We live in a timeline where people will defend this

We live in a timeline where people will defend this.

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Can someone explain this shit to me as someone who never played FF7? My understanding is this:

> FF7 plot is XYZ, Sepiroth is evil sexy magical villain that weeb girls flicked it to in middle school
> FF7 Remake plot starts out following the same beats as the original, but Sepi uses his magic anime powers to start changing the timeline so that certain people who should've died don't and vice versa.

What I wanna know is, how do we know the extent of this if the game is episodic and hasn't released yet? Did all the episodes leak? And does this mean I have to play the original to understand the remake? I'm totally down to play the original game one day but I don't wanna feel obligated to do it

You don't even know who Sephiroth is in the original game until an hour's worth of gameplay AFTER this remake's content ends.

People will defend anything no matter how shit.

I mean we have people who defend THIS

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On one hand, the whole time jannie thing has increased my interest in this game, but I don't know I'd feel if they did this to my favorite FF (9)

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It's a re-imagining that turns into a sequel by incorporating all of the FF7 expanded universe and takes serious inspiration from the bad parts of Kingdom Hearts.
I feel bad for you having not played FF7, I really do. It was such a good game but this "remake" is shitting all over it and at this point you're hopelessly spoiled.

As for the extent of the changes, we know for sure that the future of this reboot isn't what you would expect from a remake because the game and the events outright confirm that. It's a completely different experience from the second the intro ends, and by the end of the game you realize it's not even FF7 anymore it's just using its skin.

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Do you have to beat Reno or is it a fight you can lose and get the normal scene

>Square stole his dream project from him and gave it to that hack Tabata
>he stole their most anticipated game of all time and ruined it in retaliation

Punished Nomura

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>Cloud was going to legit kill Reno
Wait what? So this FF7 timeline got the edgiest Cloud? I'm interested now, don't care if it doesn't follow the original story.

I just wanted a nice HD free roam of ff7 and charm.

Noone wants 50 hours of cutscenes. Fuck off man.

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This seems like the most likely case.

It's sad that people don't understand just how cringe the ghosts are. I guess you'll see when you buy it. There's going to be a lot of angry fans, seriously angry fans. It won't be like FFXV's lukewarm reception.

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Can someone explain this shit to me as someone who HAS played FF7?

Is the original one worth playing today?

What the fuck

They look like cosplaying barbies.

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tldr the story is completely fucked up by time travelling Sephiroth and ghosts, even without that garbage the plot doesn't really follow FF7 or hit the beats that made it good in the first place.

There's a lot of cringey dialogue.

It's one of the best JRPGs ever made. People have wanted it remade for like 20 years. I recommend emulating it rather than playing the botched ports, but you can mod the PC version quite a bit.

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>I feel bad for you having not played FF7, I really do. It was such a good game but this "remake" is shitting all over it and at this point you're hopelessly spoiled.

I mean, it's not like I can't still play the original first right? I literally know fuck all about it. You play as Cloud, he's a mercenary turned freedom fighter, I think his gf dies or something, and Sephiroth is evil and has one wing. That's where my knowledge ends.

I do feel kinda bad for fans who just wanted a decent faithful remake. I hope they don't pull this shit if they ever remake FF8, that's the one I grew up with.

Is he really bad at driving or is he being a being a Cool GuyTM?

Every time something is about to happen that didn't happen in the original game
>Cloud about to kill Reno
>Aerith about to fall to her death in the church
>Sephiroth killing Barrett
>Hojo telling Cloud he was never a part of SOLDIER

The ghosts show up and prevent it from happening. Their goal is to make sure nothing deviates from the original storyline. Sephiroth appears to be fighting against them. At the end of the game they kill the ghosts as they are escaping Midgar, meaning nothing is left to prevent future games from deviating from the original storyline, and the game heavily implies that Zack is now alive as a result of the ghosts being defeated.

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I don't even have a PS4. The whole thing is just making me more interested in following the release and reception of this game. I don't have any convictions towards the changes, but if this was happening to Final Fantasy 9 then I'm damn sure I would.

I want to know what is going on in that soldier's mind when he sees Cloud and Aeris being blown backwards as he enters. AFAIK no one except Cloud (or probably anyone JENOVA linked can see the time jannies).

