>no one on Yas Forums is bitching about all the women in bannerlod
I'm flabbergasted.
>no one on Yas Forums is bitching about all the women in bannerlod
I'm flabbergasted.
>half of the images posts on Yas Forums are anime girls
I'm not
You realize women in Bannerlord can be used for their designed purpose of producing children?
Because they're hot, they produce babies and they can be beheaded.
What, Bannerlord has a functional pregnancy system? To what extent? What are the mechanics involved?
Is the female party member out of commission for nine months or some shorter accelerated period of time?
Do they just knock out a baby and it quickly grows up into an adult unit, or is it just "hey look at this baby model in a crib, it has no real purpose or value or interactivity beyond that"?
Is it "hey the female party member is now out of commission
If you die in the campaign your clan is taken over by your kids.
>they're hot
your wife can get pregnant when you are not home with her
and she can die from childbirth
im mad that most of them look like grum
>implying theres anyone that doesn't want to serve empress Mommy
My wife got pregnant. It just happened as a random status update. Nothing happened. She was still completely usable as a party member. A while later the babby popped out. No idea how it works if you're playing as the woman. I got called a tranny the last time I asked because >Yas Forumseddit. I assume it's probably the same. If you're married, you just randomly become pregnant and a while later the kid is spawned.
Because we FUCK women.
And hate trannies.
>implying I can even play with this dogshit performance
never friend
Get some better RAM.
It was a night and day difference for me.
Because it's actually a good game.
And it's not forced diversity.
this game eventually begins eating up to 11gbs. the problem isn't RAM, the problem is the memory leaks.
Bannerlord is pushing me to finally get more RAM and an SSD, but I'd still be stuck with DDR3. I'm not getting a new fucking rig for one game.
Eh. I have 8gigs and the game becomes completely unplayable the moment I end up in a scene, ie, a battle. It'd be nice to at least play for an hour and then restart.
nigga im running this shit fine on a fucking laptop. stop being poor
nigger nobody cares
>Why no one bitch about women in m&b
Think the other way. This game allow us to execute women
Then you'll be able to substantiate your claims.
12GB should be fine. The fact that there’s only issues awhile into a session means it’s memory leak.
Devs even acknowledged it. “Get a better PC” is the most retarded shit ever.
It lets me behead Rhagaea every playthrough while waiting for sex mods so idclol
Imagine being a PCnigger. Imagine the one good exclusive you get in YEARS is an early access, glitch filled, content lacking SJW fest
have sex incel
strong women are sexy
>should be fine
if YOU say so, Mr. Arbiter.
But there's more to it than "12 Gigs RAM power"
1033 vs 1666 vs 2066 is huge for this game.
DDR3 is fine
Why? They existed in the previous game so why would anyone get mad about them being in the new game?
No, if the devs say so. You know there’s recommended specs right? If there’s massive memory leak with a rig above recommended specs, it’s a problem with the devs not your computer.
You made me consider how much I've been taking being a pc gamer for granted. Holy shit imagine not being able to play mountain blade at all and having tlou2 be the only "game" you have to look forward to LMAO
>It'th the wecommended thpecks
Because people who enjoy Bannerlord play it because of the gameplay and don't care about something so meaningless
Singleplayer Crashes
•Fixed a crash relating to the player’s party failing to disband after the player was caught trying to sneak into a settlement.
•Fixed a crash that occurred when the player laid siege to a settlement and the owner defected to an allied/neutral kingdom.
•Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when the player pressed the “Exit to Main Menu” button.
•Fixed a crash that sometimes happened upon the completion of the “Weaken/Unify Empire” quest.
•Fixed a crash that occurred when leaving a scene after activating the “Overpriced Raw Materials” quest.
•Fixed a rare crash that occurred when leaving a scene after choosing to solve a quest with the lord solution.
Character Development System
•Rebalanced two trade perks that increased the selling price of items by 5%. They now reduce trade penalties by 5% instead.
•Balanced combat experience gain for tournaments and practice fights.
Battles and Sieges
•Plunderable gold from each lord after a battle is capped to 10K.
Kingdoms and Diplomacy
•Clans that own a settlement will no longer be able to join a kingdom as a mercenary.
•Reduced the drop rate of horses as loot by 65%.
•Lords with an excess of 100k denars now act as if they have 100k when purchasing horses for their party.
•Fixed the bug where individual lords or armies would keep attacking the player after agreeing on a safe passage or a peace barter.
Clan and Party
•Fixed a bug which caused only Sturgian companions to be spawned and hireable in taverns.
Quests & Issues
•Fixed a rare bug in the main storyline conspiracy phase.
Settlement Actions (Town, Village, Castle and Hideout)
•Tournament maximum bet amount is reduced to 150 from 300 and odds for the player are now reducing after each tournament win. Max odds are increased to 3 from 2.
•Tournament prizes pool now includes all items (weapons, armour, and horses only) which have a value between 250-2000 (average 500).
If you are with your wife she near instantly gets pregnant.
>people complain about performance issues
>devs release patches attempting to resolve performance issues
>some fixed, some not, more complaints
>”bro just get a better pc lol”
Go back to dilating over lgbt flags in spiderman
>your opinion
I honestly thought they were going to do a lot more with fixing skills than what they actually did.
>reduced drop rate of horses
Shills should be tarred and feathered tbdesu.
It's not my opinion that having better specs than "recommended specs" will vastly improve your performance, sharthead dumbfuck.
>•Tournament maximum bet amount is reduced to 150 from 300
This is some bullshit. You were only walking away with like 500-600 gold profit if you max-bet and win the fucking tournament.
