>This picture is still relevant

How? How do they keep messing up this badly?

Attached: playstation.png (800x246, 234.2K)

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Cry more cuck handlet

We needed another thread about this

xboys can not claw

I use the dpad more than the stick. It's good that not every controller is the same

Based CUHRAYZEEchad.


just admit youre a fucking drone already

>OP still a cum guzzling faggot

How? How does he keep messing up this badly?

But the PS controllers are already so fucking tiny I refuse to believe anyone with actual adult hands could find them comfortable in the first place.

stop eating fast food for every meal

ps is tick and the rest are garbage and uncomfortable

I'm sorry you're either a manlet or a chink.

I actually hate the closed in thumb stance because I got used to the playstation location of the stick

We needed another thread about this

mental illness is the name of the game of the TranStation 5

>that horrible excuse of a dpad that makes thumbs hurt in no time when playing anything that requires heavy dpad use like fightan
>that fucking huge button in the middle that does god knows what, literally never once used that shit on ps4
>that share button
>that options button
>that 8 hour battery life since the controller has all sorts of shitty gimmicks like built in speakers and led lights

Attached: 1510143737215.jpg (374x347, 38.64K)

being fat doesnt make your fingers longer. just look at the picture. in the dualshock one the person is touching the buttons/analog with the middle of their finger instead of the end AND their hands are loose

>this controller objectively sucks, the analog sticks are in an objectively inferior position
>That has nothing to do with the issue I raised, and if anything the controllers are too small

Asym is for niggers.

wow sony really just does shit for the sake of it
microsoft has mastered the art of gaming design

the ps1 controller won EVO

>i'm so fat i can't move my finger a little to the right dualsock is shit
fucking landwhale americans and their american hands no wonder your first console was a xbox

literally only an issue if you play FPS games on consoles

this is going to sound like a humblebrag but fuck it. 6'2, white, play guitar with long fingers to match. I've used playstation controllers since I was 6 years old and have never found an issue. In the off chance you are being genuine and not just shitposting, I'm not sure what the issue with the controller is that makes it so your hands somehow don't work when holding one, but it has to be something on your end.

But you can only play DMC on a PS controller user.

>design something objectively inferior
>”it still WORKS, guys”

>the analog sticks are in an objectively inferior position
the overwhelming majority of games that should be controlled with a controller at all, instead of a mouse and keyboard, are best played with the dpad. It's really just console fps (lol) and bing bing wahoo platformers that seriously benefit from having the stick in that position

Attached: goalpost.jpg (599x398, 55.5K)

It feels weird moving symmetrical controller joysticks to the upper left area for me. The closer distance makes it seem like I don't have the right amount of leverage. No problem with the dpad though.

i feel comfortable with both variants
get fucked handlets

Too bad the dualshock dpad is dogshit. 8bitdo snesPro controllers are literally better dualshocks

its not moving goalposts. we are giving our opinions on controllers.

I prefer clawing on dualshock, it makes much more sense than dpad clawing on asymmetrical stick layouts. Using the index finger on a stick is just bad

Attached: This is dumb.png (300x168, 112.07K)

>”moving the goalposts”
>when the entire thread is ABOUT how DualShock analog stick placement is inferior to every other controller
Might want to check that OP again, user....


claw is retarded
fucking lmao

Right makes more sense. Puts less strain on your thumb and makes movements more precise

>people play using claw

Attached: 1547273347867_0.png (384x378, 118.48K)


Weird how the wrong one keeps winning.

Thoughts on "DualSense" for PS5?
source blog.us.playstation.com/2020/04/07/introducing-dualsense-the-new-wireless-game-controller-for-playstation-5/

Attached: 1559491284522.png (3072x2048, 2.16M)

t. shitter

But exactly why is dualshock wrong? It's not my preferred controller I have no issues with it.

Winning in a race where your other competitors shot themselves in the foot isn't much of a victory.

Attached: what's a quarter.jpg (1456x1077, 165.5K)

>"the ONLY way you can comfortably use a dualshock is if you have tiny asian manlet hands"
>I'm the opposite and it works for me
>"yeah but the dualshock stick placement still sucks"

do you not see how that response has nothing to do with it being comfortable or not?

I'm sorry? What was that handlet?

Attached: QA6lgb2NTanzhLaa8HLlW1EDCIzDuz4yqsopXNN2y5Q.jpg (1365x2048, 307.95K)

I don't think OP will ever stop cum guzzling

This is the most pathetic shit to care about. If this matters to you then you need to kill yourself.

Everybody rims the GC controller but the button placement sucks for multiplats and the dpad is basically useless. Better build quality then its competitors but also horrendously overpriced and overhyped

I don't get it, I'm fine with either style with no preference. Whats the big deal?

>Too bad the dualshock dpad is dogshit.
it's better than literally every other official controller put out since 9/11. if we're talking about modded controllers then nothing in the OP's image should be considered good

You dont even know how many times I have to do this because retard fucking devs made the run button X / A

You use one thumb for walking and the other for camera, who in their right fucking mind thinks that a face button should be run

It's just bad bait like your post user. Just ignore it.

>DS is the big boy controller now
tip top lel

because these faggots know nothing but complaining about gay shit

imagine playing on a pad designed for call of duty lmao

Asym makes my left thumb feel sore after awhile.

>Left analog stick is in the right place for everyone except PlayStation, you're meant to have your thumb pointing up.
>Right analog stick is off to the right for most controllers but that's okay and normal for some reason.

I mostly play 2d games plus I use my ds4 for emulation so I like it

FPS is literally the only time when symmetrical sticks make sense since you use the camera stick as much, if not more, than the face buttons.

Literally does not matter. The PS3 controller does suck, but not becuase of the thumbstick placement.
also this

i used to think this but then i actually used a ds4 controller, and felt the left stick is significantly more comfortable than any controller with the stick on the top

Only flaw of the GC controller is the lack of a ZL button. 3 shoulder buttons was a retarded decision.

lookin like a downgrade desu