8. FUCKING 8. Literal years of wait for fucking garbage.

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uh, hello? Based department?

Oh wait, wrong number, this is the failed department.

the new combat is retarded

there isn't a single good remake
demake 2 doesn't count


FF died with Squaresoft, this just cemented any chance for the franchise.

8 is still a good game, not "literal fucking garbage"
But having watched an entire playthrough, I would have only given it a 7. Gameplay is too shallow.

Personachads win again baby

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>give 8.2 to XV
>but gives 8 to 7r
Yikes, talk about losing credibility




I did enjoy 13 though, but the last real official game was FFX

>Yikes, talk about losing credibility
It's simply worse than FFXV.

Wake up faggot.

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XII was the last true good FF by Square Enix.

XIII-2 was a good game tied to a horrible trilogy.

XIV was good and made peopel have fun together, so we at least have that silver lining.

We all know that in any trilogy, the second part is always the best.

>le fuck call of duty meme
i remember turning 16

Look at every game ign gave a 10/10, this is pathetic
> Tetris
> Super Mario Bros
> Dragon Quest III
> A Link to the Past
> Super Mario World
> Puyo Puyo 2
> Final Fantasy VI
> Super Metroid
> Chrono Trigger
> Super Mario World 2
> Pokemon Red & Blue
> Ocarina of Time
> Pokemon Gold Silver
> SoulCalibur
> Link's Awakening DX
> Capcom vs SNK
> Oracle of Ages/Seasons

> Metal Gear Solid 4
> Grand Theft Auto IV
> Super Mario Galaxy 2
> Pac-Man Championship DX
> Skyward Sword
> Infinity Blade III
> Uncharted 3
> Grand Theft Auto V
> The Last of Us
> Metal Gear Solid V
> The Witness
> Undertale
> Breath of the Wild
> Mario Odyssey
> God of War
> Celeste
> Red Dead Redemption 2
> Persona 5 Royale

>8 is shit
Yas Forums...

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re1make also exists silly

It's one of the shittiest Final Fantasy games.

he means the review score lol
8/10 is still a good game. 7 is decent, 6 is where you start getting into "has serious flaws" territory

>gives ffVI but not VII a 10/10
um hello, based department?

>not saging

I love how you can tell paid reviews started in 2007

that's a remaster

by IGN standars that is absolute garbage

its an IGN 8. They dont go below 7 on AAA Games

it doesn't matter since RE1 sucks regardless of which version is played

All those games are better than ff7r

What's with the weird sexual tension what the fuck

forgot about 8.8 zoomer?


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>Just work for $30k/yr on the biggest game of the decade bro.
Yeah no way to tell this was going to turn out bad.

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>It's simply worse than FFXV.
Sorry Barry, FF7R demo alone is better than the entirety of FFXV, """patches""" included.

X was the last but 12 did hold it's own.

Why does Yas Forums out of all people takes review scores the bible for videogames?

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That's why it's being rated worse at various outlets. If you look at it without the FF7 lens it will be fine, but if you look at it like a remake of FF7 people are going to be mad as fuck and rate it poorly.

You are Barry defending your favorite game. People seem to forget he's called XV-KUN, you are FF7R-kun.

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>fans demand ff7 remake for 20 years
>square finally gives up and makes it
>core plot point is that annoying faceless fucks fly around trying to prevent plot holes from getting fixed and forcing things to go the same was as they originally did even for scenes that never made sense
has there been a bigger fuck you to obnoxious fans in video game history?

It's been over a decade since FF7 fans have existed as an active vocal community.

they are looking for excuses to shit on the game without actually playing it

Nomura is a closet faggot. And Sakaguchi isn't around to keep his blatant faggotry in check.

>>core plot point is that annoying faceless fucks fly around trying to prevent plot holes from getting fixed and forcing things to go the same was as they originally did even for scenes that never made sense
Not really, the core plot point is about aerith dying or not dying. The rest and scenes are just setups to understand the ending.

>ign reviews meaning anything other than how much they were paid for it

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How come Yas Forums keeps calling time traveling retcon?

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I would have preferred they just made the changes to the story instead of this retarded "2deep4u subversive meta narrative" trash.

it's ironic, it's basically the opposite of retconning because it's sole purpose is to CHANGE the events, not try to fit something in that explains an event

man fuck those obvious paid reviews


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8 is too kind for more of Nomura's convoluted fanfiction


Only faggots care about IGN reviews. Gamespot gave it a 10 and thats all that matters. Fucking IGN shills.

Then why didn't they just make the changes instead of this stupid ghost shit? RE2 remake just made changes and didn't give a fuck. The FF7R thing here just feels passive-aggressive and stupid. I think a woman made this decision.

The time jannies aren't gonna like this.

8 is garba on a out of 10? do you know we dont start counting from 8 rights. its 0 then 1 then 2 and so on.
0 is literal garbage. 5 is middle of the way so its an average game. 8 is way above average and 10 is literal perfection. thing that even the best of the best games cant achieve and anyone who gives a 10 out of 10 is a biased lier

I made this decision. My slashfics are canon now, no time jannies can stop me.

what? a remaster is taking the original game and upgrading/polishing it, theres no way the re1 remake wasn't built from the ground up

since when do you trust game jounos? stupid

For video game journalists, game ratings for big releases start at 7. Anything lower than a 7 is given to meme games or games that don't have big fanbases because the backlash from fans would ruin their reputation.

>review-bomb it

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all they had to do was a fucking 1:1 copy with better graphics, literally just that, they didnt need to rewrite shit, change models, change change combat, change anything just a brainless upgrade, just that.
most of their money probably went on that "ethics department" too

lmao three disc welfare saga

Wow this shit is gettig worse reviews than SwShit. And FF7r was way more overhyped and shilled than that trash

> Pokemon Red & Blue
> Ocarina of Time
> Pokemon Gold Silver
those were the days. back when nintendo could literally shit out masterpieces.

cause Yas Forums doesnt have the brain power to comprehend two strands of events occurring simultaneously

>"it's not what your mind remembers, it's what your heart always knew it to be"
Kek You can bet your ass my heart sure knew it wanted time jannies

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Yakuza Kiwami 2

IGN gave a 9 to fucking RE3, theyve lost all credibility

XIV was so fucking horrible they had to publicly apologize for making it and let everyone play it for free while they remade literally the entire god damn game.

Are superbosses or anything to do postgame?

>the people looknig to buy it can't even speak properly
No, goyim.

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does this french faggot actually react to anything or say something

what's the point of streaming if you're just gonna sit there looking bored

Jokes on all of you, I never played the original.
Gonna enjoy it regardless of it being a re-imagination instead of a remake.
Also I'm okay with the combat in classic mode.

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>No, goyim.
also the irony of your post

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>thinks call of duty advanced warfare is a 9
i remember turning 12

off the demo alone i knew it was going to be mediocre
that boss fight felt like a fucking chore