Oh boy I sure do love twitter screen caps.
> Zelda & FE are the only aaa franchises that are still good
How did this happen?
I'm not typing that fucking link out you stupid piece of shit. At least Reddit has standards when you make a post.
keep complaining boomer
what do I do with this OP? do you really think I'm just going look up that tweet just to click that link?
Oh boy I sure do love twitter screen caps.
Post the link you fucking cretin.
>twitter thread about rumors with absolute zero proof
>300 replies
link retard
What's village? A crossover?
Xenoblade 2 was better than FE.
Resident Evil Village.
A continuation of 7. They're gonna use the roman numeral VIII in the "vill"age title.
I hope this is not a Jill sandwich
Are there fuzzy little elf's in the village.
shut the fuck up virgin
So it's pretty much confirmed that Chris dies, spoilers
So, it's Silent Hill
still zero, 0, ZERO proof
RE7 was best RE game before remasters came out.
Doesn't load on my side. Anyone has screenshot of the page?
Name a time when a rumour was true and I can name you 100 times it wasn't.
>Yes, after RE7, RE2re and RE3re we gonna make another RE7 clone, using the same engine, same third person mechanic, same tanky as fuck bois and same green color filter
Give me something new
>Quick, think of a word we could disguise VIII like we did with 7!
>Huhhhhh, Village?
>Perfect, let's go ahead with it.
0% chance this is real.
>Takes place in Alaska
>Semi-Open World
>Main hub will be a village
>BOWs are attacking the village, and you have to investigate this case
>You have to talk the villagers NPC to further your investigation, they can sometimes lie and become hostile
>The dialogue choices can impact the ending
>Various "dungeons" outside the village to explore.
>One will be a research lab going though some horrible scenario very similar to the film "The thing" and you have to guess which one of the lab researchers are infected or not until you kill the BOW
>Other one will be a mansion very similar to the first RE game where you meet some characters from the old games.
>MC will be Ethan working with Chris over the radio.
I'm angry at myself that I think that's clever.
>Give me something new
Resident evil is a fucking mess because they keep trying new things
>Resident Evil 8 is working under the title VILLAGE: RESIDENT EVIL, although some reports have that title reversed. The VILL part in the title is, of course, RE7‘d into the Roman numeral VIII.
>The opening of the game will be ‘shocking’ for long-time fans, and involves Chris Redfield. Different demos appear to have different Chris models, some saying he simply looked like an older version of the RE7 Chris, others saying he was completely overhauled. Some tests involved Mia Winters being pregnant, others involved a child already having been born.
>Ethan is, once again, the lead protagonist, but hardened to a degree. Some testers have described him as being quick-witted and short-tempered, an “Ash Williams” type, which fits in with RE7‘s multiple homages to the Evil Dead series. Ethan, as well as the rest of the cast, also seems to have been reprised by their RE7 voice performers.
>Multiple versions of the in-game inventory have been tested, ranging from something very close to RE7‘s more traditional inventory to something along the lines of RE4‘s Attache Case “Tetris” design. The game is also following suit with RE7‘s first-person design.
>The demo was indeed set in a snowy village area, sometime after the opening. Playing as Ethan, we explore some of the houses on the outskirts, attempting to make contact. NPCs occupy the houses however they are reluctant to talk to an outsider (note: they do speak English when they talk).
>The “Wolf-like creatures” reported in earlier leaks have been described as something akin to beast-men, and they attack with massive claws. There is an escape sequence, where some versions of the demo you don’t have access to a weapon and are forced to either just book it for safety or try to sneak your way around them (similar to Revelations 2) — and other you have a pistol, but it’s completely ineffective against these creatures and you’re similarly forced to run or hide.
lmao, literally nothing you wrote was mentioned in any "leak".
how autistic are you?
They're Japanese they think any English word would sound cool
is not that
VIII age
>The opening of the game will be ‘shocking’ for long-time fans, and involves Chris Redfield.
So they're killing Chris. Yaaay...
>Resident Evil Village
This some kind of Animal Crossing bullshit?
>You eventually stumble upon a shotgun and are able to barricade a door to slow down your attackers. The shotgun is way more effective than the handgun however the beast-men were very bullet-spongey. In some versions of the demo a bell rings and the beast-men disappear, while others they are called off by something/someone unseen.
>The game is massively inspired by a combination of Resident Evil 4 and the much-beloved Resident Evil 3.5 (a series of demos and trailers from various scrapped versions of RE4). The previously reported “serious departure” relates to this, as the game has an obvious focus on something more supernatural. That said, odds are against things being literally supernatural, and that they only appear that way due to viral-induced hallucinations (which is how it worked in RE3.5). The hallucinations make it difficult who to trust and can trigger flashbacks, with some versions of the demo having that “shocking opening” appear as a flashback hallucination when encountering Chris.
