ITT: Games Yas Forums pretends to like to fit in
ITT: Games Yas Forums pretends to like to fit in
no one with a brain like this though
You could say any platinum game to be quite honest famalam
Good game but ugly as fuck
I agree. It's just a mediocore shovelware. The only notable thing about it is the 'so random' over the top final boss
Dragon’s Dogma
Yas Forums genuinely likes MGR because it's babby's first action game and they're all zoomers. Even back when it released, the amount of shitters who kept bitching in threads about the Bladewolf fight was astounding when the only semi-hard boss in the game was Armstrong, and that was partially due to the way you need to slice the boulders he throws with the stick flicking sometimes screwing you over.
It's the last decent Fallout game if nothing else, but I never touched any of the DLC.
cutting shit into pieces is fun but the entire rest of the game is fucking jap nonsense
Tropical Freeze
literally the best mgs game since 3
Yas Forums pretends to hate DS2 to fit in
Unironically this. Fuck that fanbase
like that's some kind of accomplishment worth celebrating
You've been crying this out for 7 years. Your attempts to feel superior when you're likely terrible at Action Games on higher difficulties.
Yas Forums likes games?
shadow of chernobyl is great with foreknowledge of the game's fucked up damage system.
Call of Pripyat is basicly there for mods, though
this one right here. no one cared until that fag communist uploaded his video about it. it does almost everything wrong and the few things it does well it doesn't do well all the time.
The 2 hours was for Armstrong
Yas Forums mainly pretends to HATE games to fit in, not like them.
Kinda like you're doing, OP
Mega cope
oh you're wrong there, decent games that don't have wide mainstream popularity will generally being well received here. it's when something becomes very popular that fake Yas Forums hate kicks in
>posting about a literal who eceleb
Really should expect this typical for fans of a series that’s just Russian fallout
>implying I pretend to like these
They're legit good games anons. You are allowed to like vidya you know.
We had a near identical thread earlier.
Fuck off OP
good job retard
I don't like how modern Yas Forums likes to pretend we always hated any certain game once it becomes popular. History revisionism is rampant.
Yas Forums only pretends to like this to nae nae Obsidichads
since when has Yas Forums ever liked Fallout 3?
>gameplays sucks
>story is nonexistent
lmao typical faggot
There are a lot of people on here that go into NV threads just to bait by saying 3 is better
>Russian fallout
You might as well just say you've never played any of the games
Dragon's Dogma
I don't know why your listing the reasons why new vegas is bad like I don't know already. are you confusing me for someone else?
Funfact I hated this game when I first started playing it.
It was only much later after my vasectonomy that I forced myself to learn the parry system, which took me a while but once you do that, you turn into a bloodlusted GOD that takes no damage and dishes out a ton, and the game becomes 100% more enjoyable.
Also the mechanical woofer is the best woofer in videogames.
Hell yeah it is.
this game actually is just ok and is saved completely by the cheesy boss fights
it is. its the only proper followup to the greatest trilogy of movie-games ever, and it wasnt even made by the same guys
Today I shall remind them.
this. it's a solid game but not nearly worthy of all the dickslurping it gets on Yas Forums.
we have a winner
i really liked it
it is a basic action game but is very enjoyable
haven't play sam's dlc or any difficulties above hard tho
I would never call it a masterpiece or put it up there, it has a lot of poor design in it but it's still a fun game
all accurate
i like it fuck you
Metroid, in general Ninja Gaiden Black, Dark Souls in general, REmake
Jetstream Sam dlc is peak in the game.
He is one of the more unique characters in the genre. I have dmc5 Dante and ninja gaiden 2 ryu hayabusa only above him in terms of pure fun.
You like DmC?
This, but since 2
didn’t played
it's not as good as 3 but yes it's better than 4
He's wasted on recycled enemies and bosses
This right here.
Where did you get filtered?