anyway. one minute it's almost finished the next minute it's delayed indefinitely due to "coronavirus" distribution issues which ff7's release is going to prove is complete bullshit.

Here’s how I see it playing out
>can switch between Atreus or Kratos
>over the shoulder aim is developed further for Atreus and his bow move set
>some sort of co-op
>Thor is tutorial boss battle with player controlling Kratos for full blown spectacle
>Thor takes Kratos our early and he doesn’t come back until mid-game, forcing the players to learn new moves and mechanics with Atreus ala the ole take away everything from the players at the start
>time travel shenanigan, Atreus will grow older while still keeping the constant camera gimmick

Old Kratos was a hardcore god slaying, bitch fucking, strong jawed man on a quest for revenge.
New Kratos is a recluse living in a shack who grew a beard and lost the ability to jump.

Why yes I beg for money live how could you tell

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FF7 was rolled out much earlier. They couldn't really stop that. TLOU would have had a later printing slot, and marketing is huge for these kinds of things. If it had the release slot FF7 did, then it would have been out now as well.
It'll probably just build more hype anyway.

Except they are true. No need to flex among people that played the game through twitch streams

Kratos grew up. Literally play the games

>the state of games criticism than anything else.

Ive tried to write concise video essays, its fucking hard, and ill tell you why. The audience. If your commentary is boring, no one will listen. So the temptation is to be over the top and loud. The squeaky wheel gets the oil.

So you write with one mind on the subject matter and another on the audience. The Critical Drinker is a master of this balance.

Also the the bell curve distribution means the more intelligent the content, the less the engagement. Try it yourself, if you ca average 100k views per vid then you are doing better than me and id be happy to learn from you

>if you mature up you're a soiboi
Even if that's not what you mean is it so hard to imagine when he fell in love with Faye he committed to her?

>Backtracking is the only problem there
Really? That's the only criticism you'll grant?

He "grew up" at the end of the first game.
2018 neutered him.

Not him but in what world is Kratos mature when he turned his back on everything?

well I hope that they're not just sending ghost of tsushima out to die just so they have something around that slot, because i'm fairly confident its success will influence whether sony invests in new IP or just releases sequels on sequels for next gen

Neutered how? And he didn't grow up in the first one. Not only did 2 prove this, but there was no real growth in 1.

I was just fucking around. What likely happened is that whoever runs the social media for Sony Santa Monica is a fan of Matthew and gave him a shout out. I agree thinking that Matthew's criticism is going to have a major effect on the game is silly.

Maybe the camera thing too, but it's still better than RE4, and after 1917 it feels pretty rad.
I would also say more enemies, but that's naturally going to happen.

FF7 is episodic, they will have other opportunities to promote it, TLOU2 will have to be their best selling game to justify the investment and hype, but the bigger the budget, the bigger the corporate involvement and thus we end up with a jewish lesbian kiss and an anti-trump message.

This will inevitably damage sales.

He doesn't grow up at all until the third game and even then only a little bit.
>leaving a shitty past behind you is immature

>Ive tried to write concise video essays, its fucking hard, and ill tell you why. The audience
I never suggested otherwise. I agree with Matthewmatosis more often than I disagree with him and I like his videos. They're well-edited and well-made, and the editing is a huge part of why his videos work. But there's nothing about his analysis that you can't find in a thoughtful message board post or even a considerate Twitter thread. If his analysis blindsided Barlog and the rest of Sony Santa Monica that says more about the studio than it does the level of insight in the video.

But like I said before, there's little chance of the video having a huge impact on the next game, and I sincerely doubt there's much in the video that was truly surprising feedback assuming Barlog and co. have even seen it. To think otherwise -- given the game's critical reception, popular reception, and sales -- is nuts. And I'm probably even less of a fan of the game than Matthewmatosis is.

>This will inevitably damage sales.
You mean moving the slot? I don't see how it could be helped with everything in lockdown. Very few people will randomly stop wanting it, and they can now maximise the launch numbers.

>What likely happened is that whoever runs the social media for Sony Santa Monica is a fan of Matthew and gave him a shout out.
I didn't know they acknowledged him at all. I figured it was just shitposting. Interesting.

>>leaving a shitty past behind you is immature
Facing up to your past, accepting it and moving forward hopefully learning from your mistakes is the mature thing to do.
Running away is far from mature by any stretch of the imagination.

Can you name some other youtube video essayists you consider equal or better to Matthew? Its very hard to discover smaller content creators on that blasted site unless you specifically search for them

>Facing up to your past, accepting it and moving forward hopefully learning from your mistakes is the mature thing to do.
Ie. What Kratos did.
Did you even play the game?

No, i mean the imposition of divisive politics.

He did learn. He did move forward. He finally let go of his wife and daughter, found love again, and had another kid, accepting a new life. That's not "running away," that's building yourself again.
And there was nothing left for him where he started, he fucking destroyed it. Didn't leave himself the choice of staying.

Four Yas Forumstards being butthurt enough to put off buying it for a week won't make much of a difference.
Nor will the mediocre gameplay.

>If his analysis blindsided Barlog and the rest of Sony Santa Monica that says more about the studio than it does the level of insight in the video.

The corporate world is notoriously insular. Vox Days goes into detail about it.

Did you not play the fucking games? This is exactly what Kratos did.

Politics on either side of the contemporary fence has no place in escapist media.

Also your appeal to numbers is fallcious. Galileo was seen as insane by the vast majority of people.

I will agree the gameplay will be exceedingly mediocre. Aggressively dull. I despise game design by committee