Is they right?
Is they right?
Gender is just a construct and pretty stupid to be honest. People are free to act how they want regardless of their sex
Only simps, homos, trannies, and jannies would agree
Found the tranny
Stop talking 41 percentlesly
pretty based point of view tbqh
most Yas Forumstards will not get this
Because most people here don't have to dilate a front hole
if this means tomboys will not be sacrified to goldberg, im ok with it.
laws are just a construct too, people should also be free to act how they want against people who diverge from the norm
Reminder that this was originally supposed to be them furtively getting a disguise to get into Corneo's mansion. Nomura turned it into a literal pride parade.
>People are free to act how they want regardless of their sex
I agree with this point but the whole gender is a construct thing is stupid. In the eye of the public gender and sex are synonymous but now some people are building their whole identity based on their gender which is dumb as hell.
Also I think cutting your dick off should be illegal.
Remember in the original where Cloud got raped by a bunch of bears and witnessed a satanic orgy through a keyhole? They weren't afraid to show that Midgar is a filthy degenerate place. The new stuff is too clean and fucking safe.
>I agree with this point but the whole gender is a construct thing is stupid.
Gender just means societal gender roles, which have been vital for the continual existence of the west, and the value it has. It's only cringe like "People are free to act how they want regardless of their sex" and "culture shouldn't 'oppress' people" that destroy's this.
Yes, beauty is pure aesthetics - gender in that regard is irrelevant.
man who gives a shit cloud only did it to sneak into the mansion, why are they bringing in "gender" and "freedom of expression"
should have kept the bee chick instead of this superhomo
>societal gender roles, which have been vital for the continual existence of the west, and the value it has.
I think you're right but I'm kind of conflicted about this. I don't think there's anything wrong with something like a girl wanting to become a mechanic or something like that, not that the majority of them would want to.
Specific instances are not a problem, but attitudes are. Treating all equally will first of all create an unbalance for society, as it is very dependent on the gender system working, for example the family unit, and it also will hurt the individuals since gender is a good way to to fulfill the biological imperatives inherent to the sex.
What Andrea means is, you're only as beautiful as how you act. If you're a good person with a good heart, you're beautiful. The whole 'gender does not apply' is true because a man whose a born leader and women who nurture those around them are beautiful people inside.
This, however, does not apply to trannies or non-binaries as we've all seen, they're ugly on the inside as they're possessed by victim complexes and hatred of other people, so they are not beautiful on the inside.
Whelp final straw.
Not buying this shit "remake" either.
No, beauty is an expression of the intelect. Beauty is related to form, and form is key when it comes to gender is all lefty bullshit
Male? Female? What's the difference?
Power is beautiful and I've got power.
dial 8
>What's the difference?
Most of your biology, drives, thought patterns and physical capabilities.
my fucking man knows whats up
it's true, pity trannies are all ugly people on the inside using their weird fetish as a replacement for a personality.
Was that in the original?
pretty good post
Gays are hoo the hot guy I like is not gay...
blue-pilled, yet based
>Gender is just a construct and pretty stupid to be honest
>People are free to act how they want regardless of their sex
>they're ugly on the inside as they're possessed by victim complexes and hatred of other people, so they are not beautiful on the inside.
That describes all of Yas Forums though. Are we all trannies?
There are some pretty awful laws out there that ought to be changed.
speak for yourself
i can't have a victim complex because i blame myself for everything wrong that ever happened to me
>notions of gender don't apply
>tries to make him look as feminine as possible
This is unironically the only good post in this entire thread
>Gender is just a construct and pretty stupid to be honest
trannies hate that, trannies are unironically a toxic problem for gender equality because they try to enforce gender norms
Makes sense. I mean, why else would everyone shitpost about trannies 24/7
All trannies and non-binaries hate people and feel victimized. But people who feel victimized and hate people aren't all trannies.
I mean the statement isn't wrong. Beauty doesn't have a gender and is somewhat subjective.
I don't remember this scene from FF7.
I unironically think shit like young thug wearing a dress is really cool but trans people make me feel weird.
Don't know if you're in my age bracket but before the advent of SJWs, transexuals and transvestites were two different things. It was one thing to want to wear dresses, and another to have your genitals mutilated
Personally, I don't see why people need to pretend they're something they're not. Men should be men, women should be women. If you have different interests that go against the grain, just have those interests I guess. No need to chop yourself up and say you're a different gender.
no. gender is purely on society. the only two sexes are man and women. anything beyond that is just needless constructs.
>People are free to act how they want regardless of their sex
>Gender is just a construct and pretty stupid to be honest
False. Gender is genetic. Act however you want, but don't demand that people use the wrong pronoun on you.
Gender means sex. Gender exists as a word because sex also means intercourse. Being a homemaker in a dress does not make your gender female.
I agree but I also genuinely think that most transgender people nowadays would simply be transvestites if they didn't get as much "support" from online communities as they do nowadays.
Hes got a beard. Pretty sure hes picking and choosing which masculine/feminine traits he exhibits
lmao @ all these beta cucks getting mad at a scene in a video game, don't you guys have something better to do than to get mad online?
Wrong, trannies LOVE conforming to gender stereotypes. That's why males pretending to be women love dresses and cooking and act girly while women pretending to be men try too hard to sound rough, be violent, play soccer, etc.
B.b..but I was told this is how they wanted the game to be in the 90s! IF IT WEREN'T FOR THOSE STUPID EVIL HOMOPHOBIC LIMITATIONS this is what we would have gotten in the 90s original game!?!?!
Oh noe.
You still upset about the Kingdome Come thread?
FUCK YOU, you know very well Kingdom Come is FULL of LGBT friendly stuff and YOU STILL DENY IT, BURN IN HELL RETARD.