Not the point, the point is that there should not be massive fucking memory leak with 12GB of RAM
Devs agree, and they are trying to fix it, so I don’t know what you’re going on about. Having “better specs” could very well translate into fuck all difference.
Yas Forums can never again criticize any game. Bannerlord is a broken mess copy paste job with little content and is praised. Meanwhile games with thousands of hours of content, polished to perfection, with writing 10,000 times better than "insert generic NPC text here", and a whole heap of features that are better than this buggy mess are relentlessly criticized for years and years constantly.
Absolute. Pure. Insanity.
im more assblasted about the majority of traits not working
It is the point, you fucking retard. If you have more RAM than the "recommended specs" then you will have better performance -- before and during the memory leak. Try it out, stupid. Play the game with 12GB 1066 speed ram, and then try it again at 24GB 2066 speed ram. Loading screens basically disappear.
Where do you think you are you turbotard
instant execute just to shit on you faggots
So you’re not getting the memory leak. Congrats. Others are.
>Yas Forums
>reddit spacing
>poor taste
Just go back to watching Marvel Movies and your Bing Bing Wahoo.
shut the fuck up you dumb cocksucking retard
>buying a full priced demo
Eat shit, dude. You're dumb enough to think that "Recommended Specs" is the same thing as "Maximum Effective Specs" and for that, you deserve to be mocked and shouted down until you leave.
You’re retarded. There are people with “maximum effective specs” that are still getting the memory leak. There should not be massive memory leak. Devs said so.
You’re unbelievably stupid. Congratulations on having a computer that isn’t shitting itself, enjoy it instead of giving people useless retarded advice.
What's your problem? Does your dad work in the factory that only makes 2GB 1066-speed RAM chips?
Aw shucks guess it's time for you to go back to where you came from then isn't it newfaggot?
I am in one of the dumbest places on the internet. Filled with an abundance of psychopathic freaks whos only joy in life is to repeat the same tired phrases over and over again day after day year after year decade after decade hundreds of thousands of times forever and ever. A place filled with retards who think they are in good company because they are too dumb to understand a joke and instead adopt their lives to become the jokes. A place of such pure stupidity that this nigger doesnt even know what reddit spaces are. but will say it tens of thousands of more times to other people in the hopes of fitting in with text on a screen as he sits in a pool of his own sweat typing away. Type and typing "reddit spaces" over and over again. Year after diabetes filled year.
>The only people having shitty performance in Bannerlord are people experiencing the memory leak!
No, dumbfuck.
No its not, but its obvious that the point eludes you with shit like
>better writing
The only thing which offers what bannerlord offers is the original mount and blade and warband. You can enjoy being told what to do all you want. as long as you can understand that following instructions endlessly gets a little boring.
Why are you here then
>Absolute. Pure. Insanity.
You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded
Sounds like you need a better computer bro
Cause of the Big Bang.
4channel really is normalfag central, where is the place for cool schizocore retards like me? :)
Maybe if you posted here more often, rather than your favorite website, you'd fit in with our shiboleths. Either lurk more before posting or just go the fuck back. Don't lash out like a chimp throwing feces when someone catches you posting like a faggot.
Imagine unironically typing this after you entered a thread about something you didn't like just to complain about other people having fun
Website tribalism has to be the lowest form of tribalism in all of human history.
I did. I upgraded my RAM from 12GB 1066 speed to 30 GB 2066. It vastly improved the performace of the game. I'm sharing this knowledge freely and ass-faced bumblefucks are SCREAMING that it'll do no good, because the ONLY people dealing with bullshit like loading screens, stuttering, etc. are people with a singular memory leak that hits so hard and fast that it instantly eats up 24 GB as quickly as 12 GB. It should probably be named "Memory Firehose" at that point.
wtf are you gatekeeping Yas Forums lmao
Then why the fuck did you start it?
>muh Yas Forums
Checkmate, faggot.
go back
Whatever helps you cope with being a newfaggot
Ah fuck it's another leftist come to talk about how racism is bad
Look he said "newfaggot!" This guy is ONE OF US. I have seen other people on Yas Forums say newfaggot, and this guy said newfaggot. TRULY HE IS OUR TRIBESMAN.
>literally seething
>quest for finding and returning a runaway daughter
>tell her that she has a duty towards her family, she actually listens to reason
>can execute women roleplaying as generals or tell them that since they're not warriors you don't treat them as one
>all actual soldiers in the game are men
Buttery biscuit BASED
Because sane people on this site have been replaced either with brainwashed SJWs or reddit incarnate memelord children who just non-stop spam shit like "le mommy I want to marry her and smell her feet and I want her to fart on me all day and bury my face in her sweaty armpits haha do I fit in yet guise xD" like this human trash
This games playerbase is in big part waifyniggers that play women
Motherfuckers, he’s not even wrong. The game has little content m, shit performance and all the NPCs act exactly the same, no matter their culture.
Oh wow SEETHING!!!! What a quip! I have never seen such a UNIQUE saying. I have never seen such amazing wit! One of a kind! Astonishing! SSSSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETHING!!! HAHA!!!
>actually unrionically seething
Indeed! I am quite irate!
He is wrong, you dumb shit. The game is fun. The games he's describing are shit, but polished. He's (You're) autistically screeching that people should stop having fun because you're not playing it. Fuck you.
Wow you mean it's exactly what you'd expect from an early access? Just wait for full release then. The early access is because fans have been asking for it for at least the last 5 years of development and we're all stuck in quarantine right now. They could have not done EA and just did a full release in a year, but this helps them with bug finding and it's what literally everyone has been asking for. There's genuinely nothing to complain about because it's exactly as advertised, they're just giving you the option to try the core game play sooner if you choose to. If you don't want to, then wait for full release. What's the problem