Ok VRbros, do I get the Quest or Rift S?

Ok VRbros, do I get the Quest or Rift S?

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Rift S is better for PC but you need to measure your IPD and check if it's in the acceptable range.

Rift S is a good PCVR 400$ headset if you are in the IPD range

Quest is an okay PCVR headset if you spend 400$ on the headset, 80$ on the Link cable and some extra cash on comfort mods like the foam headstrap padding by VRCover which I will always shill for free

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Rift S, it's not even close. The Quest is horribly overpriced for what it is.

How is the Quest overpriced? Its likely being sold at a loss

Rift S if your PC can handle it

It is overpriced because of what you are getting for the price you are paying. Its uncomfortable. It requires more money be dropped on it in order to have a pleasant PCVR experience and even then it pales in comparison to what you would have gotten with a Rift S which just works most of the time.
Being sold at a loss and being overpriced are not mutually exclusive.

What about the Odissey+?

Wait for next gen.

Better specs but worse controllers, worse tracking, and more expensive

When is next gen? Like 3-4 years from now?

Probably yeah. This gen just started

Rift S if you will primarily play on PC.


IPD 60 here, it's slightly annoying but it's doable on the S

>Quest: 72Hz
>Rift S: 90Hz

S is 80, CV1 was 90

Rift S: 80Hz

Not that you'll notice any difference

Rift S unless you have a wired gigabit connection and can stream games from your PC to your Quest wirelessly. Having no cables and no setup is what actually made me enjoy VR.

wait what the fugg, i assumed it was the same as the original rift. why the hell did they lower it?

Truth is you'll be good with either. For some reason people who have chosen one of these have a lot of salt for the other, which is dumb.

Rift S is an all around good headset with its only real drawback being fixed IPD. Hard to go wrong with this one, it delivers what it promises, nothing fancy, but does the job. A safe choice.

Quest is trying to be something more. It's a stand-alone wireless headset first, but it also supports PCVR (you don't have to buy the expensive official cable, most USB 3.0 cables will do).

Quest technically has better resolution and lenses, but a slightly lower refresh rate (80Hz vs 72Hz). On the other hand, it's said to be very uncomfortable without putting at least a counterweight on the back of the strap. When connected to PC it renders things at Rift S's resolution by default leading to some softness, but it can be fixed.

Both use the same second generation Touch Controllers. Quest also has experimental hand tracking, but not many games use it, the only "major" title being VRChat.

If you have a really good router, Quest allows for playing PCVR titles wirelessly with Virtual Desktop and ALVR software.

Reminder that pentile screens are less sharp and have a lower perceived resolution for the same resolution compared to RGB screens. This is due to every pixel being made up of a combination of red and green or blue and green in alternating arrangement, while RGB panels have the full red, green, and blue in every pixel.

>Quest technically has better resolution and lenses
Actually no it's the opposite, Rift S has slightly better lenses than the Quest. I have tested multiple units of both models and found this to be true, although there is some variation and the difference is not big. Likely a bit better QC and tolerances on the Rift S units that leads to this small difference. Not everyone notices it.

>but not many games use it, the only "major" title being VRChat.
VRChat does not support Quest's optical hand tracking feature.

80Hz is the "soft limit" so the screen wouldn't start getting blurry when heated (and your face does generate some heat). I guess Oculus just decided to do it this way to keep people from complaining.

Beware that if you buy a Rift S the software is absolutely terrible. I have had nothing but trouble with the Oculus app. It is genuinely awful. Can't comment on the Quest

This is correct, but to be fair, there are no amazing VR screens out there yet, they're all shades of meh.

Attached: comparison.png (1921x1080, 3.44M)

With the Rift S, they wanted to increase the resolution but they didn't want to increase the minimum requirements. So it ended up being about 10% higher resolution with about a 10% lower frame rate. However, the image persistence is much lower on the Rift S panel so it feels as smooth as the original.

I dont have any issues with my Rift S software, but yeah people are making conspiracy theories about Oculus secretly retiring Rift S based on the lack of bugfixes when at the same time theyre introducing crazy shit to Quest.

Neither because scalpers have them all.

Well yes, there are trade-offs and ultimately they have to pick and choose the panels that give the overall best set of pros vs cons. Not everyone will be happy. But in this case the value given by "resolution" is misleading as hell and people should stop using that to describe VR headsets.

>conspiracy theories about Oculus secretly retiring Rift S based on the lack of bugfixes when at the same time theyre introducing crazy shit to Quest.
Quest is their favorite child because it brings them more money.

where the fuck are 4K headsets with upscaling

To be fair I've seen a fare number of complaints about how buggy the Quest is, so I think that they might be concentrating a bit more on Quest but ultimately their software development in general is not as good as it could be.

The other day I saw an user post a huge chart full of VR sets and their pros and cons. Does anyone have that?

Just wait for the one steam and Microsoft are working on together.

I would advise against trusting those "charts". They often don't represent what it's actually like to use the headsets and don't give you information like mentioned here

A used OG Vive with index controllers

But really if you ever think you'll use the quest at a friends house or on a trip, or at school or whatever the hell you do outside of your room then it's probably worth strongly considering. The Rift S is the standard all-rounder headset right now, but make sure you get some headphone attachments or wear headphones or earbuds or something, the default speakers are pure trash.

