Why Half Life?

Why did Valve choose to use Half Life for their VR only game after all these years of people wanting another game in the series?

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It's a spinoff, and why not?

Cause it's fun.
You're welcome user.

>Flagship Game
>Best chance to retcon and make controversy
>split fan base

>half life 1 is a industry pushing tech demo
>Half Life 2 is an industry pushing tech demo
>Wait 2 decades for the industry to be ready again
>Half Life Alyx is an industry pushing tech demo

Gee I wonder

guess how i know you're younger than HL1

To get people to buy it. And it worked, it's a good Half-Life game.

He's right though

Half Life's probably their one property that translates to VR with minimum fuckery required. The reason they chose that series is obvious.

Better question is why they didn't consider how much of a dick move it would be to have people wait so fucking long for a game only for only a fraction of them to even able to play it. Especially considering only months prior people thought the series was completely dead. Most of all why the fuck did Valve allow Epistle 3 to happen? Why would they allow their fans to believe there was no hope of there being another game in the series?

Because it's good. Cry more VRlet

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Half Life 1's innovations was narrative not tech.

It was narrative within tech. Immersion.

Scientists getting pulled into vents, teaming up with security, just because you lable those as a narrative upgrade rather than a technological one doesn't mean it can't be both

>"Come on Gordon, we've got work to do."

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Hmmmm I wonder why....

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Because they took the position that people wanted Half Life enough to buy the $500-1000 in necessary components to play a VR game starring the least memorable character in the series.

Obviously they were wrong.

You should check the Half-Life fact files playlist. It shows tons of the clever game design that Half-Life had. The seamless storytelling isn't the only thing HL1 did

>Obviously they were wrong.
Have you tried buying a VR headset lately?

This. I'd understand the rage if it was HL3 or Episode 3 but this is a side-plot thing. You're even on lower stakes in combat because you're not Gordon with his powersuit that able to carry a whole arsenal and run 50mph.

You really think setting a value so npcs don't attack you when they see you is some tech marvel? Half Life wasn't even the first shooter to have that.

nobody thought of HL as industry pushing or a tech demo, most people thought it was a very well put together single player fps
it got actually ripped on for having that many level transitions and for being unable to handle more than a handful of characters at a time
even with HL2 i'd argue the
>industry pushing innovation
shit was tacked on it after the release, or after the leaks at the earliest

>why the fuck did Valve allow Epistle 3 to happen? Why would they allow their fans to believe there was no hope of there being another game in the series?
Because it was all coded language and there was nothing they could do to prevent Laidlaw from typing words

Seethe less consolekiddo

>Yeah, Alyx was such a failure. Don't need to fact check or anything. I just know.

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>Just set a value 4Head

>Most of all why the fuck did Valve allow Epistle 3 to happen?
Because Laidlaw was pissed with them.
Maybe he wanted to make a EP3?

Saying that Alyx is a failure is incorrect because there has literally never been a real AAA VR game that has managed to not become irrelevant a week after its release. But the most important thing is that it doesn't matter if Alyx is successful or not. Success doesn't matter with any Valve game anymore. They can make whatever they want and it can sell however many copies it can. They don't give a shit. Valve is not a normal game developer.

poor tripfag, did you get your index yet? Enjoy your RMA that will follow shortly.

>Saying that Alyx is a failure is incorrect because there has literally never been a real AAA VR game that has managed to not become irrelevant a week after its release
Alyx isn't irrelevant yet?
Barely 50% more players than a 2 year old game that's not exclusive to Steam or PC.

It was literally made to push tech. Valve started with Gaben wanting to demonstrate the power of the Windows APIs he developed at Microsoft.

Yeah pretty much. Obviously it's not being played as much as some daily-grind f2p desktop game but Alyx will be the top game for anybody buying a VR headset for years to come. Hence them working so hard on comfort features.

lol is that for real?
does Beat Saber have a non-VR version or something?

congrats, you're an idiot.

>after the leaks at the earliest
One of the biggest controversies regarding the leak was the reveal that all the cool innovative shit Valve showed off at e3 was fake and scripted you tard.

