Here's your new controller, bro.
Here's your new controller, bro
Other urls found in this thread:
Looks ergonomic enough. Basically just a dualshock but finally abandoning the lumpy things that annoy my large thumbs when using the sticks.
>DualSense also adds a built-in microphone array, which will enable players to easily chat with friends without a headset – ideal for jumping into a quick conversation. But of course, if you are planning to chat for a longer period, it’s good to have that headset handy.
Thank you NSA you are my greatest Ally
>Built in microphone
Thanks NSA, very cool.
bro thats just a fancy xbox one controller lol tf
Maybe it's just me, but I never run into anyone using a mic anymore, on console or PC. Maybe it's just the games I play, I don't know.
Not gonna lie it looks fucking kino. What's the battery time gonna be this time though?
>they think the NSA cares about game controllers when they have access to smartphones and webcams
smooth brain take
>actually links it
fuck off snoy shill
imagine thinking a playstation will ever have a controller anywhere above shit tier
Hopefully better than the DS4. I wish they'd let us just use our own batteries.
about 2h
Nobody tell this guy his phone has a microphone or he'll really feel like an idiot.
yeah. most probably because the xbox one controller had better ergonomics.
>white handheld electronics
>Implying I have a phone
>implying the NEETs on this board have phones
Hell, half the people here don't have one just to be contrarian.
So if the official ps5 controller is also like that out the gate that means sony somehow managed to make the battery even worse.
>No colored buttons
It's shit
>He doesn't fill the microphone port with a dead jack
>Making something you hold in your hands white
Oh boy I love my electronics looking like shit after 2 months.
Looks like it comes straight out of Astro Bot
Wash your hands you fucking ape
Your fault for being black dumbass nigger
>reeeeeeee sony bad! link to details about new sony game controller bad!
Not him, but what's wrong with linking a credible source which demonstrates/validates the subject of this thread? Did you just come here just to bitch at people who want to talk about the ps5? Turbosperg somewhere else if that's the case.
mental illness
What are you implying?
if i were interested, i would search for a source.
having a Yas Forums pass to make the first post a direct link to the playstation website is very transparent, snoybot
Can't stop winning. I hope the power supply reveal is next month
Looks like a fucking madcatz controller
No landline either?
ok but is there any point in owning a console over a PC
Yes? There's a thing called email and messaging online. Phones are retarded and only open you up to being spied on.
Do you have anything to hide schizo user?
XChads win again!
Looks like the PSP buttons, which I thought were comfortable. I probably won't buy the ps5 but I might get the controller. My xbox 360 one is pretty worn out.
imagine actually paying the same price as a vastly more powerful Xbox SeX for a CensorStation 5 with gimmick controller and gimmick ssd.
>no back buttons
no thanks man i already have mine
Yes, shit that's none of the NSAs business IE everything about my life.
>white/black/blue color scheme
>still adding FUCKING LIGHTS into their controller which will a lot of the time be used in a dark-ass room
>no colored buttons
>built in mic
jesus FUCKING christ Sony
worst part is it wouldn't even look that bad in all-black
who wants to bet the actual ps5 hardware will also be white/black/blue
so it adds a built-in microphone and haptic triggers and nothing else
bravo, sony
What about your life is so precious? You eat, shit, sleep big fucking deal user
looks uncomfortable as fuck
>Microshaft puts a spy device in their console
>Everyone, including xbox fanboys complain about it
>Snoy puts a spy device in their console to the point where you can't even just point it at a wall or duct tape it
>Snoygroids defend it
fuck off Snoy newfaggot, only post archived links
>dual sense
they ripped off hd rumble didn't they?
Ok come over here and shit and sleep in front of me. No big deal right?
Put a dead microphone jack in it then, Barryspammer.
this fucker will have a even shorter battery life than the ds4 right?
No big deal at all. Only question though is do you have toilet paper because I'm running out over here
Imagine the grime that's going to build up on that textured part.
I only rage on minorities when I'm gaming
HD Rumble was already not unique. It's the same shit the Steam Controller uses. But yeah, Dualsense sounds like the same shit as well.
Yeah dude, because that stops phones. Here's a fun experiment do the same thing then play nothing but telenovelas next to your phone and notice how every single ad on your phone is in spanish. It does jack shit retard.
>dude press the gray button
why is it white
Fuck USB ports. I wish one of the console manufacturers would just make a cheap, high quality wired controller like what we used to have in the 6th gen and the xbox 360.
>we want the Apple audience
>more shitty wasteful LEDs that will drain the battery life
Thanks Sony I hate it
I want to use that controller to bludgeon the room full of tasteless morons that approved the design.
Just use some glue.
it looks like a crab
>we are gonna add a microphon so you can just say „turn on tv/xbox“
>loool spy box !!!! Fuck this
>we add a microphone to your controller always turned
>thank you based sony
>who cares about the fucking 4th amendment
Fuck off snoy
>Putting start and select right next to places you normally can bump into them
Someone shoot sony please, they clearly have no idea why that shitty console even succeeded (hint: it wasn't because of its own merits).
>D+Pad still in primary input position
Oh, Sony, will you ever learn?
The what now I don't speak American faggot
>implying I'm a snoy
Nice I needed more LED lights beaming in my face while playing games.
>cool design
>built in mic
looking fine bros
Looks like a logitec bootleg.
Scoop your eyes out with a spoon.