Copy Dota

>copy Dota
>copy Auto Chess
>copy Heathstone
>copy CS + Overwatch

Why can't they make an original game?

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Because they aren't even made up of original people. It's all other people who flew in from other games.

From a marketing perspective, much easier to put their brand on established genres. Riot is Esports and they are sticking to it.

>make billions anyway.


>copy Dota
>steal from WC3

>copy Auto Chess
>steal from chess

>copy Heathstone
>steal from MTG

>copy CS + Overwatch
>steal from Unreal Tournament

>Dota is a clone of Warcraft 3
>Hearthstone is a clone of MTG
>Overwatch is a clone of Battleborn
All these chink devs are thieves

>steal Dota
>steal Auto Chess
>steal people's money with your "card game"
>steal CS:GO

How can Valve keep getting away with this?

Cause chinks have no soul and are incapable of original though, only copying/stealing and combining existing things.

why bother coming up with something original?
Blizzard skyrocketed to success by doing the same thing

i see covid 19 has had a strong effect on all the sinophobia


Actually they took the two OG Dota developers and paid them to make League of Legends from Dota. I don't even think they were getting paid for anything dota related considering it was just a warcrft 3 mod. So technically dota 2 copied league. But you're right about copying auto-chess, hearthstone, and cs+overwatch, but they basically had the OG MOBA creaters make league.

>copy CS + Overwatch
>steal from Unreal Tournament

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When was UT ever like what Riot shat out or even like CS 1.6 for that matter?

>technically dota 2 copied league
is it bait?

Cause Riot is looking for the next big thing and lacks any creative drive. The plan isn't fool proof though.

It generally works best for non-established genres, make themselves the baseline easy to approach version. Didn't work for their card game as that market is crowed. Valorant being a more overt mix of game is what I believe to be a response to that, they don't want to get caught out just making CS so slapped on another big game. I wouldn't be surprised the next wave of shilling is selling it on how actually the game is unique. The fighter will be interesting. The genre is both well established yet could use a big game. But the fanboys expecting some reinvention of the wheel where they won't have to learn everything and won't get frame trapped are in for a shock. You could casualise fighters to the base elements and it would still have a steep learning curve that required some lab time. Plus the streamer tactic is difficult, cause none of them can play even a baby fighter.

They have too much Blizzard DNA

damn bro if game A came out then another company made game B which was a copy of A then A2 actually copied B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you are a FUCK RETARD



>Not allowed to improve on an existing concept

fucking scrubs.

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>copy game
>make it better except valorant, that shits gay
get fucked.

which of their games is an improvement?

TFT and LoR clear ones, League isn't really an improvement, it's its own thing since it shares almost no similiraties with dota so neither can be compared, Valorant I dunno

Development on Dota 2 started long before the public got access to LoL for the first time.

How's the card game better than other currently available ones?
As far as I can tell it's already on life support or otherwise fucking swim wouldn't be the top streamer every day.

>all are better than the originals
How do they keep getting away with this?

Deeper mana system than hearthstone.
Few instances of RNG.
Excellent reward system.
Diverse meta in a game that isn't even finished (100+ cards getting added at the end of the month)
Good communication between developers and playerbase, with issues like the fps cap or QoL stuff getting fixed within the week.
Frequent balance patches that have shown to be smart as all fuck so far

As for general notes, the priority system gives place to actual sheanigans and the characterization is excellent, the only faults I find are that some archetypes can be frustrating to play against and that there isn't an actual platform for community like chats or being able to talk to your opponent by default.

I really liked that about Duelyst.

>fix dota
>fix auto chess
>fix hearstone
>fix cs/overwatch
yep I'm thinking they're based

havent played it much but it seems much more balanced than hearthstone, competitive hearthstone is a headache and a half to deal with.
I miss that fucker so god damn much, I never realized how much strategy you could do with a grid based deck game.
plus the art and sound design was god tier

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Yeah, because Dota 2 was first an actual mod on WC3 that fucking flopped and Eul left the scene. Then we got all the clones once he gave away all the code so people could easily make hero brawlers, and Guinsoo and co made Allstars from combining a bunch of shit

The pixel art was great, the drawings I think did a disservice to the popularity of the game, not ones like the one you posted but ones like pic related.
Sad stuff all around, it's a shame it didn't really catch on.

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No, I was talking about the prototype that Valve made and approached icefrog with before hiring him.
Until that point Icefrog was working on HoN.


