
Haven't played this since 2015. How is it now?

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As you can see, not much has changed and we've been waiting for a final update

1.4 never

just play thorium

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waiting for final update

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Still waiting for 1.4

>Terraria Journey's End
>Coming December 2019

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What is Thorium?

it's gonna be delayed again because of meme virus

Just play thorium. Summoner update soon. New sentries and summoner armor is coming.

I put forward a ton of sentry suggestions and the devs liked them enough to add some, with more coming soon

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Not much change. Had a crossover event, we got a new npc and event and they got Dryad as playable character.
Mods are still around, Calameme is still a meme.

A huge content mod for the game

The devs have been goin through and polishing/reworking everything. last few updates we got

>complete thrower class overhaul.
>bard rework and overhaul
>expansion on dart weapons

next update will involve summoner/sentry but I can't say any more than that.

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calamity is ok


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Does thorium work with Terraria patcher?

>post-yharon revengenace goofiness
it's a meme and it horribly clashes with terraria's aesthetic at almost every point and it's chock full of dumb edginess and references and it doesn't play nice with pretty much any other mod and fabsol's a nigger but it's not complete irredeemable garbage and its fun

>Terraria patcher
It's Tmodloader last I checked. just use that.


>grinding for years for extensive crafting forests
>dumb as fuck "lore"


>Play Calamity with fishing mod
>Equip wormicide
>Destroy everything because all the bosses are worms

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Is this something you should start a new character & world for or fine to just continue with your existing character?

4 bows, 2 guns, a staff, 12 bars, and some other shit to make a bow...

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I am still stuck near Wall of Flesh

Should I restart my character because losing my stuff at death is horrible

bretty good, retardedly huge once you get mods involved
why the fuck is there a crissaegrim reference with the sword-in-the-stones but there's no belmont chain whip weapon, there aren't even any mods for a castlevania whip

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Yes. Mediumcore is memeiumcore

you could do either but if you want the full experience starting a new character is recommended.

Depends on what class you want to play. as I said before summoner is getting love soon so maybe wait until that update if you want to play summoner. the other classes are pretty well fleshed out though. bard is fun to play and there are tons of instruments now (some of which I did the sprites for which is cool)

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yeah anything above normal gameplay is just tedium, this game fucking sucks to try and no-forgiveness

>extensive crafting forests
most if it is accessories/weapons you already have or don't have to go out of your way for, like boss drops, barring the handful of items that require legendary drops or other absurdly dumb shit except that one item that requires something from crawdads and giant shellies, of which one can't spawn in a world if salamanders also spawn in that world
>dumb as fuck lore
i mean yeah it's dumb as fuck but 100% ignorable
throium has its own world gen so you should make a new world at the very least, and also has lots of early content so starting a new character is reasonable
every single one of those items except heavenly gate is a boss drop and the bars are made from ore enemy/boss drops

based madman

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Everyone agrees that Mediumcore is pointless, nobody will look down on you for restarting on softcore.

What guns should I be going for? Just started hardmode and have the Shotgun and Phoenix Blaster Handgun. Not looking for bows.

Man it must suck to have such shit taste.

>start a fargos soul mod game with thorium, masochism mode
>slowly discover that it is NOT intended for single player
>spend four hours building a wall of flesh arena, beat it after 30 attempts
>get to mech bosses
>destroyer has an attack that sucks you into a tiny black hole, if it gets you in the air you straight up just die
>twins second phase has permanent ramming on the one that shoots fire, you're not given the mobility to dodge it at that phase of the game
>skeletron prime isn't actually hard in theory but the second phase is a clusterfuck and they made all his attacks do at least 100 damage
>after hours of attempts with dozens of different loadouts and arenas, realize it is no longer fun
>give up
What's worse is that every single youtube video/guide is 30 updates behind making it look easy as fuck, meanwhile the devs perpetually nerf all viable solo strategies and buff the fuck out of bosses. Pre-WoF was actually a good challenge and a lot of fun but it falls apart so hard and fast. Been bummed out over this all week because I've never had to abandon a game due to lack of friends.

>what guns

megashark for piss easy wins.

holy shit and I thought the terra blade/cellphone was bad

95% of that is to make the heavenly gate like i said
and yeah when you lay literally everything out it looks stupid but it includes stuff from pre-hardmode (queen bee) all the way to the end of post-moon lord (yharon) so it's going to get cluttered, but it's all spread out over the entire run of a character/world so unless you just killed yharon and decided to swap to ranged and make the whole thing from scratch you wouldn't need to worry about anything even close to this
clockwork assault rifle from wall of flesh
shotgun from arms merchant/ onyx blaster crafted from shotgun
megashark after you kill the destroyer
gatligator if rng blesses your travelling merchant

gungnir has a masomode run that started only 2 months ago and is still going, have you watched that one?

you can't seriously think that is acceptable in any way whatsoever.

and it gets even worse with the other exo weapons

this game has always ceased being fun the moment you get past the dangerous spelunking phase and it just becomes a boring mob grinding platformer

look at all those materials
I can't wait to use a bow

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>everyone else blabbering about thorium and calamity
>here's me sitting with overhaul

Is this bow at least good?

