Backlog thread

Quarantine times are times of helping each other so let's have backlog thread - help others decide and give recommendations! Mine is here:

Thanks in advance!

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>I'll get to my backlog when I get more free time
>get months of free time
>Let me play NFSU2 again

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Replaying good games is not bad, user, if backlog is not interesting. It might be at the moment, too.

Life is short, no point in playing what you don't like. Video games are supposed to give you fun. I recently replayed some old games like Warlords Battlecry too.

Whatever to keep thread alive I guess.

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Nobody want to post their backlog?

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Not really, I'm just lurking for fluff.

Oh dear.

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same. besides, my backlog is way too long

Backlogs are for faggots. I only buy games I intend to play.

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Mine is 52 games long in Steam and around 20 on GoG.

Even on sales?

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Far far more on my end. After many years of Humble Bundles n other sales I gathered a dumb amount of games that I'll never play.

isn't this fox girl or whatever thousands of years old? imagine the mileage

No, she's quite young in fact, about 800.

Reminder that Senko is just a copy of Yellow Pop.
Yellow Pop ended with the far superior silver fox girl winning.

That's kind of sad. I mean, when I was like 12 years old, I used to have couple of games and each new one was holiday and guys at school used to borrow from one another so each game was highly valuable, especially if it lacked any form of crude drm like requiring cd to be present in drive.

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Sure is a bit sad. But that's the nature of modern (internet based) PC gaming. Either you pirate shit, or you get it for dirt cheap in some bundle or a sale.

Video games need more fox girls

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I want to suffocate into Ran-shama

What games would you recommend?

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Foxing over it

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Pic related is why I cant bring myself to watch senko during my quarantine.
Literally everything i do makes me think about how alone I am, and if by some miracle i found someone, a few hours of talking will either have me enslaved to them or have me alone again cause i spoke my mind.

On the other hand, im having a slightly good time reading muvluv extra, very nice. Debating between finishing 3houses, p5(vanilla), or kh3.

Is that even legal?

To her, we are not legal.

in some countries

Senko should be arrested by the shinto police for grooming humans.

Better finish up one game before moving to other, breaks in between with other activity are fine but leaving unfinished games leaves uneasy feeling.

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I'd be playing DOOM right now if I wasn't browsing Yas Forums and looking at fox girl pics.

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Just finally got around to playing my Empire at War mods, starting with Fall of the Republic. Currently engaging the Separatists over Foerost, they've heavily entrenched but it's wedged right in the Core Worlds, so they pose a huge risk if I leave them there. I have to gamble on an all-or-nothing strike. My fleet consists of
>3 Invincible-class Dreadnaughts
>6 Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers, of which 2 are PDF-armament
>9 Acclamator-class Cruisers, of which 2 are of a missile cruiser configuration
>3 CR90 Corvettes
>3 DP20 Frigates
>2 Arquitens-class Light Cruisers
>3 Venator-class Star Destroyers fresh off the shipyard
Underneath the leadership of Admiral Yularen and Jedi Knights Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, this force is fielding our new class of Destroyer, the Venator, in a maiden voyage against a monstrous Confederate fleet.
>1 Lucrehulk Battle Carrier, reconfigured for frontline combat
>3 Providence-class Destroyers
>4 C-9979 Carriers
>6 Auxilia/Captor configurations of their standardized Missile Carriers
>4 Munificent Star Frigates
>2 Recusant-class Light Destroyers
In addition they have a starbase with a complement of several more Munificents guarding it, so we are sorely outnumbered. Our only hope is that our sturdier ships can weather the storm until our Y-Wing bomber fleet can pick off their ships until we can separate the Lucrehulk from the rest of the fleet. If we can manage that, or alternatively destroy the shipyard, then we have a shot.

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Depends on what kind of game you're actually in the mood to play. None of them appeal to me personally, but if you want space grand strat right now you obviously shouldn't play an animu dungeon crawling RPG. What are you feeling like playing right now? Space grand strat, animu dungeon crawling, something else entirely? The one thing that popped out at me in your list was Space Hulk, that looks cool and appeals to me personally. If it was my own backlog, that's what I'd play. You put in drawing as an option, and while self-improvement and learning is always good, it can be nice to just relax with games too if drawing isn't pulling you in right now.
Personally I'm in the camp where I've got so many games from bundles I don't even keep count anymore and have stopped worrying about the majority of them. Don't see why I should concern myself with ticking off every single game in my library when a good chunk of them are games from bundles. I still keep a backlog of games that I actually want to play, I just don't put every game technically in my possession on it.
Currently I'm thinking about playing Parasite Eve, Resident Evil, or Jet Set Radio. I've been playing a fair bit of Resident Evil so I'm leaning toward continuing that or just taking a break with one of the other two, maybe Jet Set Radio since it's got a completely different feeling to it.

