Would you buy it?

Would you buy it?

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Only if ME3's multiplayer returns

>Literally, objectively, the worst sci-fi series ever written and the worst series of video games ever made by the worst developers to ever exist

Yeah, of course. $1000 day one, bring it on.

>$1000 day one, bring it on.
That'll buy you the Limited Krogan Dildo Edition, nice one user!

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I would like it for PS4 even without a remastering

wow someone's mad

It's already backwards compatible on the Xbox. Don't think I would, no. Remasters are a waste of money.

ME3 ending was one of the biggest disappointments in the history of video games

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Ten bucks

how can a dev be responsible for both tortanic and the me3 shitfest and still get work, then go on to produce andromeda and anthem AND still avoid being killed(by EA no less)

I'd buy it for proper controller support for ME on PC

>Remasters are a waste of money.
/thread. just a way for jew publishers to take the least amount of risk, do the minimal amount of work, and still swim in retard zoomer and nostalgia fag money.
Whole game is, will never forget my disappointment going from 1 to 2 and seeing how they changed and butchered almost everything good about it, then going to 3 and being in awe at how much a dev can fuck up, 2 minutes in and you can tell how badly directed and rushed it was just from the texture work and overall look.

why would I?

Someone in there must be a cocksucking virtuoso.

I probably would 2bh, I never played any of the add-ons and I find myself buying maybe one or two new games a year nowadays because they all suck
Might as well enjoy my nostalgia, though given how it all ends maybe not worth it

They can all be upscaled and they all of hi-res texture packs. No, no no, no no no.

Pirate them faggot, fitgirl's repacks of the games are perfectly safe and work great, you don't have to give EA your hard earned cash, and you get all the fucking DLC which was just content they ripped out of the game to resell later.

1 runs like shit on xbox.

In an instant.

Why? I already got everything for free when it came out

I don't want anything to do with Mass Effect anymore.

Runs even worse on PC so...

Just give me mass effect 1 with re hauled graphics, character creator and gameplay. Dont give a shit about the other 2

>That size
Is it good for anything other than a sculpture at that point?

It's still alive, user. There's just not very many people playing it because it's, you know, pretty bad.

Yes, you can use it as a blunt weapon that gives extra mental trauma damage


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no that would be star wars

The real pros can take far girthier and longer toys than that, see

Put it on Switch, with every game on the cartridge, and have it at least run at 900p60 docked, and you've got a deal.


rehauling the gameplay of one would make it worse

Make it Series X, Steam and PS5 and yeah

You can play them all on pc for free right now """"remastered"""" at 1080p 60

Depends on how they remaster ME1

>1080p 60
It's 2020, it's all about 144Hz@1440p now.

Your mom's e-machine isn't representative of all pcs user.

All of the DLC is free nowadays and the modding community has made solid mods for each game in regards to texture overhauls, fan patches, etc.

On Frostbite :^)

Don't fall for the jewish lies, someone post the screencap of the degenerate user who got fecal incontinence and completely fucked up his rectum for going to far.

Yeah but the console ports op wants wouldn't be

it depends if by remaster it changes gameplay / adds content. If it's just a graphical/textural/UI/audio upgrade, then no it's fucking pointless.

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I mean if you have those specs and unlock the frame rate you can have that too.

Depends how big of a remaster it is, if it's just an upscaled port no but if it's a full graphical overhaul hell yeah
Improving on ME1's gameplay a little wouldn't hurt either

if it comes out on switch gladly

>Playing ME3 without the various mods that render it not just playable, but actually enjoyable

No thanks.

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what the fuck

I'm thinking about getting into the series recently.
List me any good mods for the trilogy?

>fisting party

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Most of the me3 mods suck dick and are fanfic tier. Like expanded galaxy just adds shitty fan fiction text adventure missions to the various planets, the ark mod is esl tier, and better dreams is ok but it's just shit we've all seen but edited with silly filters and effects

3 has the extended universe mod and the happy ending mod. Other than that it's mostly higher resolution textures and shit. Was really surprised not to see any new armor sets for Shepard being made. Or else I'm just not good at looking for them.

>ends the retarded faggot story with "it's the company's fault"
What a retarded faggot.

>worst sci-fi series ever written
Babylon 5
>and the worst series of video games ever made
Call of duty
>by the worst developers to ever exist

Best part is that he will die from colon cancer at some point, fucking degenerate

>>worst sci-fi series ever written
>Babylon 5

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Because Anthem is the only game on that list that bombed.

>>worst sci-fi series ever written
>Babylon 5

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doesn't need a "remaster"
i would settle for the dlc packs to be reasonably priced instead but EA gonna EA.

The best part is when he took advice from people who wanted to fist his asshole

Get the Recalibrated mod for all three, they fix bugs, restore content, fix continuity errors, and in ME2 add minor features like getting to recruit Samara and Thane early instead of their recruitment missions being arbitrarily held back until midgame. There's also HD texture and prerendered video mods which are basically mandatory. For ME3 in particular you want to get Expanded Galaxy Mod (gameplay rebalance), Extended Final Anderson Conversation and JohnP's Alternate MEHEM (ending improvements), Bonus Power Packs (adds MP exclusive skills to single player as bonus skills) and Citadel Ending Mod (moves the comic relief Citadel DLC to function as the series epilogue, instead of having it cause tone whiplash by taking place between the two darkest parts of the game). Then take a look around Nexus and season to your taste.

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Not just remaster, change portions and ending of ME3 at least.

i would just install ALOT it would be better than anything bioware would shit out

The first ME wasnt a product of EAWare, are they allowed to sell it?

This is a fake, albeit a good one. A dildo with a width of a volleyball simply isn't happening because the dimensions of the pelvic outlet are far smaller, even on a woman you're short like 10cm and on a man even more.

They own the rights to it and started selling a PS3 port later, why wouldn't they be?