Anyone play FFXIV?

Anyone play FFXIV?

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i try to but theres not much to do

Yeah, met this cute girl online. She said she would be coming to meet me in a few mi

>crafter relics are locked behind Ishgard Restoration completion

or not, I'm retarded

>playing FFXIV
Yes, I am

>Spend all my gil on the best crafter HQ gear on the market
>Meld all my materia and pentameld wasting dozens of materia
>Have BiS BSM weapon
>Eat best food
>Write ideal crafting macro
>Set up to make max quality skyfucker collectibles
>Fails on the last turn at 99% quality completion
>All i can do is waste millions trying to pentameld materia for the most incremental edging of stats to break the barrier.

>every mmo anime copies XI
>no one makes games like XI anymore


>Run around trying to find stuff to do
>Try to gain the motivation to actually finally play through heavensward content and level my character
>Say fuck it and try to go have fun on an rp server

I miss 1.0 bros

>log in
>watch 3 or 4 cutscenes
>do an instance
>watch a cutscene
>do one EX trial
>you have now done all the content for the next 3 months

Why is Cid such a mess?

because it's easier to be an ideas guys for a mmo than to actually make a mmo

If you culture went full autistic shit tier and got manipulated by a metrosexual man in a dress, called down a fucking MOON onto the planet and your dad shot you in the gut you would probably have some issues too.

>>every mmo anime copies XI
Wrong, every mmo anime copies Ragnarok Online.

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>people crying again because their dear ACT is broken and they "cannot run content"
jesus fucking christ

I miss the simplicity of ARR
>Login on PS3, warming up bedroom all toasty as it goes into meltdown
>Collecting mats for Stardust Rod
>Doing Coil with casual friends
>Doing Armalja dailies to get none chocobo/magitek mount from catgirl with metal bikini and mask
>melding materia
>watching the french goons fail to take over the server, get blacklisted by all crafters and go to Balmeme in a mass transfer

Good times.

>tfw just sold out the resistance to Rowena
Gerolt and I are going to hell

So real talk: is Gerolt Godberts younger brother?


sorry, not trans

No thats the one with the Blood Elves.

Mia was the best girl in NHK.
Proof that guys make the best girls.

Source on image?

i only boot up ff14 to take lewd pics of my toon


Am I the only one happy the first step for the resistance weapons was easy? The others were such a slog to get through initially.

>Get crafter made weapon
>Put this easy to find materia in it
its been so long there are people that don't remember the ARR relic being piss easy. I bet these cherrybois dot even have kettles.

the kettles are my glam for MNK.

Didn't MNK get Tonfas today?

Yes they did, hoping to see some Yoko Kishibojin glamor soon

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my sub is inactive right now. waiting for next expansion.

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Puru Puru Pururin

that MMO junkie anime is based on Mabinogi

In a few years the MMOs in animes will be based on FFXIV since it's easier to relate to a Japanese girl playing on PS4 than playing on PC.

My Therapist Can't Be This Cute!

heavensward is one of the best parts of the game, especially when you have finally broken free of ARR postgame

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>Characters being fearful of some scrawny faggot in any cutscene
>Survive a blast almost as wide as a galaxy and an explosion that obliterated the whole fucking thing in 1 second

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i cant look at sophia anymore without that double futa dick pic popping up in my head

I cleared the story but quit soon after. There's a limit to how much I can suffer the disgusting engine limitations and server tick rates, I really don't understand how anyone can play this game for an extended period of time without being bothered by all that shit.

Hmm, today I will seek the peace of reason

please link it

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Do you think the next FF MMO is going to be another WoW clone or are they going to change things up?

>New extreme locked behind 24man from last expansion

I hope we never have an FF MMO again with how trash this latest one is. Had they kept updating XI I'd be happy.

>i cant look at sophia anymore without that double futa dick pic popping up in my head

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Same. I tried to do some of the Savage raids but got fed up with the stupid daily RNG gear drops that every fights over.

Are the DoH items actually that difficult or is it just difficult to macro? I finished the fishing rod and I'm on step 2 for BTN, shouldn't be too long before I get to crafters.

That's if they make a new MMO at all. They can very well keep FFXIV going forever without a new MMO just like WoW.

Probably going to be a PSO2 clone if anything.
The game is basically stand in Eulmore and queue up for things, with a heavy emphasis on pushing cash shop items because it makes way more money than actual subs.
They just need that extra push to exploit whales even more.

yoshida is already working on it.

I am genuinely curious what the ending of XIV will be. Level 100, fighting Zodiark, then Hydaelyn, then a weird fusion monster of both?


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How does this compare to FFXI back in its heyday (2004-2009)?

>she didnt have the snake tail

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i think with shbringers XIV is the best its ever been, would love to see all of XI with the production value of this one expansion

Old school FFXI was fucking hardcore. You had to have friends and party members to do literally anything, even walking outside because (((Easy Prey))) enemies will still rip your dick off.
XIV is really just a polished wow clone. And that's not really an insult. But even original wow was way easier than FFXI during its prime.

He's working on another game but that doesn't mean it's a MMO. Their division makes other genres too you know. Dragon Quest Builders as an example.

in the era of FFXI and classic WoW, MMOs were like a puzzle that people gathered together to figure out as a community. Forums were way more important. You had to manually go around and make friends to fill your party, or join guilds. All the stuff modern mmo animes act like is still a thing, because it's more social, even though most mmos now just auto-queue, and you can pretty much play them as a single player with online party dungeons.

That's more of a product of their time since the internet was less developed back then. We didn't have massive FFXI wikis, we didn't have a million different discord groups, you didn't have people cranking out YouTube guides for bosses, etc.

It'll be action-based most likely with how FF games are going lately

are the 585 weapons better than the 590 ones considering you can meld more stuff into them?

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probably not, but maybe for the healer weapons

Is there much of a community outside of raid instancing? That's the thing I miss most about 75-Capped FFXI.

Because of prerequisite story knowledge.