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>It's now available for early access
brb, about to break a promise I made to myself years ago
That won't last long on Steam
This is gonna cause a big fucking shit show now.
So is it good?
Did my part and reported it.
the forums are already gold, with the developers telling people that want to ban their game that they should be more tolerant and less hateful of others' diverse opinions
Look at the discussions, it's been on steam for like a month
My bet is that it will be the Hatred of 2020.
Minor controversy followed by universal agreement that it's a mediocre edgelord game.
>another asset flip unity game trying to pander to the alt right
cool nobody cares
Whatever happened to "no politics in video games"? I guess it's okay when they do it.
BASED & peace pilled
oh fuck Jim fatass sterling is going to have a heartattack whev he sees this
no one listened, so now everyone can have their politics in video games
I actually agree, however google the game and you'll see tnat in fact a lot of fags actually are in fact upset... probably homosexuals like you.
But weren't all games political?
Main difference being Hatred looks like a AAA title compared to this. It's literally nothing more than The devs are just trying to "own those libtards EPIC style". See
if you buy this shit youre just as stupid as the people who bought hatred. yes fuck trannies and feminists but these games are obviously just trying to cash in on a niche audience of edgelords. dont fall victim
>Hatred was a AAA title
found the homosexual. Hatred along with this game we're both just crap courting controversy.
Valve will end up removing this to avoid further negative PR like they did with Rape Day.
Jesus loves all sinners and preached peace. I hate how Christ has been co-opted by hateful right wing douchebags.
nice reading comprehension, retard
I'm not sure if I should be surprised they made a sequel.
It's been on the store for a month, no one cares.
Thanks for informing me op. Reported the game to Valve. Also shared it on discord for more reports.
COPE FAGGOT, it's been on steam for weeks
There is literally nothing political about this unless you think gay people can't be in video games, too
>the developers telling people that want to ban their game that they should be more tolerant and less hateful of others' diverse opinions
>"own those libtards EPIC style"
This, except it's working and it's actually funny.
>69 years has passed since the since the events of the day of judgment which saw J.C & friends deliver divine retribution to the evil overlord G. Sorrows and his lackeys. Although the satanists were sent to hell, the land remained devastated by fire and war, with the global economy barely able to recover due the destruction caused by the one-world communist government. As bad as things seemed, with the removal of the radical socialists, sinners and satanists and the leaders of the New World Order crucified by J.C himself, the pious and righteous now had faith that they could begin to rebuild a virtuous society. The future looked bright. J.C left the Earth and returned home, praying for the prosperity of the people he had saved. No one - not even the saviour himself - could know that seven decades later he would have no choice but to pick up his AR15 again.
Ain't that mature, Billy.
I guess you could take a fringe opinion and pretend it's the norm to justify your behavior. Or you could simply stop being a faggot.
>Make shitty game intended to offend people
>People get offended and you still make money
It's like getting paid to shitpost.
>Jesus, Hitler and Trump
What do they have in common?
>rehension, retard
I certainly was not wrong, definitely found a homosexual. What do your parents think about all the dicks you take?
I'm just telling you the facts. I'm not happy that Valve feels compelled to remove things to save face. Calm down, spaz.
You might want to read the post again, kneejerking bitch baby.
>Satirical political and adult humour - you won't find anything like it anywhere else!
>you won't find anything like it anywhere else!
But Ttannies and faggots are not people, very misleading article.
>Game good because trump bad in game
>Game bad because Trump do bad things in game
>Game good because trump bad in game
>Game bad because Trump do bad things in game
>Game good because trump bad in game
>Game bad because Trump do bad things in game
All of them are prophets sent to better their people.
i love this argument of "jeezuz luvs everybody so of course he loves the scum and filth"
Sodom and Gomorrah
>fended and you still make money
One of them was a messiah resurrected to save the world. Only fags won't know which one.
you sound like you hate equality, user. why is that? do you think women deserve to make 77 cents on the man's dollar, too?
>conveninetly ignoring Valve's Jewish business practises and blatant pandering to LGBTQ
I don't understand, were you born retarded?
If it's a job that requires physical labor, then yes, as they will not be able to perform to the same standards as a man.
>Jesus loves all sinners
Only if they repented.
sounds like when Yas Forums gets really mad at literally whos on twitter
aka a bunch of nobodies whining about nothing
so i repeat, nobody cares
>There is literally nothing political about this
Really, now? i guess they call them trumpanzees for a reason.
>Sodom and Gomorrah
old testament
COPE FAG. Your time is limited, faggot. We are not sympathising with your faggotry no more, KYS.
I'd post a muscle gril doing fireman shit, but the last time I did that, I triggered the mods.
old testament is pretty based. maybe you dont like it bc it would mean people like you are publicly stoned to death
I'm not really a christian anymore but I remember the God of the old testament being a wrathful douche while in the new testament he was pretty tame by comparison.
It's so easy to be controversial nowadays it's not fun anymore. And video games in particular are easiest media to create controversy.
>Ain't that mature, Billy.
You're right, we'll be the better men and turn the other cheek, surely they'll also see the foolishness and childishness of their behavior and stop!
Imagine appealing to maturity for people who are dedicated to playing/shitposting about videogames
>Find a game nobody knows about that you find offensive
>Go around telling absolutely everyone about this game and how you don't like it
>Game becomes incredibly well known
>"Why do these games I hate keep becoming popular?"
She may have the strength, but will still lack the stamina to keep up with her male counterpart.
>the hard left: makes dumb tranny games about first world problems, actually puts effort into it, makes a mint
>the hard right: makes a wave of cheap Unity asset games to sell Pepe emoticons over Steam, is laughed at by the rest of the world
So this is the power of the free market.
jesus established a new covenant invalidating the old testament
so it's pretty based if you're a modern protestant aka a crypto-kike
Well this shit games been on steam for over a month and they still have not removed it, so go figure. Maybe you should consider having sex, incel?
I should learn how to make these crappy asset flip games. A new way to shitpost would be fun
Neither is the trailer trash who would play this game, so what's your point?
It's still important that this stays on the store, though.
They set out to make an offensive game, and succeeded if this thread is anything to go by.
Steam is pozzed
Unironically yes.
Because fags like you keep replying to online discussions about them. Libfags owned.
You and your IRA discord, Ivan? how does that pertain to anyone else?
You need to avoid this sort of wording, you clearly weren't trained properly. Those incels aren't going to become radicalized if they notice you're a foreign bitch.
Is that supposed to be an argument? To have sex? Is this Reddit?
I will now buy your game.
and intelligence
>libtards freak out over a joke game, justifying its existence