I keep imagining the time jannies saying shit like "NOOOOOOOO YOU CAN'T KILL THE HECKIN RENOENO!!!" when they pop up.

>Cool GuyTM?
Cool Guy™

LOL what the fuck

The original was so cool because we didn't know any of that. Before getting spoiled further I hope you play it bro. FF8 was a joke compared to 7.

It's like if Zidane turned into an awkward emo and dumb looking ghosts appeared at every pivotal moment , ruining the immersion and enjoyment, and then a time travelling and even more gay Kuja kept appearing to flirt with/kill the cast. And if someone dies the ghosts would bring them back to life because haha.

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fucking japan does it again. bravo

Literally soul / fucking retarded

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nah the time jannies would be based in ff9r

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>FF8 was a joke compared to 7.

fuck u

But seriously I'm sure I'll still enjoy it. Are the ports really that bad? I don't feel like emulating. Is the Switch port shit?

based time jannies

>"one of the best JRPGs ever made"

But how the fuck does that even work? Zack is already dead when the game begins, does killing the ghosts retroactively change stuff too? Jesus Christ.

>Zack is already dead when the game begins, does killing the ghosts retroactively change stuff too?
They shift to a different timeline, which is evidenced by Shinra's dog mascot Stamp changing appearance.

His burning anger is too much for one man to harness.

They're not that bad but the original is better. It has analog movement instead of 4(or was it 8) direction, it has the original faces(remasters add stupid looking mouths), the combat UI frame rate is 60 instead of the 15/30 in the remasters, the shadows are properly rendered, and there are some other more minor things.

And I like FF8 too but there's a reason 7 got all the sequels and this desperate remake.

Name 10 that are better.

>Can someone explain this shit to me as someone who HAS played FF7?

Someone or something has changed the timelines altering events, and time ghosts are trying to put it back into order. Sephiroth is aware of these changes so he might be the cause of this, but we don't know. The big problem is that the Time Ghosts vs. Sephiroth fighting for control of the plot is what now takes center stage and everything else is irrelevant.

Nomura has always been a fucking hack. He could get away with his turbo-autism in KH but FF7 has always been Square's jewel in the crown. Giving him the reins was suicide.

Can we talk about how this is just a massive movie-game with almost no choice? I know ff7 was also a movie-game but this game seems like 10x worse. you spend more time watching than playing and the "climax" is watching movie fights rather than playing it.

cinematic mocap in vidya was a mistake

>FF7 Remake plot starts out following the same beats as the original, but Sepi uses his magic anime powers to start changing the timeline so that certain people who should've died don't and vice versa.
That's actually kind of neat, but my favorite RPG is Chrono Trigger, so maybe that's the only reason I like it.


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>plays a story rpg
>complains it has an undue focus on story
play literally any other genre of game my dude

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>>FF7 Remake plot starts out following the same beats as the original,
Barely true, for starters. It feels like a fanfic through and through.

>muffled YOU CANNOT KILL ME in the distance

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So it's like the original plot and the nu-plot are fighting for the player's attention? That sounds horrible. Who thought that was a good idea?

Can someone explain to me what the fuck is going on with this motorcycle? This looks like some shit people would make in Garry's Mod.

FF8 is the one that would actually benefit from it. Imagine if they actually finished the story and did something with the foreshadowing.

SE almost went bankrupt and apparently laid off everyone with talent. FFXV was janky as hell too.

Wow he's so cool, at this rate he'll steal all the girls for himself.

Bruh that happened back when they merged with Enix.

>"Well, off to visit your mother!"
>[HL2 car noise and snorting]

It's super linear and feels even more linear than the original FF7. Are the dungeons simpler too? It feels like it. I always felt like ff7 had just the perfect right amount of dialogue vs gameplay while FF7R is basically a movie. I swear this game is 10 hours max without movies.

>but you can mod the PC version quite a bit.
Are there giant titty/ass mods for Tifa and Aeris?

Time jannies would even work with FF8's plot since Ultimecia is a time traveling sorceress.

