These guys sound really bad guys

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it's literally impossible for a christian to survive a virus like that, they are literally the first people to spread the virus and die. Also, what the fuck it's this all about, a villain like someguy taken from madmax would be a better villain only because it sounds dangerous

The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck. I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying. Gradually I began to hate them.

Are there any games with the religious are the protagonists? I've never seen it.

Shin Megami Tensei 2

>humanity is barely surviving
>villains: "please have sex"
>homos: "no"

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Words of the H dog himself?

Straight from Mein Kampf

>christians bad
Its worse than anime tropes

Watched his speeches on LSD with friends.
We all agreed that Hitler did nothing wrong.

How often are Christians portrayed as good? It's always the 'big poopy head who doesn't like that i fuck everything that moves' villain.

I have never played this garbage but isn't it just another zombie apocalypse? Before thinking about repopulating I'd be trying to get a cure or at the very least get rid of all the infected first. Repopulating before that would mean pregnant women and kids being completely helpess against an inevitable zombie attack.

Literally the biggest existential threat to America thanks to the power evangelicals weild

I see you never made it to the end.

It's literally an anime trope

Hitler really projected a lot

>games where you are the bad guy
shouldn't they be repopulating and rebuilding infrastructure not having lesbian sex and getting btfo by boomers?


Wouldn't persecuting gays make sense in a post apocalyptic situation where humanity is on the brink of extinction?

Yes, blame Christians for your insecurities in life.
In fact, blaming anyone for the way you feel is pretty sad and disheartening.

But I did, you still play as Jesus and Mary for the whole game, and you kill jew God, not Christian God for a reason

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>Christians are the good guys because we love Hitler so much

Infections spores (something beginning with a c?) Because that happens in ants and it's "realistic"


Might as well just drop the phobic

religion sucks but this edgines from mainstream starting being cringe for someone who constantly talk about tolerance they surely showing none

>the villains are Yas Forums
Dare I say it, are they #ourguys

thank god this tranny game is being delayed indefinitely. praise Corona-chan

Imagine being an evil fuck Christian sociopath and actually thinking you get to go to heaven


>shouldn't we waste our limited manpower and resources risking our lives to harass queers?
Why are Christians so fucking vile and mentally ill?

>first game
>good guys are the villains
>second game
>villains are the good guys
whoa, really digging deep there Neil

Imagine only talking in memes. Now, come to life and say what the fuck you mean.

given that infrastructure and technology would've probably been annihilated to create a cure, the only means of survival for the human race would probably be procreation

It's based off spores and as far as we know immune people are pretty rare. Ellie is the only one seen in game because the fireflies killed the other ones trying to find a cure.

Also it's not so much 'cure' as them having a benign/helpful form of the infection that doesn't advance to dangerous levels.

16+ are old hags it's factual that women hit the wall after 15 years old and the odds of having a retarded baby rise dramatically

Its delayed so they can release it simultaneously on ps5 and skip the base ps4 release

christians blame two people for all the evil in the world.

Being a hetero white male is awesome. I love playing the villain.

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Why are you projecting so hard? Is it because you know the invisible jew you pray to doesnt exist?

>it's literally impossible for a christian to survive a virus like that
Wut. Based on how things have been rolling out with the Chinese virus I would say it's the opposite.

give these developers the Gaming Feel Good award of the year, even though they made a movie!

Imagine being a white person worshipping a desert Kike. What the fuck is wrong with anglos? Why did you destroy your own religions?

No one likes fucking christians anyway. Fuck those fucking weirdos.

If you want a hearty laugh read the clusterfuck of marxist bullshit that is Handmaid's Tale.

Haha, epic mainstream counter culture
Thatll be 60 dollars USD, plus tip

>cuckstains that want to censor all sexual suggestive content are now /ourguys/ all of a sudden

Just a real life trope desu senpai

It was delayed the first time because the testers hated the story.

>jewish writer hates christians
Imagine my shock

Hitler straight up plagiarizing arguments against him. Standard fascist tactic

>trying to shame retards
Good luck.

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Actually Christians are the good guys because they want to murder people they disagree with that makes them good not evil.

Well, speeches and words often have a big disconnect from what happens behind the scenes in politics. Words can be used to justify anything. But yeah I agree in this case

Wow, he's literally describing me.

