Who's it going to be?

Who's it going to be?

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Kill yourself you worthless braindamaged retard

>Arms rep
Whoever Sakurai chooses I guess.
>SwSh rep
Cinderace seems the most fitting.
>Travis Touchdown
With how buddy buddy Nintendo is with Suda and how much they're pushing NMH3, Travis in Smash seems like a guarantee.
>Crash Bandicoot
With how popular and successful the series is right now, the big N probably wants a piece of the Wumpa pie.
Not surprising, considering both Nintendo and Bethesda are best buddies right now.
>Bandai Namco rep
Bamco seems the most likely to get a second rep. Klonoa would be the best, but they'll probably go with a more popular character like Heihachi or Chosen Undead.

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Waluigi honestly feels like he will be revealed as soon as this year.


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God if only, Robotnik would be incredibly based but its never gonna happen

None of the ones you want.

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>Spring man
>3rd party rep (Not a swordsman)
Get triggered Yas Forums of the west.

>TFW none of the characters I want got fucked
Based harada

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Your mom. After all, she's used to getting smashed.

No, because being included as a playable character in Smash Bros. is anathema to his character. He is the eternal underdog who justifies his cheating and shitty behavior by his perceived eternal misfortune, lashing out at others for unfair behavior while not giving a fuck himself. He's the unacknowledged, hated heel who owns it. If he was playable, that would all crumble. I'd rather they expanded his assist trophy moveset. Remove the tennis racket, give him more sports stuff, make him taunt often, especially with his Strikers crotch chop and really go all in on the asshole persona.

>linking your twitter in your rosterfag image

I want this but it's probably going to be some gay shit instead

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>we're starting the pass with ARMS

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Fuck off no one wants your literally who animeshit

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Consider eating a bullet for dinner

>whoever Sakurai chooses
Wrong. We know that isn't the case. Nintendo chooses, Sakurai says yes or no depending on if the fighter ends up possible. There is very little stopping almost any of the ARMS roster from being possible, aside from maybe Bark and Byte and it's doubtful that Nintendo would discount Springman, as he's the face of the series, no matter if he's an assist or not. Upgrades between games have happened, so I don't doubt that Sakurai will agree to moving him out of the AT slot should that be what Nintendo wants.

More then likely, Cinderace is the most popular of the starters and would synergize well in Smash anyway.

Maybe, it depends on Sakurai and Suda's current friendship and feelings towards Travis, as well as Nintendo's thinking if he belongs in their family friendly game. Suda has already remarked on the trouble he's had convincing Nintendo and Sakurai to let Travis in.
Also unlikely, given the recent statements they have had about not being asked or receiving a reply back about his possible inclusion.
>Bandai Namco
The idiots forget that Pacman is their rep and you think they are biting at the bit for another rep? Nah, they are done. They are content with what they have.

Here is who we are actually going to get.

>Springman/Ribbon Girl
Blizzard have been hyping up something involving Nintendo for a while now and they are going to want people back on board for Diablo 4 and Immortal.

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Personal wishlist, and I want Max Brass as the ARMS rep

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>people are still talking about this


Because it’s true retard, don’t you think if they were going to be in one of them would be the first character because they are the autistic “HYPE” picks

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Min Min
Captain Toad or Geno
Crash Bandicoot
Ryu Hayabusa
Master Chief

>>Arms rep
>>SwSh rep
wouldn't Rillaboom make more sense to complete the element trio?
>>Travis Touchdown
>>Crash Bandicoot
Not really considering how much of a bitch Activision can be, being the money-hungry bastard it usually is
SSBU is for good boys and girls of many different ages. And besides, do you really want to see a violent series with it's violence toned down? Last time that happened we got MK vs DC and it was shit
>>Bandai Namco rep
Maybe, I just don't know if Nintendo would wanna go that way

All the characters in there are video game characters

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>SSBU is for good boys and girls of many different ages. And besides, do you really want to see a violent series with it's violence toned down? Last time that happened we got MK vs DC and it was shit
Not even a doomtranny, but you are speaking pure autism

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I don't know who's in but I know who I want.