>Someone actually took the time to model this
This right here is the kind of shit I like to see. Resource flow charts are like porn to me.

I have yet to see a complete exoblade crafting chart

make one

long-term goals using materials from across an entire playthrough, implying gradual progression, BAD

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Does anyone else think theres no way 1.4 should have taken this long??

>2 years, 11 months, 14 days since the last update

Theres no fucking way on earth 1.4 has enough changes/content to justify nearly three years for a patch.

What the fuck gives????

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are you listening? you take stuff from the early parts of the game, craft them with other things, and get a better thing later in the game, it takes from materials from every part of the game, you aren't going to be running around gathering up random ass shit from all over the place unless you swap classes at the very end of the run, and even then you're still going to have most of the shit lying around unless you trash everything you aren't using that very moment
also exoblade literally isn't that bad, it's just the terrablade and a bunch of other swords made from various hardmode bars/souls
more or less the best bow in the game used to kill the final meme superboss

Game's been complete for ages, it'll either be the content update to end all content updates or it's just been low-priority for them

I assume they're also sorting out the fallout from Otherworld's cancellation.


low priority update + skeleton crew makes for slow progress, plus it sounds like they really want to get it right and now have to deal with post-release hotfixes

I mean I guess I can.
And since I'm here, do you have one for Apotheosis as well?

Assuming I want to replay this, and I want a modded experience that isn't going to be a bloated mess; which mods should I get?

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I completely forgot about otherworld and its cancellation in april of fucking 2018...

So you mean to tell me this update has been delayed because they have been busy DICKING AROUND with the failed terraria otherworld??

Fuck me thats retarded.

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dunno if this is up to date

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Thorium and some quality of life stuff is a great starter set to modded.

>meme superboss
Never bothered. All the rules and shit so you have to fight the boss JUST their way, eh
Not interested man.

Calamity is shit and a meme and its power class fucks every mod over and that's doubly true now because Tremor is belly up in the water.

DM Dokuro does great music for it though, it's still Terraria up until the final like, three bosses who are just asinine bores, and it does still relatively work with other mods until about midway through hardmode where the power balance really starts to skew from Calamity to other things.

If Calamity would just have a reasonable last boss they could dock the power grade by like 25% across the board and be balanced, but I'm guessing the head mod is one of those kinds of overly proud people who made a single thing and now thinks his dick ejaculates ambrosia (see: yandev).

Calamity is fun up to a point. The latter 25% of the mod or so at the end of the game is pretty much complete garbage and horseshit.

Overhaul is the only one that doesn't just add a load of items and claim its "mechanics".

Also, N Terraria is another good one but buggy.

Calamity, thorium and all those are pretty trash tier.

Thorium is literally just additional content, it's Terraria+ and adheres to the original's pacing and balance pretty well.

It's not. A lot of the sprites are wrong. It only takes 2 Mechworm Staves.
Quantities of direct craft resources have been reduced to 33.
Also now requires 5 Shadowspec bars.

post the meme superboss

Calamity's autistic need to force you to play their way is really annoying.
>Most equips are stronger than other equips you'd get at that point
>Most mobs are tougher too at that point
>Just so it doesn't work with other mods, their Throwing class armor and weapons use "Rogue" damage

Thorium, (add in orchid mod as well if you want)
fargos sould mod is shit but some people like it
assorted crazy things (/terraria general/'s mod)
magic storage
CHAD's furniture mod

>recommends overhaul
>calls thorium trash despite it being the best content mod out there.

Terraria Otherworld was outsourced if I'm recalling correctly and there's apparently a Terraria 2 in the works

well fabsol's a nigger so his meme superboss is always going to be obnoxious because its his special creation and being able to kill it fast
yharon is kinda fun even if it is chaotic as fuck as kind of a reskinned duke fishron that shits fire
youtube.com/watch?v=8MW8d9Sn7pk this video is on super expert++ so the arena it automatically places when you summon it is smaller than normal and it just kinda does a fuckton more damage and has more hp

Worse, but not much worse.
There's more stuff so if you had already played it to death in 2015, the extra content make it better in the short term for you.

>a Terraria 2 in the works

there's been a "Terraria 2 in the works" for almost a decade at this point.