Game does everything right

>game does everything right
>except combat which fucking blows
What's her name?

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>he got filtered by the combat

dark souls

the only thing the game does right is combat, everything else is mediocre. Exploration is not interesting, realistic medievel setting only makes for bandits as enemies, no rare stuff to find, story is bland as fuck.

>could have had mordhau tier combat
>or simple dark souls combat
>instead make some frankenstein mechanics
>also character can't do any damage at all
Fun game.

I've never seen such a shit taste before, impressive.
combat is fine, game is great. There are parts that could be improved obviously, but it's definitely the best open world RPG and it's an indie on top of that.

git gud shitters

Back to Skyrim kiddo

Quit the game after reaching the grave digger. Been patting him with fists for 10 minutes and when I finally pull my sword he instantly kills me.
Ain't got time for that shit.

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>Follow Lord on hunting trip
>Get lost
>Go on nature hike, admire beauty of forest
>Get's a little dark
>Fall off cliff & die.
I love this game.

I love how al;most everyone forgot about this game a few months after release except for the schizo rpg trannies

>Wah! The combat is bad!
>Combat skills under 50
Is this the new morrowind?

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>skyrim combat is floaty but works
>dark souls combat is tight as fuck
>witcher 3 combat is boring
>kcd combat is just not fun

It made for good duels, the arena minigame made combat fun because you weren't being swarmed by enemies.

everything about the game is great except:
>no camping
>no crossbows
>no polearms

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Never figured out how to heal up in this game.
Used to just eat food but you get fed up after eating 2-3 things in this game and then what?

A sequel that fixes all the wrong would be one of the best games of all time

I wouldn't say KCD's combat is bad, but it was done better in games like Mordhau and Mount & Blade. It just seems overly complicated for no real reason.
Still one of my all time favorite games.

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No you use Marigold decoctions, which you can buy or make yourself.

You mean the executioner? He's actually a cool dude, don't kill him.

I found the combat easy, and since you're not complaining that it's too easy, then you obviously didn't understand how to play properly.

Combat is trash in this game deal with it retards.

Says who? Some faggot on a bulgarian miak forum?
Kill yourself

Just admit you got filtered.


>need to do more than click
>combat is trash!

It's good until you figure out the system, then it becomes laughably broken and uninteresting. It's fun to stomp entire cities once or twice but the combat loses all appeal at that point.

any souls game
git gud is not an excuse for having dog shit combat

>then it becomes laughably broken
this is an outright lie, unless you're playing with full plate on easy

>Enter combat
>Is there more than 3
>Are they surrounding you
>Do you know when to press Q
>Did you learn any combos
>Did you try shooting them with arrows first
These are the things you should be asking yourself every time you try fighting

I wish the games had more emphasis on back-stepping, parrying & timed strikes. It's upsets me how it never evolved past "abuse i-frames by rolling like sanic," & backstab fishing.

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That's exactly what Sekiro did though, hopefully we'll see a combination of the 2 in elden ring.

Masterstrokes and combos make the combat irredeemably easy. If people think this is hard then play Chiv or M&B.

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What is the trick behind understanding the combat of this goddamn game?

Train with your combat trainer and you'll start to figure it out.
You can level up your combat stats that way too which is rather essential

Red dead niggemption 2.
>bro just tap A fifty thousand times to make your horse edge forward
Like what the fuck tbqh?

How is exploring?

>skyrim combat is floaty but works
just stop, skyrim combat is placeholder tier.

I haven't played the game lately, so I don't know if they addressed the issue or not, but one of my biggest gripes the last time I played it was the lack of a character that would spar with you at any time, so you could have a chance of training combos and such without risking a save game. I do enjoy the game and the only reason why I haven't re-played it is because of the slog that is going through the initial quests again.

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You dumb motherfuckers, you can beat this while game without engaging in sword combat (aside from R**t).
If you don't like it - you don't have to do it. Just like you don't have to do archery, alchemy, dog training, pick-pocketing, etc.
I beat game this way, and the only times I had to fight were group battles, but it's easy - you just run around poking niggas to death while they are fighting someone else. Sword combat is an optional skill. Either learn it or don't.

>How is exploring?
eh, there's no "exploring" so to speak as it's not a fantasy game with dungeons or ruins etc.
Mostly you discover new locations or run into enemies camped/ambushing
But traveling is very comfy and lots of quests are good

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>the lack of a character that would spar with you at any time
You can spar as much as you want with the Captain of The Guard in Rattay during daytime

This has been the case since release

kcd is similar to morrowind combat, if you go in without good stats and preparation yeah you're going to get filtered. what's really sad though is that i'm guessing the complainers are talking about normal mode, which is REALLY embarrassing because combat is a snooze compared to the death grip of hardcore damage/armor/ai

>Not just maxing your lame ass stats from the get-go
literally only like Reading is worth leaving unlevelled because it's funny

Endless Legend. ES2 as well to a lesser extent

1v1 combat on even terrain is fantastic, although swords are massively less powerful in the late game when everyone wears heavy plate armor (which is obviously accurate but I wish it was balanced a bit better)
Combat breaks as soon as you fight 2 or more people or on uneven terrain and I hope they fix it in the sequel

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>there's no "exploring" so to speak as it's not a fantasy game with dungeons or ruins etc
Objectively wrong. There's plenty to explore as it is an open world game and there are hidden treasures to be found, along with points of interest.