>The leaders of these beast-men appear to be a stalker-type woman that resembles a witch, who “haunts” Ethan during the demo, and a massive, “gorilla-like” monster man with “chains and a staff”. The Witch cannot be killed and melts down into bugs when shot. She apparently has a distinctive laugh that lets you know when she’s near.
>Some versions of the demo appear to have you escape to a castle, while others have you meet up with a group of normal, human villagers and talk your way into their refuge to hide out from the monsters. One of the villagers inside begins to hallucinate, and eventually lashes out and begins to butcher the other villagers. You manage to escape with one of the other villagers, a woman who helped you into the house, as the hallucinating villager sets it ablaze. The demo ends here.
My dad was friends with Mr.Capcom in highschool.
I'm not saying this is fake, but RelyonHorror are known for making up bullshit stories for clicks.
Noooo why?
This honestly sounds fucking amazing, even as a lifelong RE fan (loved RE7, too). It was supposed to be Rev3 but people liked it so much it got bumped to a main title. Based.
Hasn't there been enough resident evil games? Just give it a rest already
>RE is turning into a pseudo-RPG
I admit I'm interested
>an “Ash Williams” type
Hell yes
I guarantee it's going to be a fake out and he'll come back later
RE is still good
Mario is still good
DMC is still good
Those literally just came to mind but there's probably more
This feels very RE4, maybe they won't do a remake of 4 after all
>Some testers have described him as being quick-witted and short-tempered, an “Ash Williams” type, which fits in with RE7‘s multiple homages to the Evil Dead series
Kino incoming lads
>maybe they won't do a remake of 4 after all
They definitely will
I want to play a RE like game but with grays
cope harder dead space or silnt hills fag LOL
I hope not. CV remake would be nice though
>Ethan knocked up Mia and is going to be a father
Do you need any more proof that Ethan is one of the biggest chads in the series?
I recognize those words! I know what that is!
Nigga it's the only AAA horror franchise left. Fuck you
I mean they can keep porting 4 and make easy money that way. Why remake it?
>hide in the closet from invincible boogeyman grandpa
>best anything
>bannerlord gets a sticky
>re8 doesnt
>Ethan is, once again, the lead protagonist, but hardened to a degree. Some testers have described him as being quick-witted and short-tempered, an “Ash Williams” type, which fits in with RE7‘s multiple homages to the Evil Dead series.
After the bland serious writing of REmake 2 and 3 I thought campy Resident Evil was over, hopefully we get some good one liners.
>Resident Evil Village
A remake of 4?
the guy who leaked it leaked RE3remake, RE2remake and a dlc of 7.
Why are there no good spooky alien games? Best you have is some wacky zany filled shit like destroy all humans
>Why remake it?
EZ money, its why capcom considered REmaking remake 1
>Different demos appear to have different Chris models, some saying he simply looked like an older version of the RE7 Chris, others saying he was completely overhauled.
Translation: Our shitty fake leakers got the details inconsistent but we need to get those clicks so there's special unique models per demo!
Will he be the only RE protag to have canonically had sex
Why would Ethan, of all characters, be investigating shit? All this RE4 pandering in these 'leaks' sounds like nobody can get their story straight and comes off more like the people who want a remake of 4 since it's the one they started with and hold it in such high regards despite being a padded mess. Also, what's with these multiple tests of things done that wouldn't make sense to change if they're testing gameplay? This is all sounding entirely bogus.
Could you imagine that companies are still making video games? What a crazy world we live in
>Some testers have described him as being quick-witted and short-tempered, an “Ash Williams” type,
this sounds too good to be true so i call bullshit
>After the bland serious writing of REmake 2 and 3 I thought campy Resident Evil was over
3 remake's writing was fine. Carlos had a bunchy of corny flirtatious moments and Nikholai was just as comically evil as he was in the original 3. 7's had some good campy moments and memorable quotes 2. It was really just 2 remake that failed to have charisma in its writing
I like it. They botched Leon in 6 by turning him into a cynical asshole. If Ethan becomes Resident evil 4 leon 2.0 it will be a day one buy. He is currently the most bland protagonist
Barry has two kids.
boomer mods bro
Honestly not a bad idea lol
>EZ money
Constant ports is easier money
I really hope it's not a straight lift of 4's inventory. That was a good idea, but it needs to be reworked for better pay off.
I think Its more like Chris is forcing Ethan do the mission or he kills Mia
Why would Leon be some world class super spy working for the president in 4 straight out of his FIRST DAY as a street cop that happened to turn into zombie day instead?
they just need to make weapons irregular shapes
Looks like Nicolas Winding Refn with a regular skull
2 had some goofy shit too albeit not as much
>just spent entire segment running from Mr. X trying to gather electronic parts
>Make gigantic fucking mess in the clocktower, the bell crash heard around the world, literally impossible to to miss
At least he was a cop before. Ethan was a literal nobody who made dumbass decisions.
