times in vidya industry when devs did the thing?
Times in vidya industry when devs did the thing?
whats the thing?
>they actually fucking did the god damn thing
This industry is going to shit I swear.
is this temtem? is it worth playing if every few years I install a new rom hack for pokemon and play for days? I hate new pokemon and pokemmo is fun since it is full games but not that fun and dont make friends on there
they sold their soul to the chink
Put a tranny in your game?
Fuck when will devs learn that you can’t make the thing work?
>"is this temtem?"
what the fuck is ooblets?
did this game even sell? especially being buried under temtem? i wasnt very interested but then the epic exclusive deal and how they handled that(OPs pic)
did this trash even come out
they took the chinese money and ran lmao
Is there any BLACKED content in this game?
It only had one customers, but he paid handsomely.
>game looks good
>does thing in expansion
It will be funny when they realize Tim won't pay money for their second game.
>we did the thing
Ooblets... When will they learn?
what is "the thing", when they piss off everyone with a shitty move and then act like smug self-righteous cunts about it, or just moving to epic in general
it's viral PR so retards post it on the internet
it could be just a random twitter name you brain damaged retard
That Epic Exclusive announcement was the most fakesy-cute, passive agressive pr statement I’ve ever read. Guaranteed I never touch that game
Think they regret this move yet?
>talking like a dumbfuck child about being a sellout
Epic exclusive I believe. Didn't Gear Box recently screw over their own employees by not giving out bonuses for BL3?
>Make a hugely anticipated sequel
>Get a shit ton of money for it to be a 1-year exclusive
>Dosn't hit sales numbers cus of aforementioned exclusivity deal
>Don't have to pay out sales bonuses to employees
What did gearbox mean by this?
It could be said he paid for all our copies.
Not user, but
>garbage indie shit 3
>Is this garbage indie shit 2?
>le phuny cat face
go rot.
oh wow look everyone we've got a real smart guy over there
Pirate it and redistribute it.
I'll never understand how people can say "DO THE THING!" unironically. It's up there with YAAAAS QUEEN and some other nonsense because people talk in memes these days.
randy pissford is just a complete asshole and he's too deeply rooted in the company
every day i shed a single tear over the fact this asshole controls duke nukem's fate
I pictured Phil Fish and Zoe Quinn singing Imagine
>everyone was shitting on the devs so hard that Epic had to come out and do riot control
Good times. Kike deserved it
I have to assume it has to do with the "outrage" over Capcom adding spats under Jill's skirt in REmake3 on her outfit that's supposed to be a recreation of her original outfit which didn't have spats.
Because we all know that this game, Ooblets is also a remake of a game people have fond memories of and such.
>They did the thing?
>Shut it down.
Shit, decided to look it up and I was completely off the mark, well then.
what was it?
Epic games store exclusively I guess.
It means whoever is saying it has an IQ of 50
that was over a year ago though, this looks new
the thing was announcing the game as an epic store exclusive
but it's not exactly what people were mad about
There was also thing where dev told poor Malaysian guy to stop being entitled and said "my dudes, no amount of sob stories can excuse you pirating the game". When it blew up they spinned it as "he wasn't actually talking to that guy" but he absolutely replied to a screencap of Malaysian guy's post, I remember even checking it on their server myself.
hahaha wow they're petty, unintelligent cunts
Yes, but I guarantee you if they took anything from it it's that gamers are entitled assholes who just don't get what a great deal this was.
does a bear take bbc in the woods?
>In the discord when this went down
Two-person dev team. The girl seemed like she didn't want to get deep into it, the guy was full fucking tilt at all times. One of the most actually unpleasant people I've ever met.
Going off on everyone who had something to say other than "based devs dabbing on the haters" at all times in barely-restrained rage while remaining smug and sanctimonious at the same time. Absolutely refused to consider any possible reality other than the one where the only people that don't like the EGS are entitled baby gamers that hate women and only want the game on steam.
I honestly can't believe that Tim Sweeney went on record saying that this was awesome because it was unironically the most hostile i have ever seen a developer, ever
All those tranny games use the same Adventure time rip off style.
I love how these fucks always ignore that it's not about just using a launcher, but that people think store exclusivity within a single platform is fucking cancer.
>took epic exclusive
>still hasn't come out
>vague 2020 release
>2 person indie team
Be a shame if Covid delayed the game until further notice.
Why do so many of those people get hailed as such great people yet are usually bitter cunts? Even some people on Yas Forums are more courteous have better morals.
>bruh its free haha lol xD
>we didnt went kikestarter cuz we didnt want people to hold controll over us xD
these lil fuckers think they so smart, jesus christ
low key racist.
im laughing like a mongoloid because your retarded post came out of nowhere and got me by surprise
>mfw devs do the thing
They have the character flossing
>What it means for you:
>You’ll have to install EGS if you wanna buy Ooblets on PC. I know that’s asking a lot but I believe in you and your ability to download a free thing and create a user account (if you haven’t already done so to play Fortnite which I KNOW YOU HAVE).
Yeah, these guys are never getting money or support from me.
When you do something you know consumers don't like, then act like a huge prick about people not liking it, it shows you have garbage character.
Rent Free
Everyone that has taken the chink money so far turned out to be assholes. The only ones that have publically said "we're sorry to the fans that we had to do this, but we needed the money to complete the project" has been the Oddworld devs. Everyone else has an axe to grind with the industry, and they're all being faggots on top of Timmy's money pile
>doing the thing
almost as bad as fucking skub.