>when an FMV rendered in the mid 90s on a farm of Texas Instrument calculators has more realistic heft and weight given to its vehicles

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The Japs really can't ever leave well enough alone, can they? ALL they had to do was remake FF7 1:1 with modern graphics and MAYBE the new combat system, but a lot of people would have been okay even without the new combat system. Instead they are trying to 'subvert expectations' and do retarded shit just to be unique and different.




>He cares about it being realistic instead of acknowledging how funny as fuck it is

The only crazy parts of FF7 were the limit breaks. Everything in FMVs had huge weight and realism. Most of the Limits weren't that bad either, and Cloud could just jump high for a Braver or something.

This particular time janny deserves a bonus. I'd say 2x or maybe even 3x his typical hourly wage!

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>There's going to be a lot of angry fans, seriously angry fans. It won't be like FFXV's lukewarm reception.

Normies will eat shit with a spoon, smile, and ask for seconds if a popular enough brand name is attached.

I was watching this and I couldn't belive my eyes. It's incredibly cringy, what the fuck is going on in this world. My mouth was open the whole time, not in amusement. People on the comments section love it, WHY. I just can't fucking believe any of this,

obviously, it's also going to get fucking slammed by its fanbase.

The only people defending it are because it's "new" or different, but never do they explain why any of this is an improvement.

but user, 2x0 is still 0

I just found it to be hilariously retarded myself

Are there any play throughs of shinra hq up yet?

>Kuja will never fuck up the timeline just so he can flirt with you

I'm not gay, but Kuja is pretty hot, desu.


Because it makes Yas Forums mad and because the whole ghost thing is funny as hell

>Lead everyone to believe it's a remake of a beloved game
>Do absolutely nothing to shift that expectation
>Let them get hyped over reliving FF7 with modern graphics and voice acting
>Instead add a bunch of stupid time fuckery to tie their other terrible games to the one good one.

As a total non-fan of FF this has got me moderately interested. I'm glad they're not literally remaking a game which already exists (and can still be played).

This fucking faggot is lying through his teeth. What a scumbag.

And no one is going to give a shit because it sold well
Because money is all that matters
And because it sold well, the board of boomer directors is going to tell the developers to make more of it

It's Nomura taking potshots at the purists who just wanted the original story without Lego figurines. Lighten up, man.

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sounds based to me

I feel better about waiting for the PC release

As a total non-fan of FF, your opinion on this is completely irrelevant.

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Cursed timeline (and I'm not talking about the one in the game)

Wait until you see actualy footage. It's fucking bad dude.


Characters are cursing, talking like modern zoomers, flirting constantly. It's just cringe.

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That's what I expected the main autist in this thread to reply with, yes.

I only just did this part but that guy has more soul than anyone else in this game.

Worth a pirate down the line but we'll see. Might buy it for $5 if it goes on sale sometime.

It is the dumbest plot change like ever. I can't think of anything outside of fanfic or a comedy series That has anything this blunt and stupid.

More relevant than yours as far as Square-Enix is concerned. That user is much more likely to buy the game. You're not. So his opinion counts more.

I have to go now, my planet needs me.

If you used "moderately/somewhat/surprisingly interested" less your posts wouldn't be so fucking easy to pick out when you post this same thing in every FFVII thread.

So why was Cloud about to decapitate Reno?

This is fucking great

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fucking kek

So they save Barret's life but the party still kills them? Why exactly?

This is the first time I have ever posted in any Final Fantasy thread, let alone a FFVII remake thread. I believe that there is some autist doing that, though.

Stay mad, cunt.

If you've never played FF7 before, does this game make any sense whatsoever?

"For returning fans, this isn't the Final Fantasy VII your mind remembers, it's the one your heart always knew it to be."

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half the final fantasies alone are better


Bascially this:

SE realised that there's no point in keeping Sephiroth's big reveal and Aerith's death hidden because everyone on this planet knows them already.
So what they did, was a story that keeps those aspects, but also juxtaposes(?) them to keep things interesting. Basically:

>Sephiroth travels into another timeline
>Kills Barrett to demonstrate that he holds no power in that timeline
>The whispers undo everything he does, because he doesn't belong there
>Shows the party scenes from the original timeline, including the ending
>The party not knowing how the story is supposed to progress considers these things bad
>Now the party will most likely work against their original goal and towards Sephiroth's plan
>Sephiroth gets the party to kill the ghosts preventing change
That's the premise so far.
The obvious implication is that the party now has to decide whether to go through with Aerith's death to save the planet as the original timeline went on, OR to save her and play into Sephiroth's hands but bank on defeating him anyway.