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Fuck you, little shit. Riot is the future of gaming entertainment. The gaming industry will be EATEN by Riot and Blizzard and Tencent. They are the future. They will soon make ALL the VIDYA.

I genuinely hope that Xi Jinping himself personally finds where you live, goes to your absolutely pathetic excuse for a home and obliteratees you in the ass with his BYC until you accept Chinese superiority like the little bitch boy you are.

>it's its own thing since it shares almost no similiraties with dota so neither can be compared
they're both MOBA's they most definitely can be compared retard

No they didn’t. Pendragon wasn’t a developer, he ran the community forums. THE forums. Which he shuttered to shill for League. The only person they have is Guinsoo, who was admittedly influential but Icefrog had long taken the reigns. Valve is actually the one with the two OGs, having both Icefrog and Eul

Did counter strike really need magic and team wipe "I win" buttons?

is Riot making an arena shooter? what the fuck did I miss?

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>Activision filed a patent for the technology that gives free players awful results against paid players
America is too fucking stupid to vote for someone that would steamroll the gaming industry, so shit like this exists.

Guinsoo almost killed DotA because he got bored developing it after getting addicted to WoW.
He was such a control-freak that only he was allowed to update and work on the unencrypted version of the map and refused to hand it off to Eul or Icefrog when he stopped working on it.

He's an absolute faggot and so is his cocksleeve Pendragon for taking down the community forum and replacing it with an ad for LoL.
Guinsoo Dota-Allstars was also some of the worst shit imaginable balance wise so fuck you if you try to give these people any credit other than using their names to shill for LoL.

chink company

Yeah, people seem to forget that Guisnoo era was the era if you wanted useless heroes or perma-stun.
I still want Dark Terminator and GoD back damn it.

>Be Blizzard
>Copy Warhammer Tabletop
>Copy 40k
>Copy Everquest
>Copy MTG
>Copy Team Fortress
>Copy LoL for copying Warhammer Tabletop
>Blame Riot for copying
>Remake copies

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Just imagine putting a 60 seconds sleep with a 20s cool down on any hero.
Fucking what.

LoL was made up of people who worked on the original DoTA mod.
Valorant was made up of people who worked on CSGO.

riot policy is this:
>different enough that people play it because it's different
>not different enough that people don't play it because it's different
>non p2w, player-friendly f2p model

Of all the card games you could have said legends of runeterra copied you chose the game it was least like.

Only really guisnoo and we know why that isn't the highest of praise Icefrog > Community DOTA maps > Eul > Guisnoo

dumb bakas didnt you know all games are just copies of asteroid.
also dota has long been dead lmao.

To be completely fair with Warcraft it was originally a Warhammer game until GW randomly called off the deal halfway through development so they had to retool it into something else

original =/= good

>copy Auto Chess
>steal from chess

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New =/= Good
At the same time i think anyone playing any of these from any of these devs are subhuman and deserve what they are getting so continue.

I used to hate the way GW was so conservative with the Warhammer license for vidya but now I appreciate it after the swarm of terrible 40k games. At least Fantasy is less "popular" therefore doesn't get as many mouth breathers making shit for it.

>hero-based shooter with abilities and ultimates
into the fucking trash it goes

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First beta of CS was released in June of '99. Release of UT was November of '99.

Why does it even matter? I just wanna play video games

Pretty much. Give it 3 months before the meta starts changing wildly every patch, and "BUFF!/NERF!" complaints start flying wildly until the game is an unmitigated mess that plays like garbage.

Because they're owned by Tencent, a Chinese company. And as most people who know enough about Chinese gaming is that is 98% IP theft.

>makes the game casual and edgy enough that teens and e girls want to play it
>locks everything behind a grindwall/paywall while calling it f2p friendly and competitive

I think the biggest thing people are missing from this is that the balance is going to be terrible once they start adding in new characters. Think about how many launch League characters are still "viable" before they got a rework/soft rework.

this Valorant shit looks like CS for children lmao, it is just LITERALLY other textures, character sounds and characters everything else is CS. Pathetic

Because they're owned by Tencent.

In other words, they are run by ching chongs.

Why waste time and effort trying to make something that may fail when you can take a successful, already proven game style and just polish the absolute FUCK out of it?
valorant is unironically more fun and smooth than csgo has been since the mid 2010s.

>Why can't they make an original game?
Why would they?

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You have obviously never played UT if you think CS is anything like it.

Keep seething. China is the future of entertainment.

how the fuck do I improve my aim. 50 in 76 seems pretty bad.

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It is but for the wrong reasons.

>copy Auto Chess
>steal from chess