Are we looking forward to it, bros?

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No, fuck larian and fuck nu-d&d

Yes. God bless Larian and based Swen.

idk about we but i sure am

only if beamdog gets the final say on the script and free reign to make any improvements they want.

die slow

>God bless Larian and based Swen
more !

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I wonder why they gave it to Larian and not Obsidian

Because Larian has been successful recently and Obsidian has not.

I'm willing to give it a shot. But I can't really see it as a continuation of Baldur's Gate 1+2. It's too different. Hopefully it will be a good CRPG.

>I wonder why they gave it to Larian and not Obsidian
Remember Poe ?
Remember the most balanced game of your life ?
Remember the story ?

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desu my hype for BG3 increased quite a bit after the presentation and then even more after the AMA. I'm pretty thrilled.

no i only play games with RtwP system

I never liked BG, the ruleset was shit.

Only if the player can fuck an elder brain so hard all the ilithids in a 10 mile range die of pleasure

Bg1 +Bg2 was a non-sens
story :oh dear you are the spawn of a dead god waoooh so original.
gameplay: rtwp is stupid and you know it

We dont need a continuation for bad old trilogy.
We need the only true Baldur's Gate and it will start whith the 3.

>no i only play games with RtwP system
oh no no no no no no no


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>But I can't really see it as a continuation of Baldur's Gate 1+2.
It's not going to be, it takes place 100 years later, close to a spin off than a sequel

How does it tie into the previous games?

I am. But I'll have to try to avoid most of the early access shit to avoid spoilers. As futile of an effort that might be.
That said. Half-Orc confirmation when?

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It takes place in the city of Baldur's Gate

Dead Three are directly involved. Other than that we just don't know, but devs said it'll tie in closely apart from the 100 year difference.

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I am.
Even if it ends up sucking there are others coming.

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20 years without a sequel..
To end? LIKE THIS!?

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>Baldur’s Gate 3 will launch in Early Access with five companions to begin with, with more coming later. Throughout the main campaign, all companions are open to romance from all other characters, and senior writer Adam Smith is looking to create more complex relationships, with the help of Dungeons & Dragons lore to mess with the players’ heart strings.
>“So, Liselle, she’s the Githyanki. And Githyanki don’t really do monogamy,” Smith told VG247.
>“So if you sleep with Liselle one night at camp, the next night you might well just find her sleeping with somebody else. And she’s going to be like, ‘oh, that was a bit of fun, wasn’t it? How are you doing?’ And you’re just like, ‘oh!’ Heartbroken!”

baldur's gate 3? you mean baldur's cuck 3?

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thats good actually, i can kill the bitch to reclaim my honor.

>Are we looking forward to it, bros?

>nu-Wizards of the Coast

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why did i move here? i guess it was the cuckshit

>Baldur’s Gate 3 will launch in Early Access with five companions to begin with, with more coming later. Throughout the main campaign, all companions are open to romance from all other characters, and senior writer Adam Smith is looking to create more complex relationships, with the help of Dungeons & Dragons lore to mess with the players’ heart strings.
>“So, Liselle, she’s the Githyanki. And Githyanki don’t really do monogamy,” Smith told VG247.
>“So if you sleep with Liselle one night at camp, the next night you might well just find her sleeping with somebody else. And she’s going to be like, ‘oh, that was a bit of fun, wasn’t it? How are you doing?’ And you’re just like, ‘oh!’ Heartbroken!”

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Yeah I enjoyed OS2 a lot am looking forward to how they handle the forgotten realms setting
Will be nice to see if they try a more series tone for Illithid antagonists instead of spamming meme villains like Braccus Rex

Oh sweet naive child...
This picture would literally cause an uproar in the new D&D community calling its artist mysognistic and rapist. Literally.
You dont know how bad things are. Google what happened recently to Adam Kobel, one of the official DMs for WotC twitch channel.

after that shitshow Pathfinder Kingmaker?
HAHAHAHAHA, i'm sure the new one will be totally kino

Him not knowing how bad things are kinda just speaks how much of a non issue this is while they live rent free in your head.
Literally only a problem if you have legbeards hiding under your bed.

