Valve confirmed HALF LIFE 3 and nobody cares

back in 2012 everyone would have been excited

they waited too long

Alyx had a peak at 43 000 players, that's disappointing for a HL compatible with Oculus, HTc vive...

Attached: i_half-life-3-confirmed.jpg (688x324, 145.54K)

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Since 2012 pcbros have grown up and tried other games. They've realized Half Life has always been shit.

2007 to HL alyx reveal on google

Attached: HL_GoogleTrend.png (1090x392, 26.78K)

bioshock more popular than half life these past months

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Alyx isn't Half Life 3

Shut the fuck up you stupid nigger faggot

Hey guys, have you played that awesome new game Half-Life 2: Episode Two? At the end, Valve literally confirmed Half-Life 2: Episode Three!

the ending of Alyx is a teaser for HL3

is this a new HL-sperg or is this the same spammer who would post screenshots of youtube and neogaf comments to vindicate his hatred of Half Life?

so was the ending for HL2:ep2

That never stops the absolute morons on this board from believing, including the dumbass mod who made a sticky sperging about HL3 when this was announced.

>Valve confirmed HALF LIFE 3 and nobody cares

Waited far too long, yeah. Is absolutely pointless and just smackers of damage control to adapt for Epic Games competition now.

Can't blame anyone for abandoning Valve after basic expectations of follow through weren't met for a decade.

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We got bored of their bullshit and probably going to be another VR bullshit so i'll pass.

>Episode 2 released in 2007
>13 years later
>Zoomers now only hopping onto the Half-Life boat which had long past sailed
>Why isn't the fanbase excited for a possible Half-Life 3?
God, I wonder why most of the original fanbase couldn't give a fuck anymore.

Because they didn't confirm shit.

Should've released HL3 years ago, but instead they release some shit on VR which has a very small playerbase and it's also a prequel made by Campo Santo, I lost my hype a long time ago and I got my story closure already with Epistle 3, to me that's the real ending since it's by Laidlaw

This. We fell for Valve's tricks the first time around. Alyx sets up a followup to Ep 3 but nobody's falling for it again.

I hope Half-Life 3 fails and flops so that Valve can learn what happens to arrogant monsters who think they can shit on loyal fans and get away with it unscathed.

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who gives a fuck

wont work, retards and jaded journalists are already praising the ending

I hope it's a massive success and that they use all the goodwill from finaly releasing hl3 to announce they're dropping support for hat fortress.

actually it's cause the ending is awesome and super fucking neat to experience yourself, user. maybe if you saved up you could afford a VR headset, too?

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TF2's a corpse waiting for a bullet and has been for years.

they waited too long, maybe for the better though. i remember early 2010's HL3 expectations being extremely high, there was no way 2010's Valve would have ever made something that lived up to them. i like VR and valve makes good VR, i dont give a fuck if it's HL anymore honestly, i just want cool shit

I'll get hyped for Half-Life 3 when I have it in my hands. Never trust Valve marketing or deadlines.

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They confirmed Half-Life 3 like 10 years ago
Whether or not it releases in our lifetimes is a different story


It's because Valve we knew and cared about is DEAD, replaced by a bunch of numale faggots that exist only to service Gabe's new tech fantasies and not deliver interesting gameplay.

Writing is shit and contrived, gameplay is sub-par and what was gleaned from the leaks is so underwhelming that it makes sense to finally bury HL3 as a meme that it was and not return to the subject,
Valve fell prey to the one-in-a-million combination of unlimited resources to fuck around and a boss that is a techie who is fantasizing about Matrix and is trying to get into it through vidya. They happened to make a couple of good games, driven by the idea that things should be in if they work and the talent of the few people that they managed to gather together to make it work.
That talent is gone now and the Campo Santo fuckwits don't even come close to what the feel and style of original Half-Life narratives were.

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Not sure why everyone is so autistic over semantics. Alyx directly continues past the ending of Episode 2, so for all intents and purposes it might as well be HL3.
If they just titled it Episode 3 and released the same game we wouldn't be having this discussion

I hope Valve goes bankrupt and Fagben Jewell ends up homeless.

