Rate my setup

Rate my setup .
Also fuck gaming chairs

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Pajeet circa 1998/10

what games do you play Dinesh?

south american/10

Shit posture/1000

absolute legend/10
post a timestamp rapujanesh

3rd worlders die already.

why do 3rd-worlders put an apple sticker on literally everything.

That's bad for your knees my man

what do you expect for an answer?
that it looks good?

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2 biscuits/pie
Needs a backrest

that room looks headache inducing

You just know it's fake because the dog bed is directly underneath the keyboard, so if you ever used it you wouldn't have the bed sitting there photogenically like that. Also why look at literally the smallest screen there?

There is no way the owner of such a room would not be a fat autistic neckbeard

was looks fake?
there are videos on her insta

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That's called a set, user.

where are you from op?

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why do you hate America?

>leaf lamps
name anything more meme than this

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Based, looks good
Fucking cringe, owner of this room needs to commit sudoku

based, been using those headphones for 10-15 years now

what's with the boxes holding the monitors?

Ergonomics. If the monitors where flat on the desk I'd have to look at a sharp angle downwards and that's bad for your neck. The one in the middle is the perfect height but the left one is a bit too high.

simple, no bullshit, neat view

stop posting this cancer

Looks comfy as fuck

Take bleach to the walls, you have black mold growing on them, that shit is lethal, micro spores get in your lungs and absorb moisture and gives you pneumonia and you die.

cute feet

I like it. Got to ask though, did you jizz acid onto your laptop or something? What's the story?

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holy shit do you live in iraq? id be putting every penny into getting the fuck outta there instead of some shit ass vidya set up

that house most likely lacks any sort of insulation. cleaning that mold wont help as it will grow back in a month.

ok retarded pajeet

big foot would be jealous of them

no you 35 yo 4chaner

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I didn't know Xbox controllers could stand upside down like that

I'm not sure what that is honestly. It just started peeling off and leaving little metal flakes. I'm not sure if I accidentally spilled something or if it's just a thing that happens to that model of laptop. I've had it since 2013 or 14.

>big smelly feet
This is a tranny right?

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either that or a vapid gamer girl streamer

are 12 or something?

so yes?

>no argument
>some wojak
great job dumbass

>confirms every point
lol brainlet

hey I'm not the one who posted a wojak


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Hmm. Never had any issues with sweat causing shit like that on my laptops. Perhaps a component in it is cooking the plastic off? Not my place to pry anyway, hard for me to think 2013 is 7 years ago.

Is the whole set up pointing west?

giga autism

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I'm coming for those two dollars, user, you made a fuckin mistake posting this photo

Some paint would make it look a bit less like a third world war zone

Pls no, it was a tip

lol why do you have shoes in your room you fucking mutt

Because they're mine and I like them

You have the money to afford a rig, but not enough to paint your fucking walls?

spot the streamer fag

Poor as fuck/10

I bet the underside of that table is caked in old crusted cum

Poor latinamerican