>Google what happened recently to Adam Kobel, one of the official DMs for WotC twitch channel.
he looks like a massive faggot and I don't want to research online drama for 2 hours
give me a TL;DR or something

So you robo-lady who has a problem in your software. I'm a robo-guy who can fix it. I plug this in your head. You have something similar to an orgasm.
Now the DM is considered a rapist
That is the left

It really will.
Their kickstarter was pretty cool. They've got all the stretch goals, I think?
I'm super curious about Realms Beyond too, as I don't know.
Solasta's gimmick of a full custom party with backgrounds and personalities sound cool.
And BG3 has some great potential.
Pretty stoked for the future.

Sounds gay. DM was probably a That Guy. Players were probably That Guys too.
Literally who cares.

>I'm super curious about Realms Beyond too, as I don't know.
I'm super curious about Realms Beyond too, as I don't know much about it*.

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>hiding under your bed.
yes, because those retards are not infecting every single entertainment industry recently...
What is happening to comics again? And movies? And series? And games being censored?
Star wars? Dr. Who? Star Treck? Terminator? X-Man (X-wahmin!)?

Oh right its just in my head...

>numale feminist faggot shits on PROBLEMATIC WHITE MALES for years
>jumps on cancel culture bandwagon against anybody that isn't part of his social justice crowd bullshit
>accidentally reveals his hypocritical magical realm pervert faggotry to some other tranny
>gets canceled forever

I am because I like D&D

Divinity original sin 2 is good so I’m sure they’ll do a decent job with BG 3

I might be too tired or just retarded but what?
Am I correct in assuming that this scene played out during a twitch stream of some pen and paper game?
Did one of the players make a stink at the table or did someone literal who complain on twitter after the fact?
Sounds silly either way

>Literally who cares.
typical gaslight argument "its just (another)one, who cares!"
it is getting more common everyday

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Its already cucked beyond repair. Larian is the next Bioware

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This, it only has the name for a selling point

lmao you even sound like them

just watch this fat fuck if you want context

Not that user, buy who the fuck cares about the "D&D community"? the only D&D community I care about is the guys I play with every weekend

Why would someone want to romance a literal goblina?

no, larian only knows how to make cringy dialogue and wacky lulrandom gameplay, im far more interested in next pathfinder game
Garbage game master that disregarded the goals and backstory of his players in order to insert his fetishes and then end the session there until later. Which prompted the player to not want to continue the campaign with said GM.

I'd say her reasons for quitting are pretty reasonable, but the reaction this has gotten from outsiders and the shows followers is absolutely insane and way, way overblown.
The shit from that session would have been shitty in any session. It doesn't even really have much if anything to do with the orgasm. It would have been pretty shit almost regardless of what it was.

But the worst thing are all the insane fucking fragile snowflakes getting fucking PTSD all around this. Seriously what the fuck is wrong with those freaks?


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>I'd say her reasons for quitting are pretty reasonable
No it is not. It is make-believe, it is nonsense to get so fired up over shit like that.
They kill imaginary villains for fuck sake...

>I'd say her reasons for quitting are pretty reasonable, but the reaction this has gotten from outsiders and the shows followers is absolutely insane and way, way overblown.
The shit from that session would have been shitty in any session. It doesn't even really have much if anything to do with the orgasm. It would have been pretty shit almost regardless of what it was.

>conveniently ignoring the absolute fucking hypocrisy of cancel culture trannies
what did user mean by this?

Just the way they like it.
Bend over silently.


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this entire thing is just faggotry of the worst kind
unless a DM rapes one of the players irl on the table there's no reason for this reaction

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Very. Hopefully it will be deeper than D:OS/2

>>conveniently ignoring the absolute fucking hypocrisy of cancel culture trannies
What? I called them
>insane fucking fragile snowflakes getting fucking PTSD all around this
and said that they're the worst thing about this. And that they're reaction is way, way overblown.
The player who quit didn't quit for the reasons that all those fags are upset about. She doesn't consider him a rapist or anything like that. She just thinks he is a terrible GM that completely disregarded the journey of her character and wanted to do kink shit out of nowhere instead even though it clashes with backstory considering none of it ever happened in all the previous visits which had been established to be many.

The initial reaction was just an unwillingness to continue playing in the campaign. The insane fucking freaks were others having a meltdown.