Less than 1 week since release

>less than 1 week since release
>already forgotten
what happened?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Says who? I’m playing it right now. Faggot

No you're not

>what happened?
you have to farm zombies like an mmo to get more capcom coins to buy new equipment

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tortanic faggots need to fucking hang

Well it's less than 6 hours long, which is a big point against it. Also for some reason they did the RE2make thing where they cut out a bunch of content for no reason.

The final boss battle(s) weren't as botched as RE2make, though. And Jill looks better than Claire's weird chipmunk face. Carlos is actually kinda likable this time around.

Yas Forums is not suitable for discussing new games

There's like 10 RE3 thread up currently, retard.

Long time fans hate what they've done with it. Zoomers think it's too short.

or you can just git gud and doing it without items?
also doing tons of challenges give you loads of points too

Persona and ff7 remake both coming out around the same time. People are to busy playing shit so no time to shitpost.

These are not "threads" tho, resistance has more discussion going on despite what doomposters want to believe

Had to skip it at full price.
I'm hoping it gets a price cut soon because I do want to play it.

>you have to farm zombies like an mmo to get more capcom coins to buy new equipment
Can you explain in detail? Is this for the single player?

Yeah. I am

I spent 25 hours in it and uninstalled today. FeelsGoodMan

Finishing the game unlocks a shop menu where you can buy buffs and weapons with points earned by completing challenges. Most of them are tied to the trophy list but you have to grind 2k zombie kills to unlock everything.

ive got s rank inferno with no infinite weapons
the challenges. a few of them require you to kill x amount of zombies with x weapon, like an mmo. but yes, this is for single player

No, the retard is talking about Resistance

>for no reason.
REmake 2 got the GOTY by cutting a shitload os content, i guess they just decided to double up on that

huh but /our guy/ said the opposite about that?

i meant they decided to cut even more content, since REmake 2 sold well, they just tried to save money by cutting content and making an entire zone a postcard, and by not refining it, i guess i would have turned great with 1 more year of development

Well its only 90 minutes long

>dude just ignore the games content

>90 minutes
what took you so long?

>Farm zombies.
Play Nightmare and Inferno difficulty and its not a single fucking problem since the game throws monsters at you.

Also, the hospital throws even more at you.

Literally unlocks by just playing the game.

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not him but what is the problem? if anything you need to farm for the platinum throphy

(Not that idiot you replied to.)
Can you explain how this works? BP mechanic, I mean. I beat the game on normal (standard), got points for challenges (beat the game, defeat nemesis, kill Brad, kill 2 enemies at once etc.) and I had ~9600 pts. Bought only 2 things (ATT coin and a device for more ammo), played NG (plus), and when I reached hospital I had to turn off the game but before that I looked at records and already have over 9000 pts. How did that happen? I didn't do anything in the meantime; I unlocked maybe 1 challenge in that time period.

you can unlock points mid game and use them on your current run.
You probably got a kill X with Y gun achievement or something.

Have they released a mod to fix her ugly fucking face yet?

What badges do you nerds recommend for inferno?

it just feels so out of place, the whole kill x thing. like if there was some sort of horde mode or something you could fuck about in then i guess it would be ok but R3make only has 1 short linear campaign. Do you seriously not find it a bit odd that the game is asking you to go back into the story mode to farm kills? would you not have preferred it if capcom had more interesting challenges instead?

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There are none stop threads what are you talking about?

The only one that felt weird is the 2k one, cause I guess the game doesn't expect the player to do S rank on inferno on his first try.

remake 4. leon kennedy needs ammo and he has to kill 15 zombies with his knife for more pistol ammo
thank you capcom very cool Yas Forums will be please

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FFVII Final ReMix 7.77 REUNION Cross happened.

There are 5 threads up about it right now and i am playing it right now. About to load up and it says i already have 30 hours total play time, pic related.

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nice goalpost move friend.

gib tips for inferno, not sure how can I do it below 2 hours

inf rocket launcher?

You cheat

infinite ammo weapons dont effect score so you better just go farm zombie kills for capcom points to buy rocket launcher for inferno mode

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This is what happens when you turn your game into a linear action movie, unfortunately.
RE2 remake still has tons of staying power and will be remembered as one of the best RE games up there with the classic REs for years to come.
RE3 remake was fun, but forgettable. It could have greatly benefited from less linear design and more inter-connected areas like RE2. Such a shame that the segment the demo for RE3 covers is unironically the best part of the game.

Is shit, it was obvious since the reveal.

No, you are clearly posting in Yas Forums

Using badges is "legit" enough for me, infinite ammo is just a different thing...

yeah the demo was great. such a shame the game turns into the shittiest on-rails chore immediately after.

just like the OG?

good luck user.

No LGBTQ+ character, why the fuck should I, a trans person, care?

the game cheats

Run away from Nemesis on the harder difficulties and quickly turn the camera around to see him power walking at 3-5 times the normal speed like its a Bennie Hill skit.

Go to the hospital treatment room and get execution killed by the Hunter behind the door before you trigger it or try to open the door.


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whats the strategy for the hospital on inferno? I imagine the hunter behind that door simply one shots you before you can even flash his ass

Did the mirror dream scene make your man-clam wet?


Go youtube RE3 final boss nightmare mode and tell me how you think you are going to do with a "tip" user. Please go watch that.

Final boss only filters huge shitters, all you need to do is to dodge plus saving before it is the best use of your limited saves.

>Walk into Bard's office
>game fucking breaks

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