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I got it from google images, I don't have a twitter

>rosterfags are going to waste two years of their lives speculating over nothing

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>Halo Guy

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Fuck off westcucks

Literally the first pass except Banjofags got their wish

Seethe some more Yas Forums
This is your fighters pass
Banjo Sora Doomguy Dante and Lloydfags are fucking faggots and every person here that wants these fags should kill themselves
Geno is in
Steve is in
Reimu is in
Ashley is in
Shantae is in
Drink bleach and die you delusional faggots
Banjo is a waste of a slot
Sora is owned by disney so he is automatically disqualified and he is cringe
Dante is cringe and disqualified
Doomguy is too violent and cringe and disqualified
Lloyd is another fucking anime swordsman and a literal who and disqualified
KOS-MOS is cringe and coomerbait and disqualified
Eggman is garbage and disqualified
Literally all of these characters would be an amazing roster
Steve has an unique and interesting moveset and his model would look fucking sick.
Reimu would be amazing because of her moveset potential and the fact that she would bring Touhou into smash.
Geno would be amazing because of his stage and his moveset he has laser guns and can morph into a cannon which is much better than Sora.
Ashley would be amazing because they could base her assist trophy into a fighter and make her OP
Shantae would be great because we need a genie character in smash and her moveset potential destroys everyone’s.
Arms is a good choice for a slot because now spirits/AT don’t deconfirm.
If you unironically want Ashley Geno Steve Shantae and Reimu please for the love of god kill yourselves.

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Anime website keep crying faggot

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>>Travis Touchdown
Sakurai hates him, has literally laughed at Suda's face when he asked for him to get in.
>Crash Bandicoot
Activision is too big headed and thinks their cereal mascot is actually relevant because of a few half-assed microtransaction lootcrate filled remakes. Probably would ask for too much to make it worth the effort, he'd also have a terrible moveset so Sakurai wouldn't even bother
Sort of likely but I'm not getting my hopes up, the Mii Costume leak is fake
>Bamco rep
Most likely out of all of this

Drink bleach you literal retard

>This retard again

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>rosterfags wanted the meme plant, joker, erdrick, terry and byleth

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Baste would he come with bootleg misty?

Maybe in the Victory Animations it could work.

So all 5 of them? Cool no one cares

My taste is better than whatever you'll shit out
saber is trash though thanks to the gacha I'll admit that. Fuck GO

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Seethe some more stevie
I unironically like banjo


You’re the one wanting Steve, retard

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It's been almost a year, stevefag. Get over it already

Kys calart retard>
Would he be playable himself or be like the trainer with Espeon and umbreon at that point your better off just adding eevee and giving him some kinda of evolution mechanic thing but it would be funny seeing autists crying because they other thunder dogs aren’t playable

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But I don’t
I want Sora Dante Demi-Fiend Crash and Eggman

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No you don’t meme retard you probably like arms to huh?

Originally I just had Espeon and Umbreon as the fighter where it would work like Pokemon Trainer but I thought Wes would balance it out more. Besides I was already considering them a Pokemon Colosseum Character.

I don’t even want steve
I would rather have Sora over him

>tranime literally who
>tranime literally who
>tranime literally who
>over represented series
>tranime literally who

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I hate Arms and I also hate Steve
I love to make you stevefags seethe

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Do you actually think this art style loOks good? You have to be an actual mentally ill retard to think that


It was enough for mai to get the boot out of the cameos in the KoF stege. And people still think 2B still has a chance

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Holy based

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>implying 2B is anything like mai
Were you dropped on your head as a kid?

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>And people still think 2B still has a chance
She already got cucked by Dragon Quest.

You need to play more vidya if you think those characters are literally whos