Why would Christian's ever be portrayed as the good guys? Just look at this thread, they literally worship hitler and fantasize about murder. Right wingers are textbook sociopathic villains

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Hello red dit

>if you aren't christian you are an athiest
I thought you people would be smarter

Christians deserve to be ridiculed and mocked its payback for what they have done to the world.

Realize that even if you're an atheist, attacking Christians is still an attack on you if you're white and male. Hell, even if you're pro western civilization.

I hope this garbage company fails lol


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Imagine reading this thread and still believing christians arent subhuman monsters who deserve all the abuse we can muster against them

I dont get this image, most atheists look like mutt left while anglo christians look like the aryan?

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>this is what kike worshippers believe

>be white christian
>hate jews
>but worship jewish god

What religion are you that likes lesbian zombie corporate pop culture?

Rent free

I'm an atheist and I learned this a while ago. I don't sympathize with degenerate fag enablers shitting on Christianity.

I thought they were zombies



If neo-Christians weren’t such cucked faggots, we wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place.

stupid shitstains like you are why I'm not pro-Western civilization

Our own religions were shit and did nothing but get us conquered. Christianity has protects Europeans for over a millennium. The Jews also hate the living fuck out of it, which means it's good.

Oh look another Yas Forums loser obsessed with race. We will never be allies you pasty loser.

I'm not a Christian or religious at all. You'd have to be blind to see that it's only OK to hate one religion. Not a surprise why that is.

>hello fellow atheists

>be jews
>kill jesus
>hate his followers

Why are christians so evil? Why do they want to kill everyone instead of just allowing society to function? Why cant they just stop trying to destroy the world

but christianity is a middle eastern religion

delet this

Castlevania, the entire series.

>"First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry."

Really opens your eyes on the catalogue, doesn' it?


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>It's only OK to hate people of one race and one religion
Really makes me think.


>What religion are you

A virus like that would make everyone that survives christian.


The disciples were Jews

This world is sick and hates the light. They prefer the darkness because it provides a cover for their degeneracy.

Are you retarded.

Nobody said that you persecuted bitch. God you people are so pathetic it makes me sick

Oh look another tourist.

what do you believe in some big fat indian baby in the sky or something?

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That's a question you should ask yourself, Chaim.

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Just remember, you brought the fight to us games, not the other way around.

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>>It's only OK to hate people of one race and one religion
who the fuck are you quoting retard? Fucking discord missionaries and their 100% fake bullshit on how no one in the world hates any religion other than cucktianity. Why can you only shill for your death cult using lies?


>people turn to religion out of desperation and fear
Hilarious how accidentally self aware you guys are

>No pensions
>No retirement savings because civilization collapsed
How would homosexuality be sustainable in this scenario? At best, you revert back to greek style relations where you fuck boypussy on the side while still having a wife and children.


Christians are not Muslims user.

White christians have done the most damage to the world.

Damn zoes looking fine as hell lately


Yeah, go on TV, or even fucking Facebook, and shit on followers of Islam or Judaism, with your real handle. I dare you.

The Jews of Abraham and David are not the same tribe as the jews of today.


reminder that even the bible had anti-jew chapters(money lenders) warning you about the crafty jew

>christianity dindu nuffin!!! Biblical death penalty for apostates implemented by the church for the vast majority of its existence until atheists told them to fuck off doesn't count!!!

I didn't believe my own brother when he first told me the truth about Hitler, the Jews, and WW2, so I don't blame Anons who don't believe other strangers on the internet. It IS true though, there was no mass executions and Hitler really was "the good guy".

Germany was the only nation to arrest a Rothschild. You really have no idea how powerful an enemy Hitler made when he took on the banking industry. This is a fantastic documentary (with sources!) about it.

nooooo how will i ever recover from this sick burn

I miss him so much bros

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Lets be honest all the gays wouldve died first because of how weak they are emotionally and physically.

Fucking a man in the ass does not cure a pandemic, an immune girl getting bred and pregnant does.

This thread just proved that christians are a perfect videogame enemy. Just look at how fucking sick they are

They also created the fucking world you live in. What are you on about? You act like every race and religion except white Christians have clean hands.

Wow, surely nobody else besides a Jewish person could argue in circles, and certainly all Jews do the same.


I honestly cant wait to kill some Christian cultist pedophiles in this game

homophobic christian villains make sense
just not in a post apocalyptic world, it's a cliche that doesn't work out

They always hate on christianity, never the other religions.

I wonder (((why))).