>wow this combat is tricky but awesome
>what is this targeting mechanic? I can only dodge and parry vs 1 person at a time and tend to dodge right into the other untargeted enemy's blows...
>max level stats and skills, full plate, I still have trouble against 3 or more dirty peasants

Fuck it, I'm going archery.

Why does this game run so fucking badly

One of the only games where you can genuinely get lost in the woods.

>but muh magic caves and epic loot!

how are all of you so bad, i was clearing bandit camps before difficulty even got nerfed. literally all you have to do is riposte you fucking scrubs

Cry Engine

if you randomly roam around you'll never gonna find them, or it would take hours, 99% of the map is villages, fields and the occasional bandit camp
there's like 4 witch huts too i suppose
the treasures are really hard to find even with the maps
Having said that I havent' played with the dog update yet, maybe he helps you find buried stuff?

Can anyone explain to me why everyone overlooks the shitty animations, ugly females, feminist DLC and LGBT friendly content???

It's almost like you guys think it's based cuz it doesn't have black people but it has everything of the other groups...

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You forgot one, the one that actually completely ruins the combat
>Am i locked on

I knew he was there the last time I played it, which was right after the womyns DLC came out. At launch I searched pretty much every town for a sparring NPC but I must have overlooked Rattay.

It's like the whole game is designed to be a trap to get Bethestards mad at the mechanics. I'd love to see Warhorse broaden their horizons setting-wise.

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>LGBT friendly content
which is?

not much variety in map itself - most of it is typical central European landscape. But you find treasures, towns, villages and quests all over the place, just like any other open world RPG. I played on hardcore so I had to navigate through landmarks, roads, sometimes direction of the sun. Finding my way was very satisfying.

Don't try to derail the thread with your imagined drama

>LGBT friendly content
You are lying.

I don't know what you want. Bethesda released a braindead dungeon crawler with Skyrim gameplay if you want to wade through an infinite amount of procedurally generated dungeons that use a trail of cookies to lead you to the treasure, try that.

get gud at sneaking and lock picking. and train with captain bernard outside the east gate of rattay

>A Woman's lot
>Have to find those fucking flowers
>In the dark
>With hostiles looking for a good murderfuck

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doing the training missions, you literally cant do most of the moveset without it cause you are an untrained peasant. i bet everyone who hates the combat never made it past the 2 hour intro and thinks that combat is the whole game.

rdr2 does everything poorly except graphics, which are still marred by 2010-tier face/hair.

>I don't know what you want.
i'm just accurately describing the game to that guy that asked schizo

Total bullshit DLC. I refuse to play it.

>ugly females
cosmetics are a hell of a modern trip, you think bavarian peasant women were all sexpots or something

>bavarian peasant women
the game is set in bohemia

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There are 3 homosexual characters in the game. You live in a time where homosexuals are beaten to death for being sinners, same with women who cheat, etc.

The first gay character, the church boy, which you meet if you choose the path to pretend to be a member of the church, becomes your character best friend, and everyone treats him nicely. You'd think they would be mean to someone who had sex with 100 other guys, but no.

Then, the best part! The villain is gay and you capture his lover! What happens here? Oh, let nobody say anything mean! RESPECT GAYS! GAYS RIGHTS YAAAY.
The very same lords who at the beginning of the game MOCK HENRY for being saved by a woman, don't call the villain or his lover cocksucker? They find out THEY ARE GAY and they say "Oh, ok"?

That's not HOW GAYS WERE FUCKING TREATED BACK THEN. WHY DOES IT PRETEND PEOPLE TURNED A BLIND EYE!? We're in 2020 and you guys constantly wish all gays to die and enjoy gay suicide rates and deaths by aids, drugs, etc. BUT IN KINGDOM'S TIME EVERYONE WAS TOLERANT?

BIG NO. HUGE NO. Gays got killed in that time and everyone just accepts gays like they are normal. FUCK YOU ALL. You just think the game is based cuz it lacks nigger but you suck gay cock and enjoy the feminist DLC about yaaas strong empowered jewish woman.

You're all retards just trying to be edgy, "ohhh Yas Forums told me this game is based!" fuck you, lacking niggers does not make it based if it has a shitload of feminism and lgbt content.

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The Witcher series

Am I now? You don't think it's LGBT friendly to treat the 3 gay characters in game nicely? IN A TIME WHEN THEY WERE BEATEN TO DEATH? The very lords who MOCK HENRY for being saved by a woman, showing they are sexist, which was normal in that time, DON'T SAY A WORD AT THE GAY VILLAIN AND HIS LOVER.

People who hate women suddenly treat gays nicely? no smart remark? no "hah, cocksucker"? dude... women who cheated on their husbands were put to death... And they are just gonna let the gay go with his boyfriend?

And the church boy becomes best friend with Henry, I know protagonists in those games are always out of the norm, Henry being a feminist who teaches Teresa to fight and stuff, but being best friends with the church gay boy and everyone else in church being nice to him is ridiculous.

GAYS ARE LITERALLY TREATED WELL IN THAT GAME, better than in fucking 2020,a nd you say that's not LGBT friendly content? Cuz I'm gay and if I cared about representation, 3 gay characters who are well written and everyone is tolerant for them is a SJW dream come true.

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take your meds man

heh, conspic +100 really is Chad as fuck

Thank god for keyboard controls

what the fuck are you sperging about?