Playing Video Games Will Turn Humans Into Grotesque, Deformed Figures, New Study Predicts

> Playing Video Games Will Turn Humans Into Grotesque, Deformed Figures, New Study Predicts

Are you prepared for the next evolution of mankind Yas Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Damn, I should really switch to a healthier hobby like gambiling

Yeah yeah we've already had many threads on this recently and also 10 years ago, who gives a shit.

Why do people love making 10 identical threads per day? I legitimately don't understand

see this guy gets it

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no, beating your wife is better

>tfw no gf

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is this why my head is shaped the way it is

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>source was a fucking casino site
>news sites still pick it up just to sell a story
>Yas Forums will shovel this shit into their mouth

the casino's psychoanalysis lab monkeys that have released this have also shown a mock-up image of the average gambler's predicted appearence in the next 20 years
interesting stuff

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son I am disappoint

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This will be humans in 2100.

>Gym closed because of Virus


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Oh, boy, wait until you find out that your office job will hurt you even more.

>get done doing a rigorous chest workout
>"whew, how exhausting, perhaps next time I'll do 800lbs!"
>drive home in my Porsche
>recline in my comfortable leather chair
>"hm, now what videogame shall I enjoy this afternoon? Animal Crossing? Maybe some Cooking Mama? Or I could play an old classic like Modern Warfare 2..."
>supermodel gf comes in "hey honey, I just got done grilling your tendies for lunch, if you want you can come downstairs and have them any time!"
>"No thanks, I am still full from your breastmilk this morning! You can just put it in the fridge and wait for me in the bedroom."
being a gamer is awesome

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I'm kind of disappointed this is just a marketing stunt by an online gambling platform instead of a good article on a satirical news site.

This is what journalists will look like in 5 years if they continue putting out such bullshit.
Believe me, i did the math!

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>This graphic should be taken with a grain of salt considering who organized and published this study. Online Casino is — hold your surprise — a digital gambling website for “serious players.” Interestingly, it’s almost impossible to find this study by clicking through the website itself, but a direct link to the study pulls up a glossy, aesthetically appealing layout displaying all of the facts. It’s strange such a concise piece of work is hard to locate on the site, even when you know the keywords to look for.
The absolute state of journalism

it's not bullshit though it's already a widely-known reality

>Have a skull just like this because I was born premature

At least my IQ is 140 when healthy

Wow, he looks just like me!

we must be living in different realities then


That's what the average Irish man looks like right now.

>go on the website
>"in-depth research"
>find no source to said research
>no real numbers

Okay guys here's my latest in-depth about consequencesofsound dot net : it sucks
Source : dude trust me

>studies done by

the original source was a casino site
it's all bullshit but noone cares as long as it makes a good story lol

Gives new meaning to the "Ogre of the Americas"

>a casino site
that's what i meant when i said "the website"

not me

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You know that picture and data were done by a Online Casino right?

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Absolute unit, built to play videogames

Joke's on them, I already look like that.

the gamer race

nice ass

wow, you're telling me sitting down all day and never exercising will fuck up your body?


Why does he have such a shapely ass?

lifting will do that to you
>tfw groping my own ass is part of my idle animation set
th-thanks Yas Forums

that's what investors do and they're considered successful people

he plays on pc


I guess I need to start playing games again.

Also alcohol, nicotine, smack and prostitutes.

>wanting to buy some gym equipment for home because I have the room for it now and I want to get a nice body
>everything sold out because the gyms are closed

>>everything sold out because the gyms are closed
not true. just got a hex bar and a shit ton of cheap rogue 45s off amazon. I'm not losing my deadlift gains.

Could we not make this a 10 threads a day thing? I'm getting tired of seeing this ugly fuck.

where the fuck did they get this pic of me?

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you can primarily be sitting for you job and still take care of your body.

already watched Wall-E breh

Not everyone is patrick bateman user.

>I do already look like that

I don't see the problem... nobody is gonna see me outside

>doing basic bodyweight exercises makes you patrick bateman

why is this bullshit pseudo science idiot trying to pretend like evolution is still a thing in humans?

>Source: Online Casino

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Based on their reasoning all of these symptoms could be caused by any office job. Also, read the article:
>This graphic should be taken with a grain of salt considering who organized and published this study. Online Casino is — hold your surprise — a digital gambling website for “serious players.” Interestingly, it’s almost impossible to find this study by clicking through the website itself, but a direct link to the study pulls up a glossy, aesthetically appealing layout displaying all of the facts. It’s strange such a concise piece of work is hard to locate on the site, even when you know the keywords to look for.

I play arcade Rhythm games on a regular basis and that looks like a sub-optimal physical build for playing most of them.

basically this is a chad gambler vs virgin gamer image trying to get people to spend $1000 a week on skinnerbox bullshit



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A comment I found that basically sums it up. Keep in mind, the original site that posted this was called ""

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if you have a skull like that it's either because your dad was violent while you were a kid or your mom was a drunk while you were a fetus

You overestimate the average person

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