>This Chinese game just removed all Taiwanese players from the game, over the term "Wuhan virus" being used in chat - that's 1.5 million Taiwanese players.
This Chinese game just removed all Taiwanese players from the game...
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fuck chinks
My gf's from Hubei and she does get dunked on for daring to be from the province the virus came from. I think people think they're somehow rebelling against the Chinese tyranny by yelling "bat soup wuhan virus" but it's only people from Wuhan who get shat on by this.
She gets dunked on by other Chinese people, to be clear.
Bugmen have no sense of kinship even to their own countrymen, no surprise here.
What the fuck do Chinese shill organizations like WHO have against Taiwan?
China is pretty important to the WHO in this matter so they're bending over and spreading their cheeks. Hopefully it's just for coronachan, and not general precedent.
Taiwanese are based as fuck. MAINLAND NIGGERS FUCK OFF
>not general precedent.
the WHO and UN are pretty shit organization full of corruption, so it pretty standard at this point
China's a big country with intense regional pride. It's more like Europe than the US.
Mainland China has had the entire world playing their imaginary mind games over Taiwan for decades now. WHO knows where the money is.
I like Taiwan but they can be pretty retarded towards mainlanders. Hong Kongers too. Like I'm with them politically but you will run into a lot of tards with huge chips on their shoulders who think all Chinks are literally insects who don't know how to wipe their arses.
China owns them now. The organization is dead. The west needs to kick out every chinese national and their offspring, even if "native born" if we hope to survive the coming decades, otherwise their agents will destroy us from within.
Yeah but it must infuriate the jews how impervious asia is to them. They all hate each other already and can't stop breeding anyway, and shitty business practices are totally cool there already. There's no way they can cheat and be criminals in asian society, they are on a completely level playing field over there and it scares them.
>you will run into a lot of tards with huge chips on their shoulders who think all Chinks are literally insects who don't know how to wipe their arses.
All chinks are insects.
Hey, for once it's someone who realises Taiwan wants to be an independent country and DOESN'T want to be considered "the real China". Taiwan being "the real China" is, ironically, something the mainland wants people to think.
Deliciously fuckable insects who cook too damn well.
Riddle me this cheng, how can you be having no new cases when Taiwan and Hong Kong are.
Both Hong Kong and Taiwanese have been shit on constantly by the chinese government so it's really no surprise that this friction will be expressed somehow.
>all Chinks are literally insects who don't know how to wipe their arses.
This is true though, all mainland niggers are bug people.
to the uneducated racists, it's called COVID-19
a big country is more like a big country wow shock
>The west needs to kick out every chinese national and their offspring, even if "native born" if we hope to survive the coming decades, otherwise their agents will destroy us from within.
yeah but the jews are totally fine, right?
nooo you cant mention the city where the outbreak started thats racist!
Clearly this is Drumph's fault. Dunk Colt 45 in malt peaches liquor.
There's a very simple solution to all of this.
Just call it the CCP virus instead.
Fuck off, I'll call it whatever I want like Chinaflu.
Are/were the level of gold farmers and shit down currently since I assume PC cafes or whatever were shut down?
Stop calling it the mainland. Its china. Taiwan and China are separate countries
I bet they'll still get offended since it still implies the virus' origin is China. And according to CCP the Coronavirus is USA's fault.
I don't recall anyone defending the hooknoses. But you singularly obsessed fags seem to never consider that the issue could ever be multi-pronged.
based china uncensored viewer
Rent free
Europe is not a big country. It's a (very) small continent.
And I sure hope this isn't implying that US doesn't have a lot of regional pride.
mainland can still refer to a separate country.
It goes both ways. A lot of people in the west learn about all the gay shit the Chinese government does and because they're removed from the situation they don't know what it's like if you're just a normal mainland shitter. Like imagine being a second world pleb who's finally managed to crawl out of the worst decades in recent memory and you get called a locust who shits without wiping, actively hates freedom, and doesn't have a soul. Of course they develop this equally-retarded narrative that Hong Kongers are all snooty wannabe-westerners who think they're too good to be Chinese.
thats nice
if this happened on wow you would get a 3 day ban because they are jews
From what I've seen, US regional pride isn't on the same level of Europe's at all. Don't you guys support each other's football teams if your own team gets knocked out or something?
Taiwan number one, China number four.
Yeah but Hong Kong & Macau are part of China but they're not like the mainland (although Macau is in the shitter).
>too good to be Chinese.
they literally are though. Commies ruined mainland china and only the fringes escaped intact.
Do you mean the kung flu?
You only say this because you don't know how bumfuck retarded Kai-Shek was.
The dude's lucky Taiwan turned out to be a decent country and Mao turned out to have a negative IQ score or his legacy would be a LOT worse.
No, it cant. Not in this context.
>No, it cant. Not in this context.
Yes it can.
They are too good to be Chinese. Hong Kongers are first worlders and the chinese are 3rd worlders. Its insulting to Kong Kongers to call them chinese
I need help for a Coronavirus song lyrics that is parody of Kung Fun Panda - Legend of Awesomeness opening.
