Attached: PS5.jpg (588x751, 47.75K)

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It looks like it's saying "kill me"

Looks like some third party bullshit from some no name Chinese company, they should have kept the form factor of the dual shock and improved it slightly instead of whatever the hell this is.

why does it look like a ps4 controller with a white rubber cover over 3/4 of it

>still no vita-style dpad
Well fuck you too, Sony.

Attached: mfw.jpg (112x88, 2.13K)

>its real


Attached: goodLawd.jpg (200x150, 5.43K)

Is the Vita D-Pad!?!?

Attached: 1558325551935.jpg (425x428, 63.79K)

fuck i like it. shaped more like the superior xbox controller, and finally a departure from the bland dualshock design
well done

I'm fucking wincing at the thought of playing fighting games with this.

>White controller.
Disgusting. That'll look like garbage in a year from wear and tear + sweat.

A more official link

It's Sony, they're retarded, so of course not.

>share button

Oh great more lights i can't turn off

I have to wonder what the PS5 itself looks like now. That certainly wouldn't fit with the devkit we've seen.

sony what the fuck are you doing, what the fuck is that

Can anyone explain what this DualSense shit is about?

what we know so far


what about games, specs, tech demos?

Attached: 1586155375027.jpg (354x400, 30.06K)

can't they just go sleek black like microsoft (or the ps4). this makes me want to switch to xbox more than niggerflops

Attached: 1579243589180.png (640x427, 102.17K)

okay can someone confirm it still has the headphone jack?

cause literally the only reason I still keep my ps4 is cause the controller is great for plugging my headphones in while streaming movies from my bed

Seems like change for the sake of change.

A more english link

what's the difference between vita dpad and ds4 dpad? separate buttons?

>Multiple threads about it

Looks like PS5 is going to be smash hit if it causes Yas Forums to shitpost this hard.

Attached: OVERDRIVE.png (439x470, 172.19K)

this was my first thought. Anything that's constantly touched by human hands should never ever be white.

when was the last time a devkit actually looked like the console anyway.

So, were any of the leaks correct?
I've certainly not managed to run into this one yet.

Attached: 1572635155719.gif (209x191, 1.72M)

Please tell me thats USB-C

Damn boi he THICC

Can’t wait to get Cheetos dust on it
Also why do the handles look like theyre taken from XB1 controllers?

honestly kind of like the futuristic aesthetic instead of just "let's make ps2 controller again but worse with each version" I miss when consoles in the turn of the millennium gave off the aesthetic of being in the future so I'm hoping the console looks cool

Attached: xbox-10-year-anniversary-original-dashboard-625x350.jpg (625x350, 44.17K)

just pay an extra $80 for a black one!

Because Sony finally realized that Microsoft improved on their design. PS6 will have asymmetric sticks.

Hey guies, I just purchased a New Razer Blackwidow mechanical KEWYBOAYRD and I'm just testing out the keys. You see, I've had this in my closet for years and never installed it. Pluse the fact that my motherboard has a bunch of USB ports that don't work, and this keyboard is a USB corded one and not the superior PS/2 corded one. I tried it with a spare PS/2-to-USB adapter but that didn't work.
I attempted to plug it into one of the USB ports that I thought wouldn't work, but alas! It did! Things were coming up Milhouse! I'm not going to attempt to plug anything more into the usb ports back there in case it's all just some fluke.

I really like the clackity clack (aroudn the track, heh heh, memes, amirite?) sound and feel of these keys. I hope it doesn't disappoiint me, and I hope you bros don't either, bros! Thanks a bunch! Stay safe out there!

Did the Japs finally realised that a controller that fills out your hands is more comfortable than whatever the fuck the dualshock was?

mad gay

Why? DS4 was okay. Ate my thumb and had to switch to hitbox instead.

Will it have better battery life than previous dualshocks? It damn better have.
Why the fuck are Nintendo the only ones in the industry with good batery life for the controllers? Nintendo's controllers with the weakest battery, the joycons, still have twice the battery life than that of the competition. what the fuck?

I actually use my dualshock controller a lot, but i fucking wish I didn't have to charge it all the damn time. And I would have paid extra to be able to avoid that.

The colors are bizarre, though.

Seems like they couldn't decide between a lot of black or a lot of white, and ended up like that, yuck.

