Loot boxes contain upgrades and perks

>Loot boxes contain upgrades and perks
>XP boosters
>20 minutes to find a game
>Survivors can steam roll at lvl 1
>Get only one Master Mind that requires a ridiculous amount of grind to upgrade
The regret is starting to kick in

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If you don't like it, don't play

please play this dead game

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Second match doing the Daniel strategy where you spawn one armored zombie, pump them with buffs, and control them when the survivors leave their safe room.
Holy fuck this is dirty

Daniel has already ruined the game.

Game has potential but I doubt Capcom will put much effort into it.

nah, capcom already did that

I always stock up on grenades if I'm playing against Daniel and we don't have any NIGGA BOOT on the team. I've seen that tactic so many times now it's just predictable.

You forgot
>lootboxes are bought with ingame currency and not real cash

How do I play Alex properly?
And are the clowns that Daniel gets at 19 useful with Annette?

I really like this game and i don't know why people are hating it. Seems like a outbreak but with pvp and smaller sessions.
I guess people hate everything these days.

You forgot
>lootboxes don't let you get something you've already gotten either

>lootboxes are bought with ingame currency and not real cash
That's good.

>round starts
>survivors open first door
>4 fully buffed lickers and 1 fatty
>2 immediately dc

>i don't know why people are hating it
easy (you)'s for people desperate for attention
look at literally every game released

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Except you can buy boosters with real money, which in turn gives you more currency to buy lootboxes with. Just another hoop to jump through.

>Defending lootboxes because have the option to grind for them

>wtf how can people hate video games, they are fun. how can people hate fun. this world makes no sense to me. honestly if everyone just ignored bad thing and just had fun, i would enjoy that a lot more.

>have the option to grind for them
It's not an option it's the only choice
also not much of a grind since I had every perk 2 days in

You don't have the OPTION to grind for them.
You can ONLY grind for them.

Yeah, instead of selling you lootboxes they make you pay for boosters so your long ass no life grind will take faster.

The only hope for this game is a road map of of technical changes and content patches along with a cheap stand alone release.

The game is good at its core, but it has too few maps and too many technical problems, especially in regards to the network.

This could be a hit if they just turn it into the ultimate RE-engine crossover game. Just throwing in all the enemies from RE3 along with some of the locations would go far.

Neither of these are difficult to deal with
Mommy Annette is the real fucking nightmare

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I havent been able to play Mastermind even once, and this is on PS4. Longest ive waited before giving up is over 40 minutes. This shit is absurd. I just want to try mm. Hell, just now I had over 15 minute wait for survivor. I want to enjoy this game, but over half the game seems to be fucking waiting. Its ridiculous.

I'm gonna start leveling my Annette, but I wanna get Daniel's clown first. I'm excited to get to her OP zombies and Lickers

They should also start selling skins, for the waifus, and new characters like Leon, Claire, Brad, Hunk, nigger Hunk, Kendo and so on. Some kind of monetization would really draw more support from the jews at the top.

How can I possibly hate a game that let me personally beat the ever living shit out of Ass Blasted Alejandro

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Please don't

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>a single energy boosted zombie bite gives 7 energy
>licker swipes give like 2 each
>infinite lickers everywhere
this shit is hilarious
>make preset
>set 2 lickers in the first room

Because pummeling a retard is only fun and worth it until you start going against competent survivors

She is terrifying. If you think you're having an easy time with Annette in area 1 and 2, think again. The game goes from Resident Evil to fucking Dead Rising.

This webm is exactly what I wanted out of the game

Most people won't see this because you need to get her to level 20 or so to make her playable, and probably want stuff from others as well.

Oh, that's 300 more than yesterday.

>24 peak
>Back to 3K

Give me a few beginner tips as survivor and I will.

So bored I'm going to install this. Wish me luck.

With how much ammo and such they give survivors, especially with stuff like miniguns, I'm not surprised


>Wipe out a level 40 Becca because their teammates are completely retarded

I didn't deserve that win in the slightest but I'll take the points. It's always so sad when Tyrone/Martin don't know what the fuck they're doing.

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Watch Crapcom buff masterminds when they're already strong as fuck once leveled, simply because they suck shit at low levels

I honestly think the game just needs better matchmaking for levels

I'm usually winning as mastermind but holy shit when I get a premade group of good survivors they just curvestomp me, feels bad.

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No, what is needs is a mute main menu music button

i just started playing and the highest rank survivor on my team was 7 and we got put against a rank 13 spencer

That is definitely something that is needed, menu music and in-game music being seperate

>20 minutes to find a game
Really isn't an issue on PS4. As long as you're playing during prime time around 6PM-Midnight, queues typically take under a minute for both Survivor and Mastermind.

Annette isn't even hard to level either. People are just spoiled by playing Mr.X in the beta, and are mad they can't mash square to stunlock survivors dead since Birkin has to plan around his cooldowns and faster respawn by quitting out early after doing damage. The only real issue with early Annette's deck is that 1hp dogs are almost entirely useless outside of a lucky laggy throat bite grapple landing

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Why does the camera sensitivity skyrocket as you exit a safe room or enter a new area

Good luck, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do

Why would I play a shooter on a console?

learn the objective of each area, area 1 = find 3 keys, area 2 = kill security guard and deactivate 3 consoles, area 3 = destroy three capsules (buy a melee weapon if you can) always check map. disarm traps by shooting it, also if you play january make sure to shoot cameras since you get bonus damage. the key is to try to control masterminds cameras. however late game masterminds get a lot of shit that counters any camera fuckery

If you play one role for a few games you should get priority for the other role for a few games.

This game will be dead in a month. Capcom royally fucked up making RE3R too short with little replayability compared to RE2R.

I'm really tempted to mod the menu music to piano Outbreak theme. Tired of the ear rape.

>soiling outbreak with this trash

>In a month
Lol the game is dead today

>use mr. X on a group of survivors in a small room
>get flashbanged and they all walk out the door

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E makes you flashbang immune

They need to have it so survivors at least need to have the gernade go off in front of an ultimate.
Just tossing em around willy nilly with such a massive AoE is too effective


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Yes, Resident Evil 3 is a 3rd person shooter

Already been said but resetting everytime the queue takes more than 5 min works for me.

I wanna fug this plant.

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I've been getting 5 minute mastermind queues on PC for the last 3 days and now it fucking refuses to go above 3/5 for the last 40 minutes, what the fuck?