>Alyx will be the top game for anybody buying a VR headset for years to come

I said a real AAA VR game. Not a stick-flailer that would in Nintendo's hands just be a single minigame among a dozen in a Wii exercise product

>arcade game with no ending vs game with 12hr campaing and no replay value
Why some of people are this retarded?

How about you compare peak CCUs on steamdb you faggot? alyx literally smashed that record 10 fold

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seething VR tranny.

Not only that, but Valve has always been about the long game. The original Half-Life would've been considered a mild success at launch (I think it debuted at like number 5 on the top computer game sales at launch week?), but it had legs.

desu i don't even remember what was supposed to be so innovative about the pre-leak build, but they only started talking about physics after the leak

Nah, but it's been ported to everything, unaccounted for are the players on Oculus launcher too.
>nooo my game is made forgettable on purpose
>don't compare it to replayable games
>it was supposed to be a movie game! You're missing the point!
>what do you mean half-life had modding and multiplayer? HL2 was bundled with CS:S at launch? Oh noooooooooooo

who are you to say whats a "Real" AAA vr game?

your just going to ignore any example because of some made up thing making it "real" or not

To everyone saying this is an irrelevant side story no spoilers as I've played it but it changes a lot. If you don't plan on playing it I would look up what happens cause it is big.

NPCs also followed you, helped you in certain conditions, knew to attack or flee from you if you did something hostile, etc.

cope, it's more popular than Trans-Life: 41yx will ever be

>why did devs make game when pople want game??!

And they gave it away to anyone that even looked at Index page for more than 5 seconds! The absolute state of Valve.

>nooo my game is made forgettable on purpose
So like every previous HL and story driven game?
the lenghts you poorfags go to to cope

stop being retarded

Are you really suggesting that Valve made Alyx a rouge-like just so it could play on forever? Is total playtime the only mark of quality in your mind?

>To everyone saying this is an irrelevant side story no spoilers as I've played it but it changes a LOT.
>If you don't plan on playing it I would look up what happens cause

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We all already know Eli's death is retconned faggot.

They made 0 (zero), nada, null, even the slightest attempts to give you some reason to go back to the game if you replay it.
No sandbox mode, no survival mode, no challenges, no HL:ADM, nothing!
The game has a fucking "story" difficulty level for Christ's sake. It's TLoU of VR, except it's even less replayable and doesn't have a New Game+ or anything. It's the lowest Half-Life has ever been.

non-replayable =/= forgettable
its a single player linear campaign. same as every HL game before it, has the same replay value as them, (ie. none immediately after, maybe after a year or more as a refresher) i dont get whats so hard to understand about this, this isn't new. level editor is also releasing soon so that point is retarded too.

uhhhh I guess you can post funni pictures of stuff you painted with markers on reddit?

>its a single player linear campaign. same as every HL game before it, has the same replay value as them, (ie. none immediately after, maybe after a year or more as a refresher)
It just has the worst parts of HL2 (cutscenes), with none of the good ones. Nigga I won't need a refresher after a year, I'll need bleach to wipe the retcon shit out of my brain so I can pretend to care about lore and story of this shitty franchise.

>No sandbox mode, no survival mode, no challenges, no HL:ADM, nothing!
Pure bloat. Besides, the SDK will be out soon and you can play all of that from the mods people will make.
>The game has a fucking "story" difficulty level for Christ's sake.
As an option. I played it on Hard and it was pretty challenging.

>level editor is also releasing soon so that point is retarded too.
how soon.
They went from
>SDK at launch
>Level editor at launch
>L-level editor s-soon!
It's Valve. They're hacks, they probably can't even untangle their shitty spaghetti 2 engine to make a bunch of tools.

>They made 0 (zero), nada, null,
zoom zooooooooooooooooooooooooooom

you both sound retarded desu
there's nothing inherently wrong with a game having near zero replayability
on the other hand the top concurrent players clearly shows that beat saber is more popular, even if you account for player retention

VR is supposed to be a big revolution in allowing all sorts of creativity from the player and you're saying it only warrants one playthrough?

Challenging in the sense you get airsoft guns and have to dump two mags in every headcrab you encounter. I made the mistake of playing at hard and was teleporting and avoiding every encounter by the time I was in zoo because it was so boring. Somehow they managed to make worse enemies than fucking Boneworks.