Cool concept, bad colors.

We know most of the specs.

previous generation of japs were stilll small, current japs are much larger than their parents.

Attached: PS4_controller.jpg (499x961, 89.88K)

I hope they make a gold colored one. Gold is best.
Next best is clear see-through.


that looks fucking awful
it looks like shit from the early 2000's people thought we would be wearing in 2030
fucking yikes

Was calling it a DualShock 5 simply not fancy enough for this day and age or what? Or does it actually have some kind of notable "sense" gimmick that they felt was worthwhile to highlight and market?

>throw pic related
>it finally comes back

Attached: ps3 boomerang.jpg (480x328, 15.44K)

Its future user, the future is mixed, race and controller colors too, accept your fate.

Please tell me those are start and select buttons and not like share and pair buttons or whatever.

Oh are we bringing back the asshurt over share? Those were the times.

share and create

Looks functional but I never thought that a controller could actually look pretentious until now.

Looks like it.

Attached: 49747502797_ba4ef26976_3k.jpg (3072x2048, 443.74K)

You do realize the touchpad is the new start/select, right?

fucking this, literally nobody but the most normalfag women use the share button. They need to get the fuck off controllers


have you tried not being a filthy troglodyte?

glad they stopped using dog noses for analogue sticks

haptic feedback and adaptive l2 and r2 triggers.

the lights was always going to be there for BC and VR the camera uses it to track your movements, hopefully it can now be turned off.

looks like an Xbox controller with the grips and elevated shoulder buttons.

also new button under the home button and Share and Options have new symbols.

And what if its not?? They work the same fucking way. Stop being petty.

>rgb leds
>speaker (I think?)

this shit is gonna be 80 dollars

Attached: owo.png (475x308, 48.17K)


Attached: they all chinese.jpg (507x522, 44.7K)

Looks exactly the same as DS4, one is a generic menu button and the other a share button


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Lookin bretty great

Why did they remove the geometric button colours? Why do they keep making worse Dual shock 2?

What made Sony think this was a good idea? Even back in 2006 when I was a dumb 11 year old I thought it was retarded.

All those features were on the DS4 were they not?

thats fucking halarious


I think user means like... glowing face buttons.

I don't think it had a mic


Attached: just zug my shit up.jpg (396x389, 195.11K)

>built-in microphone array
Dohohohoh no thanks botnet, time for SeX.

>copy Xbox controller design
>Still put the left stick in the wrong place
>Still can't figure out a decent trigger.
>load it up with a ton of deep lines that will accumulate dirt no matter how much you try to keep it clean
Well, at least its not as bad as the PS3 banana controller.

Does this? It just looks like it has a mute button for headsets.

>Left stick in the wrong place

White hands typed this post.

Do you have the first image in Hi Res?

I kinda wish they'd make it completely white to make the wear and tear uniform.
old white electronics is peak soul

>Still put the left stick in the wrong place
imagine being this wrong during a pandemic where you can die at any time

This is to PS5 what the SixAxis was to the PS3.
By holiday 2021 they'll have the DualShock 5 on the market so you can replace all your old launch-era controllers with new ones.
Maybe they'll finally put the Vita dpad on it too.

I got them from the link in

Spend the money on better hardware instead of this gimmick trash.

If I wanted trash gimmicks, I would play on the Nintentoddler console. Leave this toddler gimmick trash to Nintentard.

Why is the left stick being on top ergonomic but the right stick being on the bottom not? You use the sticks more than the buttons on both sides

I legitimately think it looks pretty cool, probably means the console will also have a black/white/blue color scheme as well.

it has 3.5mm jack though

it's slowly morphing into an xbox/nintendo pro controller

>no colored buttons

>previous generation of japs were stilll small, current japs are much larger than their parents.

You don't use the right stick more than face buttons for most games user. Also face buttons are 4 positions you need to put your finger, vs a stick that is more centered. If you switched them pressing A would a lot more awkward, while using the stick there works just fine.

>Spend the money on better hardware instead of this gimmick trash.
because that worked out so well for the gamecube

It's just a screenshot button sperg.

>ultra thicc L1 and R1

Attached: isaac why.jpg (288x499, 51.08K)

>A fucking Xbox controller

Attached: Confused teacher.png (872x632, 162.01K)