>Constant ports
pls port Dino Crisis, Clock tower, and Haunting Ground
>perfect the zombies to the point where they would remain perfect in an FPS RE
>"lol time to shoehorn in werewolves"
he worked for the USA governament for 6 years before that
its so funny that these decisions happen at the worst time, after REMAKE 2 they thought REMAKE 3 would carry the hype for this
funny enough if 3 didnt exist the hype from 2 would make people so excited
Am I the only one who really dislike these bullet sponge zombies and prefer the old school "zombies down with two hit but never dies and will always climb back up after some time + ammo scarcity" formula
Fuck he actually could be
a man can turn into a slug but he cant be a werewolf?
You dont play as Barry and I let him die every time
Werewolves are literally magical creatures, they dont fit in a story about biopharma experimenting on people. I know you're a dumb ass and will talk about hunters but nobody fucking likes those.
damn i was thinking of going to that ambassador event but assumed it was just for RE3
>You don't play as Barry
>faggot hasn't played Revelations 2
>reused re7 assets to make re2remake
They're setting up for a re4 remake if anything.
they can aways explain that is a virus that splices the human dna with that of a wolf's
we will be literaly killing furries
I can’t tell if this game sounds great or awful
Barry was only playable in one spinoff I wouldn't count him as protagonist
>The opening of the game will be ‘shocking’ for long-time fans, and involves Chris Redfield.
Chris heel turn incoming
We already have dog enemies. At this point you may as well include mummies and vampires as well.
>snowy village werewolves
No way this is real because it's too kino
>not resident eVIllage
dead on arrival
A friend told me to stay away from the Revelations games, was I bluepilled
I wish, but I guess they think they're too old to make any money or something
Honestly I’m surprised there hasn’t been a werewolf or bear based B.O.W. yet. It’d be easy to have one because hunters are reptile and human
Why do people find it acceptable that Nibel spams his twitter posts here?
>you were supposed to destroy Umbrella, not join them!
fuck it call it a mutation of the cerberus or a new species of hunter
is just a hunter with hair
Yes. They're actually decent.
its definitely gonna be one or the other, no in between.
Why can't someone, ANYONE make a tank controlled survival horror game, or at least one with a tank/free style control.
>Ethan becoming Ash
>Witch enemy
We better get at least one "Yo, She Bitch, lets go"
It's kind of off putting having rpg style numbers/weapon stats but the gameplay/story is solid.
It's better than 90% of the shit that gets posted here
Wesker basically was a vampire
Because they are boring
>RE9 Being Ethan and Barry discussing the family man life.
>Barry jokes with Ethan wise cracking Ash attitude
>Moira being the Claire of ethan kid as secondary characters
I know im am going too far bu UUUUUUUNNNNGGGGGG!!!!!
>Chris becomes the next Wesker
>even starts wearing his shades
Pure kino
Nibel is probably the most followed rumor reporter, od course people are gonna repost his shit
I dont want to fight shitty werewolves, I want to fight zombies. The game is about zombies and scientific experimentation, not magic.
I didnt ask for your opinion zoomie
There's some low poly indie games like that, most of them are probably shit though
I want Sheva to return!
ngl, I'd enjoy Barry and Ethan cracking dad jokes in game together
That was a fact though
Wolf dna+human dna= werewolf b.o.w.
What do you think hunters and chimeras are?
because they were a product of the time period and are now outdated
You should try owning more than a Switch, for starters.
me too
Either that or evil Chris
> Capcom is now the RE, Street Fighter, Occasional Character Action Game and Crossover Flop store
Man this is depressing.
>What do you think hunters and chimeras are?
Garbage that interrupts fighting zombies
You're the only one
>I dont want to fight shitty werewolves, I want to fight zombies.
then wait for CV / Zero remake
> The game is about zombies and scientific experimentation, not magic.
they can easily explain werewolfs with the virus
the viruses in Resident even can make a man turn into a TREX, into a TIGER and then into a FLY
>First Person
I feel like some people forget that Resident Evil has more bio-terror monsters than different kinds of zombies
The appeal of resident evil is all the different freaks and bioweapons trying to kill you, zombies aren’t even intentional
Fucking this! Remake 2 & 3 nailed the zombies. I hope we would see them in 8. But no we want to do some folklorehorror with werewolves and witches
Zelda was never good tho?
>the viruses in Resident even can make a man turn into a TREX, into a TIGER and then into a FLY
I lost it at the GIANT Fly
>giant spiders
>giant bees
>mansion filled with retarded traps
>wesker in general
RE always had stupid shit.
Cry more bitch...he gonna steal all the RE4 spotlight from hinself for now on top kek
Imagine being filtered by a simple change in camera perspective
Nobody has ever played Resident Evil and said "man my favorite part were the big stupid frog things with claws that look like a rejected Fallout 2 enemy." People play this game for the creepy atmosphere and zombie holocaust.
Why is she so hated?
>just got 2 games completely focused on classic zombies
>wahhh I want more! I want more!
Suck my dick let them experiment more with enemy types