Excuse you but this is clearly Spugnies, and definitely not Wudzudz. Though it might actually be Cudsies or Pippywippies.
He looks like Max Payne if Max Payne became a child molester
user, I believe in your ability to get over this and give these devs your money. Just put on your big boy pants and pull out your credit card details and type them in, sweetie. We know you're already dabbing in Fortnite. This isn't hard, you little shitbaby.
>too deeply rooted
He owns the company.
Looks like tumblr shit what's this game
I wanted this game when it was announced at E3 forever ago because there was a lull in both Pokemon and Animal Crossing, I was disappointed when they announced Epic exclusivity, but now I just don't give a shit at all since the good company has come out with their flagship versions of both games this attempts to imitate
>Took Epic exclusive deal.
>They contract Corona-chan.
>All their Epic deal money can't save them from her and they die.
>Game never comes out.
I'd love it to happen.
it's not about it being annoying to download the client
it's about downloading a client from a mildly sketchy developer and supporting them as they're trying to use their fortnite money to force console-style 3rd party client exclusivity into the pc gaming market in order to force their objectively inferior games client into the market
i don't believe tim is controlled by the chinese government or some garbage but that doesn't mean he hasn't repeatedly acted like a smug dick on twitter about things like linux and consumers wanting their client to be feature complete and i don't really trust him to keep the consumer in mind if the EGS usurps steam
sorry if that's inconvenient for you after you got a fat safety net paycheck from the guy no questions asked despite having an ongoing patreon you god damn bitch
It takes a tonedeaf autist to think that this was okay to post. Probably wouldn't happen again because it's apparent now that EGS can only get exclusivity to forgettable trash
Worse yet, all of the money that they get for the exclusivity deal gets directly pocketed. I don't see any of that in the form of extra content or lower prices. Sometimes they charge me MORE than on other stores. So you really have to wonder what benefit I, or any customer, is getting out of this.
There isn't any benefit.
There has never been any benefit.
Reducing pricing competition by limiting availability to a single store has zero benefit to the consumer.
If you have such contempt for your audience, why bother creating something for that audience?
I don't get it.
Same with YIIK
creators generally create for themselves, but some people take that to greater extremes than others.
An absolute classic, arguably Carpenter's best work.
>"entitled baby gamers"
is this nigger for real
career suicide
Is this game even out yet?
these people want to fit in with the parasitic side of gaming essentially hipsters who dont actually care about gaming but just want social cred
a little bit of insight, he didn't understand why people were getting upset at the term "gamers"
he thought "gamers™" was a well known pejorative for entitled, angry fans of videogames just so you know the kind of place this dude is coming from
Actual in game text in Ooblets:
>give this wild wigglewip a consolation treabie??
>flooti flour
>pompadoot juice
>moppet boppit
>lookit this stuffs!
Who exactly is the target audience of this game?
Polar opposite of someone like, say, Sakurai or Yoko Taro
The raped a child, but people got over it
Everyone makes mistakes
The same people who use the term "heckin pupperino" unironically.
probably the twitter/instagram females that call their dogs furbabies
>Insult your potential buyers
Well, I hope that corona money was worth it
Which is worse, doing the thing or not apologizing for your car?
I feel that is true for classic art. Few people created paintings, plays, sculptures etc for market appeal. But in a consumer market, you create for the consumer. Whether that is a product to be bought, a piece of art/design in form of film or gaming or even youtube videos.
I find it impossible to separate the art from the audience in that case.
But Sakurai REFUSES to put in my favorite irrelevent character, so he's just as bad!
Probably all those "uwu" girls that love "cute" stuff that talks like it's skull got caved in with a hammer.
This was in their official announcement, not just Discord:
>Here’s what these Epic folks are doing: First they teach every kid in the world these obnoxious dances and now they’re offering funding to game developers in exchange for PC exclusivity on their game store. This is exactly what Marx warned us about! Just imagine if other companies got it in their head to offer funding in exchange for exclusives. What’d be next? Game consoles paying for games to be exclusive on their consoles? Netflix paying for exclusive shows? Newspapers paying for exclusive articles? It’d be some sort of late capitalist dystopia.
>Epic paying for PC exclusives has become the latest thing Gamers™ have gotten angry about, which I’ll talk more about a bit further down.
>I don’t expect much of our uniquely-lovely community to fit into this weird anti-Epic contingent, but I figured I’d share our thoughts and have an open conversation about the issues.
>I get the appeal of wanting to seek out things to get angry about. Venting anger is cathartic and natural, but let’s have just a little perspective about what we decide to get angry about. Look at the things going on around you and ask yourself if there might be anything just a tad more worthwhile to be upset about.
>Okay, that was a lot so thanks so much for reading through it all. We’re really hoping this Epic stuff is something you can all celebrate with us for the good thing that it is, and we’ll have a lot more fun stuff to share with you moving forward.
what mistake
No, it didn't sell any copies, cuz it legit never came out. They said it would be out in 2019, and it's still not out. They took the epic money, what on all their backers, then literally haven't done shit and have just been relaxing on that epic cash. I wonder if epic has hitmen to whack you if you don't release a game they paid for.
i see redditors still using that obnoxious baby talk so its unironically made for reddit