Come back in 2030, when VR is actually good.

whats that

Nothing has confirmed that "the one" you're talking about (the Reverb G2) is a collaboration between Valve and Microsoft. Rather, it's more likely that HP is licensing technology from both so that it can support both platforms natively rather than how it is currently where they support WMR only and have to go through a compatibility driver layer to access SteamVR.


>OG Vive
literally the worst one barring early WMR

>But in this case the value given by "resolution" is misleading as hell and people should stop using that to describe VR headsets.
Thanks, this is probably true. I have Rift S, my brother has Quest, while I never had a "direct" comparison, Quest did actually look sharper to me but with more SDE. Maybe it's the colors. Wondering how much of it is subjective.

They exist already but are designed for medical and industrial use and cost a lot of money.

Odyssey+, dumbass.

Attached: 1556827718446.png (264x238, 83.5K)

Still using the best tracking solution, full body compatible, very comfy with the DAS, good speakers, IPD adjust, and you can adjusted it forward and back for people with glasses. the screen door effect is -bad- and the wands are pretty bad. It's hardly the worst but it isn't perfect either, none of these bulky boxes we wear on our faces are.

>Quest did actually look sharper to me but with more SDE
Might have been your IPD not matching optimally on Rift S, might have been the specific game/app, might have been the color in the specific stuff you viewed, might have been a tiny bit extra humidity (Quest has a fan that pulls air in from the face compartment) or dust on the lenses, might have been the distance the headset was from your eyes, since that influences image quality, or any combination.

VR is such an intangible, platonic reality for me. In my country, any new VR set is over 1500 USD. I never tried it in my life and I dreamt that it would be this amazing experience that will re-ignite the joy in my life. I wanted it for so , sooo long and now I finaly bought a samsung odyssey (mixed reality) that costed my soul. It took months to arrive because the city I live is far from everything and the mail takes an extra month for everything that comes here. The thing is already here but I couldn't get it to work yet because my gpu only have one hdmi port, all the other ones are DP. I couldn't find any adapters in the city, so I had to order it through the internet and it'll take another month to get here again. My expectation for this thing is so high right now that I'm absolutely sure I'll be disappointed. It sucks.

Attached: samsung-hmd-odyssey-plus-windows-mixed-reality-headset-oculos-de-realidade-virtual-vr-3d-produto-lacrado-D_NQ_NP_719347-MLB31732542644_082019-F.jpg (1144x558, 49.76K)

Brazilian ?


I've managed to score a Rift S for R$ 2900 but that was 2 months ago before >R$1 = $5,20
Once all this shit ends it might go lower again. You can try an used CV1 but even those are going for around R$ 2000 and the screen is a little dated. They're allright for casual shit like Beat Saber, Superhot, Pavlov, etc. Not optimal for flight sims though. Even racing sims are allright.

I feel you bro. Everything is going to be good, you won't be dissapointed.

Oops, nevermind,. that's what i get for speedreading.
Did you get an Odyssey or an Odyssey+ ?

The valve index is your best bet

wtf, why? cell phone vr is the same fucking thing. vr is vomit-inducing garbage.

>Is the same thing
t. literally never used a headset.
It's completely different, you have much more FOV, screen is sharper, you get 6DOF, refresh rate is MUCH higher.

If you watch youtube or porn 360 videos yeah.
That's the thing I would tell someone who would want to get a headset for videos, just get a phone carboard or whatever.
For games, there's just nothing like it, I didn't believe gaben at first, but this shit really is the future, going from vr games to regular games just makes them feel tame and lame.

>you get 6DOF
that sounds like a puke tastic time

thanks my man

it's the regular one. I got it second hand for 2350 R$, the shipping for it was almost 200 R$ to where I live (sul do ParĂ¡)

someone must like vr. shit made 10 billion in 2018. i thought it was a flop.

Why would it be? 3DOF is what would give you nausea since the screens arent in sync with the rest of the body.
With 6 dof you get rotation AND translation.
Damn it. Hope you enjoy it but the Odyssey+ was much better.

Keep in mind this picture is zoomed in 400x on a detail that's somewhere out there in the background.
The screens are not THAT bad. Coming from CV1 through Vive Pro to Index the improvements in the screen quality are honestly not big. You won't magically get a much better experience between CV1 and Index. High refresh rate is really cool if your PC can handle it but that's it. The details in the distance will always be blurry because they're made up of like 20 pixels total. Honestly Index doesn't even seem to be really that much sharper than CV1 to me, it's just a different flavour of slightly blurry. The point is, it doesn't matter. All HMDs are good as long as they work. There's no holy grail out there. Subjectively the best thing that makes Index stand out is audio.

People want to treat it like a console, even occulus themselves, which it's obvioulsy not, instead of a peripheral which is what it actually is.
So by the console standrads you coulda say it's a flop, but as peripherals go, it's a huge successs.

so people buy it for porn. gotcha.

BRanon, wouldn't it be cheaper (once the whole virus shit ends) to hop on a quick trip to CDE and try getting a set there?
PYanon here, vrshit is expensive still, but nowhere as insane when it comes to the import tariffs that Brazil has.

Fuck, quoted the wrong user.