Where this is going, we've yet to see. My money is on the games staying close to the originals but keeping the second timeline intact, so the events playing out will be new, even for veterans. In that regard, they found a good middle ground. But don't tell Yas Forums I said that.

>People on the comments section love it, WHY.
You can bet that 90% of the people excited for this game never played the original, or if they did they weren't particularly passionate about it. This game's new target audience is zoomers that like flashy CGI and jaded millennials that "don't have time" or are "too tired" to play a video game and want a movie.

If people unironically like shit like FF9 and FFX, they can like FF7R

so... it's not a remake?

I can't not laugh at the way his sunglasses fly off, holy fuck how ridiculous

Imagine what a mindfuck it would've been if Cloud just killed Reno here but Nomura even manages to fuck that up

Imagine earnestly talking about how FFVII is the best RPG in the year of our lord two thousand and twenty. It's time to let go.

>it's also going to get fucking slammed by its fanbase.
That's wishful thinking. Of course many will be pissed as fuck.
But judging from the spoiler threads on here and other places, a lot of people are exicted for this despite knowing how it deviates.

Pic related, just one of many examples

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-03 FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE Final Trailer (Closed Captions)(2).png (822x136, 10.25K)

>to keep things interesting
Get run over

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Is that scene still in the remake btw?
I was wondering if the walking up the stairs bit is still in.

It is. Sephiroth is completely remaking the plot, which is now his bitch since the Time Ghosts get theirs.

doesn't matter it'll be an even bigger Diablo 3

This is the most anime thing I've seen in a while.

That's similar to my own sentiment. I love the original but as I'm playing through the remake and you get shit like this: I was just laughing like an idiot the whole time and loving it.
Remake isn't taking the game seriously at all, it's got a great sense of humor and isn't afraid to laugh at it's own absurdity.
I can only think that people getting upset about this are just taking the game way too seriously. It's just dumb, like Yakuza now. And I'm enjoying it.

>You can bet that 90% of the people excited for this game never played the original
The opposite actually.

Most comments I've seen hyping these changes up come from people who call FFVII their favorite game of all time.

But desu, is anyone surprised? FFVII has always been for edgy teens, who were too much into the then popular "handsome long haired villain" stereotype. These edgy teens grew up to be neckbeard adults.
I can't be the only one not surprised at FFVII fans being retarded?

They've been made fun of by VI,IX,X and XII fans for years. Only VIII and XIII/XV fags knew better than to start shit.

>dude just turn your brain off bro
That said, I agree. Fuck the autists, they deserve a little sperg out every now and then.

Does anybody else think Sephiroth's neck is thick as fuck? And his jaw is really wide too. In AC he was kind of a pretty boy twink, now he looks almost roided out. It's kind of cool.

>This is so hokey and over the top, but I love it! Local florist! New t shirt for me!
I...I'm actually starting to feel really old and I'm 26

who even is this guy

I don't think it's a matter of turning your brain off, it's just accepting that it's stupid.
It's the same reason I enjoy shit like Jojo, it's fucking retarded and I love it.

It doesn't even if you have played FF7. It's just garbage.

Those kinds of people will be grinning with tears welling up in their eyes because they know that their identity was a mistake.

>it's got a great sense of humor
Of course there are also these kinds of retards. The western world is full of people with IQs of at least 100 though so thankfully they're a minority.

A new ex-SOLDIER named Roche

>almost all reviews I read cite that the ending is a huge fuckup leaving them with bitter taste in their mouths, despite loving the rest of the game and rating it highly
Something must be really fucky, if even people like IGN and Kotaku say an ending is bad.

But then agian, IGN has never been right. I trust the others tho.
I guess I'm getting this game for the 90% before the ending, because the reviews of that are quite stellar.

Original character, do not steal

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