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I have a too big to be true backlog divided between three consoles, PC and retro emulation. Taking it one step at a time but i think i spend way too much time thinking what to play.

Senko-sama, you have any suggestions after the R3make?

Just realized I contradicted myself when I said nothing appealed to me and then noticed Space Hulk on the list afterwards. Oh well.

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A good idea is to finish the more short termed games, Resident Evil is a perfect fit as the games might take a day or weekend play to finish. Personally Parasite Eve might be a bit too much, specially 1. 2 is a literal RPG Resident Evil that takes way too long on its second half. Jet set Radio should be your mid game change-up as its fun and quick paced.

With the advantage of a surprise hyperspace jump catching the Separatist fleet flat-footed, our fleet was able to disable more than five ships in the initial salvo. However, the fighting has become disjointed and bloody as the initial push is stymied by the sheer volume of droid ships. Though most of the CIS carriers have been eliminated along with 2 Providences and several Munificents, the Lucrehulk is practically unscratched as it begins its work of chipping away at our Acclamators, who have begun to accumulate damage. Sensing an opening, Yularen orders the Y-Wings to rush the enemy space station as more than half a dozen more capital ships emerge from behind it to join the fray.

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Senko VR when?

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>spend way too much time thinking what to play
I feel you user. Once I'm sat down with a game and playing it's all well enough, but a lot of time is spent in between games just deliberating what I should play. I should turn to threads like these more often and have my mind made up for me instead of wasting a lot of time deciding myself.
Thanks for the advice! I'm a fair bit into Resident Evil so if isn't very long I'll just continue that soon enough. I'm only in the beginning of Parasite Eve so if it's a big investment I'll keep that in mind after I've played the other two.

you should play some indie PC horror games with random level generation

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Hopefully never honestly. Played spice n wolf in VR last night and i gave me a huge smile the entire time. It's very short for the price and not perfect, but a very sweet proof of concept.

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That sounds like a positive description, so why does that equal never?

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Devil survivor 2 record breaker or Etrian Odyssey V, Yas Forums?

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Cuz Senko VR would prob make me sad as shit if they go further with VR than spice n wolf did, I don't need that. But want it.

Backlog Roll

0 - [PS4] Gravity Rush 2
1 - [N64] Hybrid Heaven
2 - [GCN] Eternal Darkness
3 - [360] Mushihimesama Futari
4 - [Wii] Red Steel 2
5 - [360] Lost Planet
6 - [360] Strangehold
7 - [PS4] Blue Reflection
8 - [NSW] Moero Chronicle H
9 - [NSW] Legend of Zelda BOTW

This thread stinks, so don't mind me while I just
1-3 Final Fantasy 4
4-6 Red Dead Redemption 2
7-9 Max Payne
0 Final Fantasy XIV


thank you, this thread motivated me to go through my steam library and remove all the old indie crap that stacked up over the years

This is obviously not the best place for advice, but i appreciate comfy threads like this. Sometimes i actually get a fondness of a game or might pique my interest. and you're welcome, RE will always have a spot for me as it's quick and fun for me.
Another idea to offer is Silent Hill too or the more janky survival horror games on PSX and PS2.

Devil Survivor for story beats, Etrian Odyssey for exploring shenanigans.


wow what a whore

More Ran, please user.
This image made me feel things I haven't felt in a long time.

aw yes

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Rolling for needs.

There is an actual Senko VR ear cleaning ASMR thing already.

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have a business Ran

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Since you asked nicely.

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thanks for reminding me to replay Perfect Cherry Blossom. Haven't finished in years.

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Thank you.
Thank you too user, this image also makes me feel that same thing.

I like wholesome fluffiness

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I have so many video games I could play but I can't be bothered to play anything.

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me and you both my friend

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In the past week I have become addicted to foxgirls. I honestly don’t know how this became my fetish or whatever, but I’m liking it. I think it has to do with the quarantine, it just reminded me of my loneliness and amplified it.
Any good game for switch that fox girls in them? Also, keep posting Senko, warms my heart. Thanks anons.

Ran makes me feel good things.
I want Ran to be real, nothing more.
Ran is really pretty.

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