I don't like black players

I don't like black players.

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Whoops, wrong game.

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Black Green is funnest combination with its silly graveyard shenangians

I don't like blue players.

My hatred for Mono-White Heliod/Ajani niggers cannot be contained. They are the scum of the earth. Worse than Trannycleave. Worse than Rakdos Sacrifice-fags. Even worse than Blue Mill homos.

tarmapod is going to be a brutal standard deck on the back of this guy and polukranos soon

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>it's simic with t1 Aborea Grazer, t2 Uro, t3 nissa into t4 agent
>it's red with 3 1-drops into Anax into Cleave
>it's UBW with t2 Thought Erasure, t3 Teferi
>it's rakdos with t1 cat, t2 oven, t3 Mayhem Devil

Black/red masterrace combo

no joke, my parents thought this game was satantic and had to have a major interrogation about me wanting to play this as a kid. they finally let me buy some decks as long as I didn't play black. now i'm all grown up but still a fucking loser

learn how the stack works

>"user, let me see your deck"
>"wait mom, don-"
>"MY GOD, user! Are those 'black' cards?"
>"I-I'm sorry mom, I just wanted to know how it feels"
>"I thought we raised you better than this. Wait 'til your father hears about this"
I believe nothing of your story except the loser part

this is literally the only game where black isn't an issue.
blue players are the worst and deserve the rope

>why yes, I do play Dimir. How could you tell?

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>his parents aren't fundamental christians
have fun in hell, loser

>wait 5 turns
>make sure the other player never does anything ever again
blue is boring.

MTG is shit since they introduced planeswalkers

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GR Chads > GW Bros > everyone else > UW Virgins > UB Megavirgins

Religious nutjob parents can really be like that. I have friend whose mom threw all his pokemon cards because local priests suddenly decided it was satanic.

i knew some guy that wouldn't play black for a similar reason, and my mom recently ignorantly bitched at me because she found some black cards from my brother's deck from during Zendikar block which had shit like doomblade. After I explained that it was part of his vampire deck she mysteriously stopped complaining and changed the topic, coincidentally as some shitty netflix vampire soap opera she was watching was playing on the TV 4 feet from us. Never doubt women, mothers, or bible-thumpers capacity to force their dumbass sanctimony on other people, and this is coming from a conservative Christfag.

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GW is the best, you're alright

So the entire game works by having you add lands or whatever to use other cards.
What happens if all my lands get shuffled to the bottom of the deck?

Why is there no mobile version of arena yet?

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You defend it as great game design because it only happens every 20 games

You take a mulligan on the first turn until you have at least 2-3 lands. Your deckbuilding should give you the leeway you need when it comes to manacosts so you don't need a lot to start with.

ravnika was based as fuck and i loved almost all guilds

mono black chad reporting in

I always play black because its dark and edgy.

Don't hate me because the meta changed.

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You're fucked unless you mulligan at the beginning of the match. You use land as a renewable resource to play stuff btw.

Why can't they at least appreciate Vidya/games where you slay demons?

Not gonna do the math, but the chance that all 24 of your lands are at the bottom of your 60 card deck is so unlikely its pretty much impossible.


>putting lands on your deck
>not being a manaless dredge chad

You learn to shuffle better

You get fucked. Seriously

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So why is Black good now? Is it because Witch's Oven?

People always leave when I play that card.

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You underestimate christfags

Magic's original creator/designer has a PhD in combinatorics, the probabilities are very well chosen.

Because green got banned. No, seriously, green last year was so fucked up that it also fucked up Modern and Legacy

24 is a little much, but not uncommon

Golgari Is back bayby

People leave on arena because if you're a caveman who takes 10 years to do the same actions every turn you aren't fun to play against. It's crazy how long some retards can take to kill their cat and replay it during the end step every turn.

I have this card and flashfires in my land destruction commander, friends hate playing against me lol

why is this shit allowed?

>Limited supply for your game pieces that you either have to buy randomly or from a third party who can jack up the prices

Mythics sell packs

>played Hearthstone on mobile a few years back
>having 10 cards in hand is already shit to handle properly
>mtg has no size restriction on how many cards you can hold
>Hearthstone limits the amount of creatures on the battlefield
>mtg has no limit to the amount of creatues on the battlefield
>not to forget every other permanent type has to be displayed somehow as well
I imagine mtg for mobile to be unplayable

But what if it does happen, do I lose?

powercreep is the only thingg that keeps old games alive

>blocks your path

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why don't blue players just play yugioh

You mulligan

Lifegain decks are easy to deal with literally any removal will BTFO them. Rakdos sacrifice/mono-red is far far worse.

WotC has some humor, I'll give them that.

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You can return your starting hand to the deck, shuffle and draw a new hand then putting cards from that new hand on the bottom of your deck equal to the number of times you've done this. That's what people are talking about when they say you take a mulligan. It is such a statistical impossibility with a well made deck that no one cares that yes you might just lose right away because you can't play anything. Even then you draw cards every turn and your opponent can only play one land per turn so there's still a chance to draw a land every turn and not fall that behind.

Doesn't fucking matter

>sideways scroll bar for hand
>pretty much never going to have 20+ diffrent monsters on your side of the board that cant also be stacked eg tokens
>same scroll spot for other permanent spells
I think it could work.

>mfw they had to issue a fucking public apology about this

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t. Bronzie

24 is the standard land count for most decks. Zoo decks can go all the way down to 18-19.

there are 5 ways to lose a game
1. your life total becomes 0
2. your opponent plays a card with the effect that he "wins the game"
3. your opponent plays a card with the effect that you "lose the game" (currently nothing like that in mtg arena)
4. you get 10 poison counters (currently nothing like that in mtg arena)
4. you concede

having no mana in your hand and on the battlefield only means you can't pay the price for your cards to play them. it does not mean that you automatically lose the game. But unless your opponent is afk or concedes out of pitty, you will lose the game eventually since you can't do shit while your opponent does his thing

This game is fun as fuck with a group of friends with rules to not be total assholes. But if you try to play standard or whatever it's whoever can make the most cancerous deck and/or spend the most wins. Which is bullshit

Also fuck blue players in general forever

If you draw when you have nothing to draw

Aw shit I found the Tom

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that said rakdos>gruul when it comes to red combos (don't care about the rest)

I make alot of money but will not spend it on Standard, sorry bruh

That's okay, Tom. Just keep making excuses about other people being 'assholes' in a game you're supposed to win. I'm sure you can circle jerk in EDH with your friends and make the biggest board ever rather than play the game.

shit, you're right. Forgot about that

Objectively correct color tier list

Chad tier:
Colorless (artifact)

Cool Tier:

Mid Tier:

Lame Tier:

Lamest tier:
Colorless (Eldrazi)
All four-color combinations

Land destruction, taking cards of out of decks before players even draw them, and the 1000x of counterspells blue has are faggotry, i don't give a fuck what you say

I normally ran 20, maybe I should have used more. Might not have lost so many games way back when.

>like blue because mill
>hate blue because counters
>can't play mill effectively without playing counters

>taking cards of out of decks before players even draw them
sadistic sacrament is based

if shuffle is true random it doesn't matter how you shuffle

As someone who hasn't played MTG since the mid 90s (think ice age) how much shit has changed? should I even bother?

players like to clump all their lands together after games, it certainly does matter

Don't bother

Yugioh > MtG these days

Darksteel master race reporting in

>Why yes, I do support mana weaving. How did you know?

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