>muh campo santo

Yup. To much time has passed. Its just another game now.

We’re trying to be quiet about it in case other people still haven’t played it
In three months I’ll talk like everyone has played it

You must always take notice of when evil is recruited by man, for the moment you forget that evil is recruited by man, you risk getting killed by man thanks to his evil.

>Alyx directly continues past the ending of Episode 2
it doesn't though. it ends exactly where episode 2 ends.

No it doesn't. We see time get rewound after Eli dies. Time being rewound is an in-universe event that major characters recognize as happening, including Eli

>Eli is alive

What kind of retcon bullshit is Valve pulling here?

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>Alyx was basically about to die at the end of Half-Life 2
>Valve retcons this for vortigaunt plot in Episode 1
don't act like this is new.

>wait for over a decade
>wow why is no one interested in HL3 anymore

>they waited too long
I wouldn't even go that far. The problem is they instead reveled HL3 via a VR spin off game that a very small fraction of the gaming population has access to. The realization that "oh shit, we changed the ending of 2! Half Life 3 is going to happen!!!" should have been mind blowing but because nobody has or can afford gaming VR sets that can play it, the news instead slowly just got passed around the internet from people that watched it on youtube.
Also, retconning the ending of 2 cheapens it a bit as well. Eli was not someone we really NEEDED to come back. Now his death has no impact.

The difference is that Eli died in front of us. Alyx didn't so there was room to accept this "retcon"

Most people who were teens when they played Half Life 2 are like 50 year old boomers now, they don't even remember Half Life because of dementia


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I'm glad this piss of shit is finally dead.
I hope all the worthless faggots wo work at Valve get fired by that fatpig shitswine.

>user learns what a prequel is in real time

>The realization that "oh shit, we changed the ending of 2!
this is where they fucked up you fuckface.
retconning your entire franchise by some subhuman campo santo asswipes - no one asked for this.

They killed it for me a while back. It's like having your loved one die and then moved on.

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>this is where they fucked up you fuckface.
That, and also the way they announced it


You're an idiot my dude

>Alyx had a peak at 43 000 players, that's disappointing for a HL compatible with Oculus, HTc vive...
There is no scenario where valve made a profit of this game.

>inb4 no, Source 2 retard

I'd be more willing to play Alyx if it wasnt for the fact that it seems like most headsets seem to be out of stock. The few that are sold have the prices jacked up

I'm not excited because I'm just happy that Valve are making games again. I don't care if it's Half Life Tree, Counter Strike: Galactic Offensive or Left for Undead 13, I just want more shit from Valve.

Did you not like that stolen mod for Warcraft or the 20 dollar Hearthstone?

You forgot the autobattler

Barely, it's either a shitty retcon that makes half life 3 needlessly complicated thanks to WIBBLY WOBBLY TIMEY WIMEY shut the fuck up, or they cemented alyx as a spinoff with no connection to half life 3

Everyone forgot the autobattler.

>half life 3 basically confirmed (TO BE A FUCKING VR EXCLUSIVE)
>why aren't you all excited?

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>vr exclusives
Pretty much this
>dumbed down AI for VR players
>limited modding paths
I don't think people will line up to play Deathrun in fucking VR

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If they add a DLC where Alex gets BLACKED, i'll buy it.

why the fuck should anyone give a shit? it's been 13 years, the wise ones have moved on, some have abandoned gaming altogether
hell, some have died waiting for Valve to release anything and the best they could come up with is retconing the ending into a conso- VR exclusive prequel

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>implying a teaser is confirmation
They actually out and out confirmed Episode 3 and it didn't get finished, wait until they actually release HL3

>implying they won't just reboot Half-life for VR when VR is as mainstream as PCs

Who gives a fuck, all the people who made half life great are long gone.

Let's be real here, Valve could have announced HL3 in E3 or Game Awards and absolutely destroy the internet but they decided to announce it with a teaser in the end of a game nobody played