So, what really killed and buried the hype?
S4 League is officially dead
The lead artist dying
>officially dead
What happened this time?
This game was dead years ago. I left when they removed permanent weapons.
Was this what you meant by officially dead, OP? Yeah, I thought so too but they did mention it was a custom UI in their developer blog so unless I'm misunderstanding something, you can turn all this garbage off.
>why does this shit get saved as webp
I dunno but I really hate this shit too.
Wished Riot had made a s4 copy instead of cs:go, would have been cool having s4 league with a proper anti cheat
Fuck google.
>he wanted chinks to take ahold of S4 League again when the super stylish shooting sports were made in order to escape Chinese military propaganda
Get out of my netsphere
at least there's still private servers and forks, r-right?
Enjoy your new take on S4 League, user!
oh. well that's not as bad as it could've been.
Looks fine to me
Honestly though I have no idea how S4 is still alive
Just like I have no idea how there hasn't been a game similar to it created yet
i can't even play it anymore due to aeria servers being down, i miss 2010 only because of this game
i actually love that ui, looks much more fresh while being clean, if they fixed the random crashes and more people cared about unlimited i'd play the game religiously again
>t. on-off beta player
>the open beta was 20 years ago
Do you two happen to play overwatch?
Did lolicats private servers die?
No, but I'm curious why you ask
I'm just a fan of sleek and minimalist UIs
As much as I like S4, it's UI was very early 2000, back when people thought UI/Buttons had to be overly designed and fancy
fuck that gay shit. the ui could've been done better but this still fits the game's aesthetic and looks decently clean. the only thing i'd change would be making the hp/sp bar either a symmetrical version of that one or splitting it sp on one side and hp on the other, then putting it in the middle. other than that it's ok
swords only killed this game
>swords only killed this game
Really? Not every game having at least one hacker, the extreme p2w bullshit or all the unbalanced garbage weapons?
what would it take to make pic related a reality again?
microjews and P2W bs killed the game.
We had a few month ago regular s4 threads and rooms on a private server, playing against the same people all the fucking time gets stale though. Especially for people who aren't very good.
S4 and Overwatch are as different as 2 shooters can be if that's what you're implying.
shit takes me back to middle school, lad
>only passive skills allowed
>~80% of the game's arsenal disabled
OS is bad for revenue, most of the community switched to OS, they had to push p2w more and more, game slowly dies from people calling it p2w
>unbalanced garbage weapons
>cs and ib exist and are melee
whatever you say
I'm just implying they like the UI because it's in the same vein as OW's.
Season 8 being out would be the number one factor.
Fuzzy Control is better than Supersonic
Come On is better than both of those
>OS is bad for revenue, most of the community switched to OS, they had to push p2w more and more, game slowly dies from people calling it p2w
Nice crackpot theory. Isn't it more likely people were just fed up with playing against egytians with a 4000 ping, hackers in every fucking game and whales in 40+ AP gear?
they apply to both OS and unlimited
egyptians mostly played OS
Syriana was actually the better one.
one thing doesn't exclude another
How about Move Your Spirit from Neden-3?
banger but too slow
what's the best way to play s4 league right now?
Either on the S4max or Remnants private server.
I think there was another server more focused on the competitive aspects of the game too.
I think s4max was the one I used to play. What's the difference between them? Which one's more active?
Witness me
>zero taste
Remnants is more active. But it has the new weapons and a disgusting green UI
>Be a Railgunfag sitting on my ass not contributing to team effort
>See enemy dude trying to bring the Fumbi to my base with anchoring
That's s4max, it's still online, but it technically died.
You did good. Anchor and bind users are among the gayest players I've ever seen in any videogame.
That quick movement reminds me of Gunz
>it's still online, but it technically died.
As in nobody is playing?
S4 is Gunz for shitters
Gunz is shit tho
Yeah, even during February you were hard pressed to find a room to join past peak hours.
I think not being able to counter a slow ass anchor would be even gayer.
Literally what is wrong with bind, unless you are a salty ass striker who got grounded one step away from the goal?
Following the railgun example, can you not see the glory of binding some fucker right when he's flying over an abyss and see him fall helpless to their doom?
Really? I thought I was being a gay by using the wall and mind shock.
But can you be THAT MAN in Gunz?
literally who or what?
You user
___________Are the Chaser___________
>Yeah, even during February you were hard pressed to find a room to join past peak hours.
Isn't that how it's always been?
No, pic related is.
play ballisticNG
It used to have a peak of 50 people, so no.
holy fuck that image is old
Sorry, auto-submit caused the post to go through. It actually hovered around 50~90 at peak hours.