Hear the legends of the Kung Fu Panda!
Raised in a noodle shop, never seeking glory or fame,
He climbed a mountain top and earned the Dragon Warrior
Ooh Ah Ya!
Kung Fu Panda!
Master Shifu saw the warrior blossom,
And master the skills of bodacious and awesome!
Kung Fu Panda!
He lives and he trains and he fights with the Furious Five,
Protect the valley something, something, something,
something alive!
Ooh Ah Ya!
Kung Fu Panda!
Legends of Awesomeness.
Hear the legends of the Kung Flu Panda!
Raised in a bat soup shop, always seeking money and power,
He climbed a mountain top and earned the Coronavirus name.
Ooh Ah Ya!
Kung Flu Panda!
Master Soros saw the warrior blossom,
And master the skills of ___ and sickness!
Kung Flu Panda!
He lives and he trains and he fights with the ___,
Destroy the valley something, something, something,
something to death!
Ooh Ah Ya!
Kung Flu Panda!
Legends of Sickness.
(The parts with ___ is where I don't know what to replace them with)
Hong Kongers saying that stuff is why a lot of Chinese people dislike Hong Kongers and want them taken down a peg.
Europeans do this too. I remember so many different flags on /sp/ supporting ajax against tottenham in the champions league
They're not part of china they are under unlawful chinese occupation. They are not chinese.
US regional pride is really jovial, with a few exceptions. There's plenty of state-specific subcultures, and some people consider themselves "from *this state*" rather than "american".
also americans don't go as ape over sports as euros.
>success breeds jealousy
Sounds about right. Glad you admit mainland chinese are mongrels trying to ruin a better people.
And to be clear, I am 100% pro-Hong Kong and despise the Chinese government, I'm just talking about the maindland Chink perspective which usually isn't discussed/known about.
I think merging them was a mistake but short of an actual world war we're never gonna have a free Hong Kong.
P much what I meant, yeah.
That has nothing to dowith anything. No one cares what china or the CCP think, they are subhuman at best and monsters at worst. Dont lump hing kingers in with that
Mental damage
>wanting others taken down a peg rather than growing themselves to their oppositions level
and this is why nobody likes chinese.
>Our society is fucked, so we want yours to be too!
Chinese food is only so-so, and so are their women.
Words are important. Dont let the CCP control the narrative.
So you're just some bat eating CCP shill? Good to know
it's obviously Trump's fault for popularizing the racist phrase
Why was this guy set on fire? was he an infected or soemthing?
Japan objectively superior on both accounts.
Never found Japanese food as good as authentic chink stuff.
Philly comes at least awfully close, they're legendary in America when it comes to sports tantrums.
No, he spoke our against the CCP
He claimed to have a skeleton inside of him
They consider themselves to have grown to that level.
Remember Hong Kong also has a TONNE of privileges compared to the rest of China (we consider them basic rights, but to mainlanders they're privileges which they don't get to have) on top of historically way better living standards and yet they STILL appear to be """complaining""". To a normal Chink, who's been shat on by Hong Kongers all their life, that doesn't endear Hong Kong to them.
Nah I fucking love HK, Sichuan and Hunan food. Hubei too of course. Their women are either super fucking sweet or batshit insane and that also makes my peepee hard.
What narrative you fool, the narrative that there's a lot of anti-mainland racism (?) from Hong Kongers and it's not so peachy clear-cut evil-vs-good as westerners think it is?
Once again Hong Kong did nothing wrong but there's genuine issues which should be recognised.
Japanese food is, with only a few exceptions, the British Cuisine of Asia.
Lmao Japanese is like the American food of the west.
>mainland chinks are super butthurt hong kong isn't shit like them
yeah, no shit. This is widely known.
Yeah, pretty much. Imagine the inferiority complex Euros have to Americans but times a thousand.
Even Japanese Chinese food is better than the actual thing
No, the narrative that Hong Kongers, taiwanese people, tibetans, and people of Macau are Chinese. They are not. They are victims of an evil regime
lol who the fuck cares about bug-eating chinks
why are you with such kind of subhuman? is that your fetish?
So Wuhan Virus is another chink excluding term? Nice. What is that in chicken scratch?
You guys have never had actual japanese food then
Do you think mainland Chinks aren't victims of an evil regime?
Also I wasn't buying into that narrative at all, I'm talking about geopolitical realities. They're victims of a regime, like you say.
I am a weeb as well as a Chinaboo so yes I have. Sushi is amazing but a lot of stuff is pretty lacklustre. Their curries are literally just worse (WORSE) versions of British curries.
Fuck china. They deserve to get nuked.
They come here and ruin our games then they try to kill us all with their bio weapon. Fuck em all
I've been to Japan several times. Food I had in Taiwan blows Japan out of the fucking water.
authentic plastic rice
Also the biggest difference between US and the rest of the world is that most US citizens don't trust and/or hate the government or at best think it a necessary evil. And if you insult the politicians, people would probably agree. Though if you insult the population or anything non government related(sans the military) they'll jump on your case. Whereas when you insult the CCP, chinese people think you're insulting them.